The same authorities have had argued for quarantine to be "non-scientific" and "from middle ages".
Gilan and Mazandaran are holiday destinations especially during Persian New Year which starts in 2 weeks.
A number of high profile religious and political figures in Qom have already succumbed to the virus.
[I did part of my medical education in that hospital]
This is almost 20 days before any official acknowledgment.
Dr Ghadir later contracted #COVIDー19 virus himself.
The letter is dated yesterday.
Cases: 4747 (+1234)
Deaths: 124 (+17)
Number of new cases has been more than doubled…
On one hand, daily explosion of affected #COVIDー19 cases in:
- Zanjan (2 -> 15 -> 50)
- Central (20 -> 37 -> 104)
- Lorestan (18 -> 30 -> 80)
is the harbinger of these provinces turning into new hotspots.
Is this due to clerical error? Reports not arrived on time? Or doctored? More worrying if they are due to lack of
#COVIDー19 diagnosis kits.
However Isfahan's Health spokesperson, while referring to the same report, states #COVIDー19 new cases in this province to be 183.…
#COVIDー19 confirmed cases have jumped to 57 from just 7 since yesterday.…
Authorities quarantined Mazandaran province last night.
Donating from where? Authorities have banned selling of such goods from drugstores so that they can control distribution.
This is despite the fact that even according to the official reports, number of new cases have been have been more doubled today.…
"But more work is needed, especially in data collection and analysis."
Qom is the epicentre of the disease in Iran.
This is the 4th death of a medical staff in Gilan province.
Rest in peace.
- Dr Ahamd Ekrami: cardiologist
- Dr Omid Rahnama
- Dr Bahram Naderi
- Esmail Nikrah: Anaesthetists
- Jaber Kaffash: Nurse
- Solmaz Rezaei: Nurse
- Pirooz Mosaed: Head Nurse
Locals have called ambulance several times were told none available and finally someone took him with no protective gear.
Health system is imploding under pressure.
Things are absolutely desperate in Gilan province.
[What matters is restricting traffic out of the cities, not into. No?]
All of this while Qom, the epicentre of #COVID, has not yet been quarantined.
Stay safe.
Dr Mostafa Samadi, who had admitted himself as his last patient, has died of #COVIDー19 in Babol, Mazandaran after 6 days of fighting with the #coronvirus.
Rest in peace.🌷🌷🌷