We dissected components of mindfulness meditation by randomizing folks to a #mindfulness #meditation, sham-mindfulness, + slow-paced breathing group 1/n
However: Sham-mindfulness meditation reduced pain during saline infusion but analgesia was reversed when we blocked endogenous #opioids 3/n
1. This is the first study to show that slow paced breathing reduces pain independent of endogenous opioids.
2. Slow paced breathing is super easy to perform, especially for those with cognitive deficits. 7/n
4. This is our 3rd study now showing that mindfulness-induced pain relief is not mediated by endogenous opioids 8/n
This work is not possible without funding from the @NIH_NCCIH and our collaborators including @RebeccaWellsMD
You can find the preprint here: mindrxiv.org/u237t/