Spread of the #coronavirus in the Netherlands. In total 8603 persons have tested positive, 1172 more than yesterday. In total 546 persons have died, 112 more than yesterday. Only 5 municipalities are 'corona-free':
#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

Biggest increase in Amsterdam (+60), Rotterdam (+45) and Utrecht & Oss (+28).
#coronavirusNL #coronavirusnetherlands

Most cases per 10,000 inhabitants: Boekel, Uden, Bernheze, Landerd, Gemert-Bakel and Peel en Maas.
Individual municipalities available on request!
#coronavirusNL #covid19NL

#coronakaart #covid19NL #coronavirusNL
#coronakaart #covid19NL #coronavirusNL

Left graph shows development over time whereas right graph shows development starting from the day the first cases was reported.
#coronavirusNetherlands #coronavirusNL

This graph shows the fatalities due to the #coronavirus in the last two weeks.