Many Muslim leaders and #sickular politician always blame savarkar for India's partition?
Is that true, or are they just trying to hide sin of others and conceal the truth?
This thread would be befitting reply to these jihadis.
During his speech in Patna he called Hindus and Muslims as two separate nations
Earlier he was known for hindu Muslim unity supporter, that was part of al takiya strategy
He also helped britishers during the 1857 struggle n got rewards in return
But this concept of 2 #nation_theory always had Islamic dimension can't be denied
But Muslim leadership slowly preparing for the mission of Pakistan
In 1925 during the aligarh session of Muslim league, justice #Abdur_Rahim articulated this 2 nation theory
It's seems Pakistan seems to be destiny for which they were waiting for long.
In 1923 also khan saheb gulkhan also made similar reference in front of Chelmsford committee.
He was the head of anjuman committee also.
In 1930 #Alama_Iqbal first proposed this theory of PAK during league's presidential address.
This theory was later taken by #rehmat_Ali who was known as protagonist of PAK movement
P- Punjab,A- afghanistan,k-Kashmir, S-sindh,TAN- baluchistan.
This PAK movement got lot of support from Muslim masses and the magnetism of it was so high
In 1940 Muslim league included PAK in their demand list to pacify them.
He put forward Islamic point of view that as per Muslim cannon law world is divided into 2 parts
Darul Islam where rule of Islam established, Darul harb where rule of Islam not there
See differnce In thoughts
Jinnah n other Muslim leaders always want partition of India's territory
Jinnah once said that foundation of PAK was laid when first muslim reached doorstep of india
Which ideology carved the dream of PAK, what mistakes by us led to PAK formation.
It's high time again for hindu leadership to rethink bcoz that ideology is still present in India.
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