The #CitizenshipAmendmentBill listed for discussion, passage in #RajyaSabha today
But RS has had a stormy start of the day and is currently adjourned till 12pm due to protests by MPs- on states not being paid #GST compensation!

Sukhendu Shekhar Roy, TMC raises objection to discussion and wants it to be adjourned as intent of Bill is to provide protection to those fleeing from religious persecution, but same not mentioned in Bill at all.
Amit Shah, Home Minister starts his speech on #CitizenshipAmendmentBill2019
It was expected that minorities in Pakistan and India will be protected, but same didnt happen
In Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rehman made an effort, but died, then minorities suffered persecution
In both Pak and Afghan, minority populations have come down by many %, why- either converted, or fled to India
We had declared this in our manifesto, got mandate
Bill only provides protection to minorities from Pak, Afghan, Bangladesh- where will they go, how can we let them suffer?
But minorities in India, need not worry, my Govt committed to Constitutional principles
#CitizenshipAmendmentBill2019 will provide citizenship retrospectively from the date they entered, and any legal proceeding pending against them for being illegal immigrant will be dropped, many refugees in bengal will benefit
People in Assam need not worry, committed to uphold Assam accord
Rajiv Gandhi had signed accord, but didnt do anything on that, we did
No NE state needs to worry
No doubt about intention of #CitizenshipAmendmentBill2019
Tomorrow golden sun will rise for refugees
#Citizenship given on basis of origin, other conditions, laid down in 1955 and in #Constitution
In naturalization process, no discrimination on religion basis, at time of #Partition, those who came, given citizenship, religion not asked
Home Minister had falsely claimed that Congress partitioned India on religious grounds
But actually first Hindu Mahasabha under Savarkar proposed two-nation theory, and then Muslim League picked it up
Both these orgs also pledged loyalty to British!
In past, whenever people faced persecution, happened in Sri Lanka, when genocide happened in Uganda, when Pondicherry, Goa were liberated, all these people were granted #Citizenship
But religion never made ground for giving citizenship, violates our foundations
Invokes Swami Vivekanand, who had said in his speech that India welcomes persecuted, irrespective of religion, we all respect him, what are we doing today?
Anyone who is seeking #Citizenship can even now seek under existing laws, this Bill has other purposes.
Your election manifesto cant be above #Constitution
Even in Bill, process of #Citizenship has been brought down from 11 to 7, its not like it will happen overnight
Provide numbers on how many have made applications so far
#CitizenshipAmendment Bill is disrespect of Gandhi, Patel
Seen condition of detention centres after #NRC in Assam, extremely deplorable, now #NRC in entire country, so will we have detention centres all over country?
Dont rush, send to Committee, deliberate more
-Everyone is doing Hindu-Muslim, so let's be clear, at time of Partition, Hindus were majority in Hindustan and minority in Pakistan, and Muslims were majority in Pakistan and minority in India
-Nehru-Liaqat pact signed
-Nehru-Liaqat pact remained on paper
-We chose to be secular, Pakistan chose to be Islamic and a theocratic state
-Cites how minority numbers come down in Pakistan and how in India they have increased
-Minorities got right to live in India, our achievement
-No violation of Art 14, law doesnt affect minorities in India
-Many such refugees settled in India, some of them came after they had completed MBBS, but couldnt practice as doctor as laws dont allow, now they will be able to
Starts speaking in Bill
Opposes Bill- calls it unconstitutional
Calls Bill- Bengal Virodhi, Bharat Virodhi
Bill will go from #Parliament to Supreme Court, but in between, there will be a people's movement, a sangram
Eerie similarity between 2 laws made in Nazi Germany and Bill
1933-concerntration camps
2018-Detention Camps, 60% are Bengali Hindus
1935-Citizenship laws which protected true Germans, given ancestor pass
2019-Citizenship Bill, need paper to prove citizenship
-PM and HM using words like vermins for migrants
-they talk about rights, and that 'ghuspaithiyon' taking away their rights, but 2 crores lost employment in last couple of years, cant even take care of those currently living in India
-#NRC failed in Assam, 7% error rate, pilot project failed and now going to implement it across country
-Govt good at breaking promises:
No terror attacks happened between 2014-19, but numbers say otherwise
$5 trillion economy
Under #NRC these Bengali Hindus had to prove they are Indians, many lost documents, most poor people, now they will need to prove they are from foreign country, also what happened in 1971, not religious persecution, but linguistic persecution
My great Grandfather, Christian married a Bengali Hindu, one of his brothers stayed in India, one went to Pakistan, those who went to Pakistan, either further went to Canada etc or converted, but in India, we thrived as secular #Constitution, so we oppose Bill
In Tamil Nadu, we are concerned about Sri Lankan refugees living for many years in India, but left out from this Bill, they are Hindus, Buddhists, some Muslims also who are entirely left out
1 crore refugees were given asylum during 1971, stayed for a year, then went back to Bangladesh, from various communities, many of them Muslims, some stayed back, those Muslims also left out
Support Bill but urge PM to think again, incl. Muslims also
-Any religion based country will discriminate against minorities, so Pak, Afghan do
-Therefore request HM to ensure that no one makes effort to establish India also as religion based, whether as Khalistan or Hindu rasthra
-Jinnah had dreamt of Hindu-Mukt Pakistan and Muslim-Mukt India, that dream couldnt establish then, but now through #NRC, #CABBill this dream will come true
-In Constituent Assembly itself, it was established that India was going to be secular
-HM claimed 'Muslims ka iss bill se kuch lena dena nahin hai'
-Why? Are Muslims not citizens, are they secondary citizens, if Preamble, Articles of #Constitution being violated, will it not concern Muslims
-Mentions Gowalkar- Hindustan is for Hindus
Everyone would accept this Bill if two amendments had been brought
-Instead of Pak, Afghan, Bangladesh, make it neighbouring countries and instead of naming communities, just say religous minorities, will be fair
But intent is to do politics
-Support Bill
-Doesn't violate Art.14 as reasonable classification, doesnt violate Art.15, as that applies only to citizens
-All citizens in India equal
-Presidents, Chief Justices have been from minority
Govt has mandate, but cant break #Constitution
Preamble-Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Universalism
Dont believe country was divided on grounds of religion, at that time, British India & many monarchies, they came together to form a nation
-We oppose #CABBill
-It is discriminatory to Muslims, it alienates them
-Agree that there is persecution, you can help them, bt why need to divide migrants, if he is Hindu, he will get relief, bt if Muslim, no relief
-Opposes Bill truth and nail
-Bill is unconstitutional, unethical, immoral
-The JPC it was sent to was a farce, never visited most states
-Intentionally leaves out Muslims
-Muslims cant be persecuted in Pak, Afghan etc,- is false
SR Bommai case, Constitution Bench- secularism basic structure of #Constitution, encroachment of religion in secular activities not permitted
-Oppose Bill
-Seems like my #Constitution different from yours
-Wont stand scrutiny of SC
-Why just these 3 countries?
-Shias in Pakistan also suffer from persecution, so are they not humans
-Bill is polarizing
-Where will Muslims go-Will they be kept in detention centres or will they now go to Pakistan, Bangladesh saying that they are facing religious persecution in India?
-Many Muslims stayed in India, despite Jinnah's invitation, shouldn't we honour their patriotism?
-Geneva convention defines Refugee, reads definition
-Bill has taken this principal and put it in context of India, it is only adapting this int'l principle
[Objected to getting very little time
Today Dy. Chair is being very strict with time]
-Many people in NE very anxious about this Bill
-Many tribal communities afraid that their culture, land will be taken over, they havent been able to assimilate, are very protective
-Good that many areas excluded
[Chair keeps ringing bell and asks him to conclude but he goes on, he is still speaking, but Dy Chair moves on]
-We have #Citizenship Act, which provides for measures through which citizenship can be taken, all of these universally apply
-Now, Govt bringing a law which makes this process through arbitrary executive feat
-#Parliament being asked to do something which is unconstitutional
-This will not stop here, will eventually go to judges, respectable people, but unelected, so unelected lawyers and judges will decide, his will be slap on our face
Demands that if Attorney general was consulted, bring him to House so that can ask our Qs, lay opinion of law dept
Qs raised:
-Why 3 countries, leave other neighbours
-Why only 6 communities, why not other minorities like Ahmadiyas, Hazaras
-Why excluded Sri Lankan Hindus and Bhutanese Christians
-Why just religious persecution, why not persecution on grounds of politics, linguistic
-Does or does not Bill violate 3 principles of Art 14- equality, unreasonable classification, arbitrariness
-#CABBill violates idea of India
-Very clear that Bill is unconstitutional and will be struck down
-Christians flourishing in India as India hs been welcoming
-Opposition also called our move on Art.370 as anti-Muslim, why? Why should only Kashmir have 370, then why not other states and communities
-That was not Anti-Muslim, this also not
-Support Bill
-But some suggestions
-Our leader always supported dual citizenship for Tamils from Sri Lanka so that they could work and live here, when Cenral Govt tried to repatriate them, my party objected to it
-Mixed reactions from all and in democracy this is imp
-It is said that those who won't support it are traitors
-This is not Pakistan assembly
-If we have a strong govt, remove Pakistan frm POK. We will support you like when when you abrogated 370
There is violence in NE over this bill, but they aren't traitors, they don't need certificate of patriotism from anyone. We are the headmaster of the school you study in 🔥
We know there is difference between illegal immigrant and refugees
We should accept those who suffer torture in their native countries out of humanity but shouldn't do politics over it.
If you're bringing lakhs of people in the country, will they get voting rights over the next few years?
Gad that you thought about minorities in Pak, Afghanistan and other Islamic countries but why did you put up the 31 dec 2014 cutoff date?
There should not be any favouritism all should be equal
Art 14,21 uses the word 'any person ' not 'citizen', so same Fundamental Right should be ensured for all.
Soul of #constitution is secularism, you're taking away that. Need to study it again or constitutional structure of country will be lost absolutely #CABBill
Object on three grounds-constitutional, historical, behavioural.
We used to study 'vasudheva kutambakam' and we have reached here now. I beseech you in name of constitution. Think once that you might be committing a grave blunder #RajyaSabha
There will be mourning in Heaven today. I plead to you to use majority in a better way, don't misuse it.
The law of 1955 and subsequent amendments were sufficient till now, what happened all of a sudden?
History is testament of settlement of refugees till today. If Proper study, examination had been done before bringing the bill, it would've benefitted
The terrible conditions of people in detention centres in Assam gives rise to humanitarian aspect of the matter.
It should be sent to a select committee and re thought about.
Not in support of #CABBill and we should collectively oppose it
The bill will go against the essence of provision under which the Sikkim state was merged with the country and we stand protected
Seek assurance that all provision of 371 will not be diluted
Bill discriminates against Muslim and other persecuted minorities in India. If the bill gets passed with tyranny of majority, it will be final, nail in coffin of Indian democracy. Urges govt to withdraw it
Totally oppose #CABBill
Whether it is triple talaq or Art.370 or this bill, since this govt came, the way this bill has been brought, Muslim community is being targeted
Muslims won't come from Pak, Afghan or Bangladesh, but what abt Indian Muslims?
We came to this secular country in hope of equality rather than the Muslim Pakistan. I think my ancestors were wrong.
In this country, Muslims are being targeted and discriminated against.
Suggestions -
Write religion in place of community
Cutoff date for those sikhs who are still coming should be extended
Pass the bill and being these amendments later.
Rises to oppose the bill.
Don't understand in which book did the minister read that Congress partitioned the country on religious grounds.
The two nation theory was proposed by Savarkar
It is a historical bill, since you're changing the foundation of constitution. Lakhs of people will see a new tomorrow but for lakhs of people, night won't end
I request you to rise above politics, this is nothing but politics, you're destroying future of country
Religion cannot be a factor in acquisition of citizenship as per constitution.
My family was refugee from Lahore but constitution's provision for bona-fide permanent resident was the basis for citizenship.
On #CABBill and #NRC
If a person says that he is an Indian resident, you compel them to say that no you came from somewhere else and you were persecuted and now we will grant you citizenship. You are compelling citizens to lie.
Don't be under any impression that Muslims are afraid of you, neither are Muslims, nor we are afraid of you, we are afraid of #Constitution which you are destroying
Those who have no idea of India, cant protect idea of India!
This bill is brought on humanitarian grounds, not political. Bringing relief to the distressed is the aim of the bill and should've been done much earlier.
When our daughters are not safe in these countries, bill like this is vital
If this Obnoxious, unjustified, unconstitutional bill is passed from this house today, it will be a black day in our constitutional history. Assault of equality, secularism and democracy.
The idea of India emerged from independent movement and this bill will tamper the pluralistic feature of the country.
This bill should be thrown in the bay of Bengal 🔥
Support Bill
Come from ground zero of this controversy. Our people are not communal. Our request is that leaders of all parties to focus on core aim of bill, to deal, with those illegal, immigrants who, threaten to erode our pop. & culture
Nation needs to take a genuine look at bill. There are 2 layers of illegal immigrants. They occupy land for commercial purpose and second layer came after pak - bangladesh war, where we lost many soldiers too.
Entire burden of population was dropped on NE
In Opposition of bill as violates Dr. Ambedkar' #constitution, Gandhi and Bhagat singh's aspirations for India
You worry abt Hindus from Pak, Afghan, in your Gujarat, migrants from UP, Bihar, beaten, made to flee, did you say anything?
Oppose Bill
The sun will rise tomorrow with a ray of hope as per HM but i differ, people will live in fear of a sword being fallen on their heads.
Is a Hindu rashtra based on RSS ideology being established?
What is the religion of India? This country has no religion, people may have religions but India supports them all.
This bill will lead to death of India. Don't kill India and let its people live.
Needs assurance that Muslim minorities who also seek asylum will also be welcome in the country.
Reduce the tenure from 11 years to 5 years and stricter stringent rules must be imposed on migrants.
Oppose Bill
Should be referred to Select Committee
Dr.Sasmit Patra, BJD speaks in Odiya on #CABBill:
Seems to be saying that Bill has nothing to do with #NRC or religious discrimination
Supports Bill
Suggests Sri Lanka be included
Oppose Bill with heavy heart
Assam, NE is burning, lakhs on protest
You have already finished Assam, NE, now will finish rest of country
All those agitating against Bill are also Hindu, but they know its not good for country
In a Q, it was asked whether any report on religious persecution of minorities in Pak, Afghan, and Govt replied, no such study is available
Another Q, how many infiltrators from Bangladesh before 31st december 2014, answered data not maintained
In another Q, had asked how many refugees in India suffer from religious persecution, answered- 4044 from Afghan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, religion wise break up not maintained
No data maintained, so what basis of #CABBill?
In #NRC, those excluded gave proof of living, working in India, and now they will be reqd to give proof that actually from Bangladesh
Director IB, said before #JPC that not possible to verify if they have come on basis of religious persecution
In name of #CABBill, wil push people from pillar to post, they wont get citizenship, hidden agenda
Joint Director, RAW before JPC- Pakistan can exploit our situation and infiltrate their own people to our country if #CABBill passed
-Bill not unconstitutional
-Congress itself had earlier passed a resolution that Hindus from Pakistan should be given citizenship, Manmohan Singh mentioned about atrocities on minorities
-So, BJP has now acted on this
-Art.14 doesn't bar
-Good that NE exempted but Christians have been persecuted in India, Oppose Bill
-Christians in India not at all convinced that you wish to protect them, they have seen your agenda, this is about building Hindu rashtra
Tribals in Mizoram need freedom to follow whichever religion, eat whatever they want, follow their own language, dialects etc., we need this assurance
-Speaks about Assam agitation
-Mentions about a law brought by INC to set up tribunals to deal with illegal migrants which was later struck down by SC as a hurdle in detection of illegal migrants
-Now they will be deported legally
-No Muslim is afraid of us, we know, coz they are 'deshbhakt'
-When we abrogated Art.370, brought law for Triple Talaq, SC's RamTemple judgment, did any Muslim give any negative reaction, no, coz they are all 'deshbhakt'
-Oppose Bill
-Request include Shillong urban areas in 6th Schedule of #Constitution
-Citizenship based on religion will polarize, foment communal tension
-Meghalaya already shared burden of resources with immigrants, will keep fighting
-Invokes Vivekanand, claims we are following same principle and INC and other parties opposing
-Mentions that even during UPA govt, acknowledged persecution of Hindus in Pak, many Hindus were coming to India, but didn't act
-Doesn't violate Art.14, as SC had said- classification between classes of foreigner is permitted, State is permitted to classify and take affirmative action
-Fear being created that suddenly there will be influx of people, but cut off of 31Dec2014
-Widespread consultation has happened on this Bill, all concerns of NE addressed
-All over world, countries making policies to streamline immigration, to ease their lives
-You didnt act on this, but we did
Home Minister and Govt is thinking that 'Bunch of Thoughts', 'We the Nation' written by Gowalkar, and Manusmriti are #Constitution of India, they are not
Govt hiding real issues- economy in pits, Tughlaqian #Demonetization
Oppose Bill
-Is this problem not being faced by Hindus in Sri Lanka, or with Christians of Bhutan?
-Aren't Indian origin Muslims in Myanmar facing this problem?
-Why all these not included?
-Quotes Faiz, an inquilabi shayar- Hum Dekhenge!
-You have no authentic record on persecutions, and HM is claiming that crores of such people are there
-How many such people have applied? - Your statistics say- only 4000 applications have come
-Mentions that protests going on in Assam, NE and you claim all happy
-Bill has been vetted by law dept, has been found to be constitutional
-#Parliament has power to make laws on this subject
-Art.14 also permits reasonable classification, has rational nexus with object of Bill
-Nothing arbitrary
-Some worrying that why make law which will be challenged in court, House is sovereign and supreme and can make any law and if someone is not happy, they can go to court, this is a free country and courts are also free, we will present arguments in court
-Had to bring law as no one dealt with it sooner
-Mentions 1950 Nehru-Liaqat pact to protect rights of minorities in both nations
-But in Pakistan, numbers of minorities dwindled, many discriminatory laws, not so in India
-Claims that no data as they are living as illegal, because of you
-But now they wont be, will come ahead and become citizens and then we will show numbers in #Parliament on how many benefitted
-Earlier also laws brought to address specific situations
-No appreciation of those included, but problem with Muslims being excluded
-Though low possibilities of Muslims being oppressed in these three countries, but if they are being, they can claim citizenship as per law, 560+ Muslims from these countries already given
-When UPA was in power, Rajasthan CM had written letter to Home Minister Chidambaram asking for some relief to be given to Hindus and Sikhs refugees from Pakistan and Congress gave than twice, to about 13K refugees
-Why opposing now? We included more communities
-Reads out a statement made by Mamta Banerjee in 2005 regarding 'ghuspaithiye' in Bengal, but Derek O'Brin objects and states that HM is misleading
[Derek continously raises point of order, but Chair ignores and Shah continues to speak]
No point can be made against someone holding a constitutional office unless motion brought and statement made against CM Mamta Banerjee, but Chair rejects it
Chair asks Shah to continue, who repeats her statement
Derek again agitates
-Dont know whether Savarkar made a statement which led to division of nation on grounds of religion, dont even challenge that
-It was Jinnah's demand but why Congress accepted it
[Opposition agitates]
-If you accept Vivekanand, then accept #CABBill
-Indian Muslims not affected by this Bill as Bill is only about giving #Citizenship and not about taking away Citizenship, this land will never be Muslim-mukt, bound by #Constitution
-Sri Lankan refugees have been getting citizenship over years
Notice to send Bill to Select Committee moved by K.K.Ragesh put to voice vote first and then MP demands division
Lobbies being cleared
Parties calling the MPs to come inside House

Now, similar motions by Husain Dalwai, Binoy Viswam, Elamaram Kareem moved and defeated by voice vote
Several amendments moved by MPs are voted upon and defeated
On one such amendment, Derek O'Brien demands division
Some MPs are asking Minister to accept those amendments as in good intent, but all are put to vote and defeated.
House adjourned