US #oilprice crashed negative for the 1st time in history. West Texas Intermediate (a US crude) traded as low as -$40.32 a barrel. So far the bulk of the losses are in US crude, -200 to -1000%! Global (Brent) crude has not gone down as much because global storage still exists.
#COVID19#lockdown has sharply cut all travel & thus demand for oil. Excess supply of oil resulted in a shortage of #storage space, esp in North America. As they & slowly the rest of the world run out of storage, the demand for future oil contracts (futures) goes down sharply
1. Govts are going to buy up strategic #reserves to max capacity with the money from the existing and / or new #stimulus programs (See China and the US)
2. Oil producing countries will face massive threat of job loss and companies shutting down. They will launch huge #stimulus to #bailout their economies which depend heavily on #oil. Political pressures, esp in places like the US which are going to election, will ensure bailouts
All this #stimulus will be funded for most part by currency printing or #QE, since almost every country is in #deficit. This will stretch govt balance sheets & lead to heavy inflationary & currency pressure in producing countries. This includes the dollar, which impacts the rupee
If countries don't bailout, they might see a lot of social unrest rising due to mounting job losses and other cuts in oil & ancilliary sectors.There could be a rise in protectionist measures like tariffs,canceling contracts on foreign supply etc. This escalates tensions globally
The fall in prices has come despite a historic and difficult #Opec-backed deal to cut roughly 10% of global crude supply. These countries lose, whether they cut supply or sell at low rates. almost all of them run budget deficits, so they cant rely on surpluses to tide them over.
All this is sets the stage for widespread impacts in the global economy. Geopolitical tensions over #China and #COVID19 are already underway. #OilPriceCrash adds more 'fuel' to the flame. India already had a tricky balancing act between the US, Russia, China, Middle East.
If all these tensions escalate, it could put India a very difficult to maneuver position. So while we might benefit in the short run with a fall in #oil prices, if our currency and geopolitics take a hit, we will face a much greater cost.
4 major provisions proposed, effective at different points in time: 1. New Income Tax scheme 115BBH 2. New TDS clause 194S 3. Gifting of #crypto taxed as property 4. Sweeping definitions of crypto assets
Income Tax:
New Scheme 115BBH (effective 1 April 2023)
Any income generated from transfer of any virtual asset will be taxed at 30%. There will be no deductions or offsets allowed. There will be no carry forward of losses into subsequent assessment years.
New clause 194S (effective 1 July 2022)
Levy of 1% TDS on all transactions with a clear intent to tax more or "widen the tax base".
🚨Thread 🚨answering questions on India's #Budget2022#crypto#CBDC announcements (send me Qs here)
Q1. Does taxation mean a recognition of the legality of crypto?
What is legal & isn't will be decided by the India Crypto Bill, which hasn't been tabled yet. This is a deterrent..
The #India#crypto#bill was expected to be tabled in final form in this budget session. It might be so if the cabinet clears it but the bill is expected to be finalized by May. The motivations behind today's announcement is not clarity per se but signaling:
1. A high #tax rate and no loss offsets signals the government's intent to deter #crypto trading activity.
2. #TDS reporting signals their intent to expedite data gathering around crypto transactions.
3. Signal an intent to regulate as many sessions have gone by without a bill
India's #crypto arc in a global perspective: India lags the world by an average of 2-3 years in terms of #crypto#regulatory framework development. We are now on the 3rd Inter-Ministerial Committee on crypto. Some pts from my session at #HODLConference2021@IAMAIForum
The latest #OCC guidance allowing settlement through #stablecoins is exciting but with many side effects. There are threads that link it to the #Bitcoin price and ATHs, #Tether ,#Libra , #JPMorgan#WallStreet , #DCEP. I'm watching out for 6 aspects 👇1/n
1 - What most have caught on to is that stablecoins getting linked to banks will eventually make them more regulated and justify full AML/KYC disclosures. This will eventually be required everywhere, not just in the US. Another impact would be on reserve management..2/n
2 - There are few credible audits on the reserves of stablecoins. This will have implications for the #Bitcoin price. Many are aware that Bitcoin rice pumps are often correlated to heavy #Tether minting and movements from whale wallets. 3/n
1. Facebook struggled with regulation for 3 years in trying to launch #WhatsApp Pay bcoz of privacy issues+blocking by high access of PayTM etc. So FB made a deal with the big daddy of Indian companies with access.
2. The recently launched NUE framework by the #RBI is possibly a big end game being targeted by the partnership. This framework allows for parallel payment infrastructure to UPI being set up countrywide. $5.7 bn is cheap for this scale of access & profit
3. Privacy debate would kick up to the next level, now that whatsapp/facebook data + payment data + telecom data from Jio could be shared. Whatsapp has already cleared the data localization hurdle by setting up servers locally.