A flotilla of 5 #Iran tankers w/ gasoline & alkylate (to improve the quality of domestic gasoline) for 1,800 gasoline stations starved, is approaching the Caribbean, with the 1st vessel expected to reach it tomorrow Sunday.

Venezuela has not only lost access to the US oil market but has also lost access to the US financial system.
The Fortune, an Iranian-flagged vessel, reached the Venezuelan shores escorted by 10 Venezuelan military ships. It is carrying 45.5 million gallons of gasoline & related products, enough for several weeks.


#USA heaviest & "Maximum pressure" is nul.
Hoy es uno de los días más felices. Venezuela no está sola y no tiene sólo a Irán como amigo, sino a todos los que están en contra de la arrogancia y las sanciones de EE.UU. que tienen como objetivo humillar a la gente libre en todo el mundo. #VenezuelaLibre

In 2 days
The 5 tankers are only the beginning.
#Venezuela is not alone.