This is the time for India to increase the ratio of #Pool tests.
The number of #COVID19 cases in #India has seen a constant rise over the past two weeks. This has been concerning considering that most cities are gradually coming out...
#COVID19India #PoolTesting
Testing coverage:
India’s testing numbers currently come up to 1.2 lakh samples a day. This includes both the public and private labs. The Government has designated...#COVID19India
With the rate of rise in cases seeing a steady increase across states, especially in the top four states, the testing numbers too need to rise accordingly to handle the backlog. There were reports of backlog...#COVID19India
The lockdown relaxations have already seen the discovery of new cases and spreads. Ever since the domestic flights resumed, India has already seen two cases of co-passengers testing positive after a flight. One was an Indigo flight from Chennai to Coimbatore
Pool testing is a simple technique of collecting multiple swab samples of patients and testing them as one single specimen using the RT-PCR (Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) mechanism. #COVID19India #PoolTesting
The Lancet released an article on effective employment of Pool testing practices wherein up to 30 samples could be pooled together and tested.…

The ICMR acknowledges the substantial cost savings this method offers and has released an advisory for the usage of pool testing. The advisory states the following:
#COVID19India #PoolTesting
*India currently has a positivity rate of around 4.70%.
Pool testing can be of great help in addressing clusters in offices and factories like the examples we referred
Pool testing will also be highly useful to designate green zones. #COVID19India #PoolTesting
Pool testing as a technique was first used during the Second World War to detect cases of Syphilis in the US Army. It was designed by a Professor named Robert Dorfman teaching at Harvard University. #COVID19India #PoolTesting
Pool testing has been used across the world for COVID-19. South Korea, one of the pioneers in bending the curve, used pool testing to test 10 samples at a time. This greatly increased their testing %
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#COVID19India #PoolTesting