1/ THREAD: Friday's @ProgNewsDaily features 90+ stories & clips - uncorrupted, progressive #journalists with #integrity, who can’t be influenced or editorialized by advertisers.
100+ IMPORTANT articles & videos from a perspective corporate media won’t show you in Thursday’s @ProgNewsDaily. Topics include how the Rs tried to rig the #2020census, Dems allow expanding surveillance powers
Wednesday’s @ProgNewsDaily contains over 100 articles & videos you NEED to see to stay current on the latest developments in: the federal judge assassination attempt,
Today’s @ProgNewsDaily may have the most BIG headlines since we launched 4 1/2 months ago. Don’t miss this edition! Almost 100 stories, covering #JudgeEstherSalas, whose family was targeted for execution,
our government selling us out to #bigPharma, the teenager still in jail for not doing her #homework, tributes to @_michaelbrooks of @tmbsfm & @majorityfm, who passed away suddenly at 37 yesterday & so much more.
When you get a chance - PLEASE take a look at today's @ProgNewsDaily that asks tough questions the corporations who bought our government don’t want you to be asked - like:
- “Who got PPP money during COVID - and who didn’t?” @propublica progressivenewsdaily.net/#/?utm_source=…
2/ - “WTF happened with this Russia #BountyGate story nonsense” - @TheGrayzoneNews
- “Just how badly is the Federal government treating Native Americans?” @democracynow