On Dharma (religion), science, medicine, transmigration of soul after death, philosophy and astronomy:-
“The Chinese have no science (‘ ilm). Their religion originated in India; they assert that it were the Indians who procured their idols for them, and that they are the people who possess religion. The inhabitants of both the countries believe in metempsychosis (transmigration),..
but they differ in the details of their religious practices.
.. The Indians have medicine and philosophy. The Chinese also have medicine, but their medical science is mostly cauterisation. They have knowledge of astronomy, but in India it is more popular.”
On being men of pleasure :-
“The Chinese are men of pleasure; but the Indians condemn pleasure, and abstain from it. They do not take wine, nor do they take vinegar, which is made of wine. This does not arise from religious scruples, but from their disdain of it...
.. They say, “The prince who drinks wine is no true king.””
Some of the observations like above recorded in several foreign accounts is a testimony of how India was before the full fledged Islamic invasion and rule began and what we lost during this long devastating rule of the foreigners...
.. But we still blame our Dharma and ancestors ONLY for all the degradations that have crept into us during the Middle Ages.
Sources and Credit:
2) S. Maqbul Ahmad, pp.56-57, Arabic Classical Accounts of India And China, Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, 1989
3)Elliot and Dowson, vol. I, pp. 7, in The History of India As Told By Its Own Historians, vol. I, Low Price Publications, 1990.
Yet one more reason to reject those anti Hindu/anti Sanatani/anti Vedic so called (trad/tradcells/pseudo trad) Pandits & guardian of Dharma, who believe women don’t have right to study Vedas 👇:- #Vedas#RigVeda#Hinduism#Hindu#SanatanDharma#Women
Word-Meaning: -
हे स्त्री-पुरुषो ! जो (एकपदी) एक वेद का अभ्यास करनेवाली वा (द्विपदी) दो वेद जिसने अभ्यास किये वा (चतुष्पदी) चार वेदों की पढ़ानेवाली वा (अष्टापदी) चार वेद और चार उपवेदों की विद्या से युक्ता वा (नवपदी) चार वेद, चार उपवेद और व्याकरणादि शिक्षायुक्त..
Francois Bernier writes the following about the different produces of Kashmir :-
“The merchants who every year travel from mountain to mountain to collect the fine wool with which shawls are manufactured, all agree in saying that between all the mountains still dependent upon Kachemire there are many fine stretches of country....
#Thread (2/3) on what Francois Bernier (1620-1688 CE), French physician, who was in service of Dara Shikoh & Aurangzeb, writes about the foundation of Kashmir as per Nilamat Purana, about its enchanting beauty & his visit to a temple dedicated to Sun God in Kashmir :-
1a)Hieun Tsiang (Yuan Chwang), (602-664 CE), the Chinese traveller, says the following about the natural produces from Kashmir :-
“....The flowers and plants, the fruits and trees are of different kinds, and have distinct names. It would be difficult to enumerate all the kinds of fruit…
Mini-#Thread on the austere lifestyle & spiritual capabilities of Wise Brahmins of India as recorded by Apollonius of Tyana (15-100 CE), the legendary Greek philosopher & famous anti-Christ whose works have reached us thru Romans like Philostratus & his Greek disciple like Damis.
“The Wise Men’s (Brahmins) nature and their way of life on the hill are described by Apollonius himself, since in one of his addresses to the Egyptians he says, ‘I saw the Indian Brahmans living on the earth and not on it...
“Black colour sign of beauty In this province the natives, although black, are not born of so deep a dye as they afterwards attain by artificial means, esteeming blackness the perfection of beauty...
For this purpose, three times every day, they rub the children over with oil of sesame.