1/19 I regret that my Epoch Times investigation isn't finished yet & I'm going fast as I can
With that said, this #thread is another teaser & I'm giving it early release because of its implication to the #UighurGenocide vote in #CDNpoli today & how MPs have been sorely misled
First off, the Conservative party pressure to force a vote in Canada is due to a campaign concocted by Steve Bannon, to squeak through his agenda (continuing Trump's agenda) to force a war with #China before Prez Biden can get up to speed
Most Canadians don't know that #Xinjiang is a shortened name for the #Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) & it has more political powers to govern itself than Chinese provinces do. The #XUAR is roughly the size of Quebec & has 'distinct society' status
The toxicity of partisan-owned #CDNmedia has led the public & MPs to somehow believe that #China is a pure dictatorship, when in fact it's a hybrid democracy that allows municipal, provincial & #XUAR free elections archive.is/ZeuZE
In fact, there are 8 political parties that vie for democratic election across #China & the autonomous zones. Voters chose their secular #Uighur premier willingly to oppose a Muslim #caliphate
Moreover, the Muslim #Uighurs who want a #caliphate do not protest peacefully. There have been mass riots, murders, arson & looting that #XUAR voted to get under control, led by their ethnic secular premier
#XUAR locals would describe the violence as extremist #terrorism, committed by mobs & overzealous jihadis (if put into the #CDNmedia narrative). They feel they're combatting a radicalized sect that shares some characteristics with ISIS
The incarceration rate of those deemed terrorist #Uighur forces is 10% -- equal to Blacks imprisoned in the United States & Indigenous peoples in Canada
#XUAR 'concentration camp' inmates are also allowed visitors
While Canada & US definitely have a problem with racism to rectify, the far-right under Steve Bannon's leadership is trying to weaponize our democracies against us by getting the genocide label on the table to depose @JustinTrudeau & @POTUS
The far-right is also attempting to do an end-run around United Nations by co-opting #CDNpoli, #USpoli, & #UKpoli to override the evidence that *doesn't* support calling the #XUAR a genocidal state
They've completely upended democracy & rule of law
It's apparent that @JustinTrudeau & @POTUS were caught flat-footed & the new US Secretary of State Blinken spoke prematurely, before he was able to receive proper briefings from the intelligence community & weed out Trump's sabotaging moles
The far-right, under Steve Bannon's leadership w funding from billionaires Donald Trump, Robert Mercer, Peter Thiel, & Miles Guo, has made a fool of Canadian govt today & #CDNmedia let this happen because it's thoroughly compromised by same
The Conservative Party of Canada is captured & it was used as a vehicle to cause this crisis for democracy by pressuring & misleading the House of Commons to ignore democracy itself
Furthermore, #XUAR sanctions are against *UIGHUR* farmers
3/4 If you read those links in their entirety, you'll see it's no small propaganda op. We're talking about a nearly identical repeat of history, by decedents of the original Chinese Tang Dynasty via parallel political/military conditions that cover everything from Iran to Uighurs
This is the worst idea @CBCNews has ever contemplated, that leads to demise of the public broadcaster & bastardizing #PressFreedom by mixing facts with #FakeNews
2/9 Execs at #CBC are being blinded by the dollar signs when it's not their mandate to follow in the footsteps of privately owned #CDNmedia
Before @CBCNews was outrageously politicized by the Harper Govt it was a dream come true to report there, as leader of industry standards
3/9 But the trauma of the Harper Govt has obviously led to a PTSD of sorts, with lingering symptoms that could cause this shift in thinking at @CBCNews
If LPC, NDP, GPC & Bloc wish to combat the rise of #FakeNews by predominantly right-wing sources, they must outlaw advertorials
1/9 Please don't skip this short #thread if you care about misinformation in #CDNmedia, #CDNecon & #CDNpoli, because correcting these #antitrust issues is paramount to winning the infowar against a #FakeNews machine & forces that thwart democracy
Topic is Google + Globe & Mail
2/9 #FakeNews doesn't just constitute completely fabricated disinformation. It also occurs when #CDNmedia suppresses important facts to either lessen, increase, or skew the impact of an article through a murkier process of misinformation that is rampant in #CDNpoli
3/9 For example, today's Globe & Mail article about #Google has an uninspiring title & it's behind a paywall if anyone clicked
(Here's an archive copy for those without subscription because G&M's paywall is purposely inferior so Google can still crawl it) archive.is/q2yCt
2/9 Though @AaronWherry is usually a solid reporter, what's happened to @CBCNews editors that they've become an unwitting tool of far-right propaganda to delegitimize science & make a mockery of it?
Ecology of animals (& the human mammal) can't be rebranded by #CDNpoli radicals
3/9 From animals to tiny cells, all life is either stationary or migratory. This forms part of the basis of #ecology in all things & Harper, OToole, the IDU, nor Brexit can change that by bastardizing complex science to 'Somewheres & Anywheres'
73/96 Part 4 of my SOS thread to @barryjcooke1, final batch
So we saw another side of you when you cancelled me from car insurance in response to my missing article about you
Then we saw it again when you cancelled the $400 credit card payments to punish Carey for his thread
74/96 My son pleaded with you that we don't have any $$ for the eyedrops needed to do my 2nd eye surgery on Nov 12. Not everything is covered by OHIP & I have to start taking them by Tuesday morning this week in preparation. I also need $$ for the glasses post-op @barryjcooke1
75/96 The eyedrops are $99 (a few types) & taxi to/from the pharmacy is $70. The drops would've been claimable with NRCan but you won't facilitate & the taxi costs could've been avoided if you returned my car for Carey to drive until I heal & can pass the test @barryjcooke1
When you were home from mid April to June, I was grateful for the heavy chores you did & you asked me to wear my engagement ring again (because I took it off in March when you sent those offensive demands to 'earn my allowance')
50/96 I did put it on but right before you ran away again (this time stealing my car & all the $$ because I asked about soap), a few controversial things happened @barryjcooke1
I do not believe I'm the reason you went missing in June. I think you have more secrets to account for
51/96 Knowing I was fairly blind in June, you had the gall to take my son aside privately & ask him to move out during the pandemic. I didn't know it then but I do now & you tried to oust my most beloved & only family who was here to help when you repeatedly weren't @barryjcooke1