The Govt. has miscalculated total vaccine demand in India at >270 cr. doses, as it has not factored in vaccine hesitancy & people to whom vaccines can't reach
Read all about it in the upcoming book #TheTruthAboutIndiasCovidCrisis that I'm co-authoring with @PrinceArihan
All adult Indians (18+) who want the vaccine & to whom vaccines can reach are likely to get vaccinated by 19th Oct and all in the 2-18 age group by 20th Nov.
Read all about it in the upcoming book #TheTruthAboutIndiasCovidCrisis that I'm co-authoring with @PrinceArihan
Yes it is #COVIDEmergency2021 but 10 more months for 92.85 crore people (total 14 months) to get #vaccinated is no mean task
3/n .
People praising #VaccinationDrive in #Israel & #USA need to understand that, against 185.7 crore shots in #India ISRAEL only had/has to give 1.14 crore (0.61%) & USA 50.64 crore (27.27%) and the reality is that we are not as developed as both those nations