Let's pick out a few key points of the #COVID19 coup
The State should mobilize ALL digital means of control IN PERPETUITY so, should it decide you need to avail yourselves of some 'safety measure', it can 'locate you w/out delay & provide you with "assistance"' 1/n
Such "assistance" can be 'extremely finely targeted - eg, by exploiting #genetic data & #medicalrecords'
Backing this up, you'll be self-reporting your status in real-time via 'connected objects' & imaging cameras allowing #PreCrime - sorry - 'preventative intervention' 2/n
'Teams' can be 'positioned' to isolate people using smartphone tracking.
'Control - if necessary accompanied by sanction' is 'precisely where digital technology' is the 'most EFFICIENT'!
Efficient in the manner that whips, clubs & attack-dogs are 'efficient'. #COVID19(33) 3/n
Quote: "[These] make it possible to exercise effective, exhaustive & real-time control of the population's compliance with the restrictions, accompanied where appropriate by dissuasive sanctions & based on the exploitation of even more exceptional personal data-" #BigBrother 4/n
Of course, it weasels, this is 'detrimental to freedom', but it would be 'irresponsible' to at least not think about them, if only (Brooklyn Bridge For Sale) 'to do everything so as not to get to that point'
But, for the sake of it, our #DigitalGulag COULD comprise:-
A) 'electronic bracelets' to geofence you, cancel your travel pass & trigger 'control gates in stores' or switch on 'thermal cameras in restaurants, etc'
B) COMPULSORY medical devices, eg sleep sensors, the data to be acted upon
C) control of association with others
D) control of financial transactions [already openly being mooted via the imminent #CBDC digital currencies]
This would even check to see if you were buying MEDICATION (!) {no IVRMCTN for you, Gramps!} & anything else deemed 'contraband' or being rationed {not least #CO2}
While admitting, quote: "a low individual risk of catching or transmitting the disease... in the case of the #Covid19" 😱, it actually proposes charging you automatically everytime you take a 'risk' by LEAVING HOME...
-and could scale that fine to the state's arbitrary assessment of the highly-contingent 'legitimacy' of your excursion.
Cynically, it declares: "The greater the threat, the more willing societies will be to accept intrusive tech & stronger restrictions on individual freedoms" 9/n
Already, #France monitors much: linking #PCR /antigen tests linked to ID no., contact details, etc, but of course '#DigitalIdentity is the keystone of the "Platform State"' - the latter one of those technofuzz concepts which sees Leviathan as a sort of compulsory UberEats.
Typically, the abusive precedents ARE acknowledged but also simultaneously disparaged. "In the collective imagination, the collection of data is associated with the idea of a police state & a 'registration' of the population" - the 'collective IMAGINATION', mark you!
No trace of irony here, either: "One... frequently mentioned argument(s) against the use of digital technology in the fight against #Covid19 is that these are methods characteristic of authoritarian regimes & other “#digitaldictatorships” that we find above all in Asia" 12/n
Yet, having denied OURS is such, the authors then pine for it: "If a 'dictatorship' saves lives while a democracy mourns its dead, the right attitude is not to take refuge in positions of principle, but to question the concrete means... to reconcile efficiency &... values."
It sums up: "Intrusive technologies & exceptional data processing are necessary: it is a question of crossing sensitive data relating to the state of health, with geolocation & bank details. Nothing technically impossible & not much different to what #FAANG do"
SkyNet rules! 14/n
The shorthand I use is #Sinification: what #XiJinping’s #CCP did in #China yesterday, his proselytes & admirers -like #KlausSchwab- promote today, Big Tech, Pharma & Finance offer to enable tomorrow & YOUR government plans to introduce -on some pretext or other- the day after.
1/n The downfall of tyrants usually comes when those they empower both to protect them and to crush resistance to them lose confidence in their masters' ability either to reward them or to spare them, in their turn, from the people's growing fury...
2/n It is well past time that we should ostracise this Junta's petty Praetorians as a way of peacefully showing our disgust at their shameful complicity in the grinding destruction of our way of life.
We all know who they are: they live among us. Let them know they face a choice.
3/n Either they continue to enforce their orders, not just devoid of all morality but of dubious legality, or they refuse & can again enjoy our companionship, trust & respect.
Don't serve them in your business. Don't acknowledge them in the street. Shun them. Boycott them...
That slogan.
All you need to know about what they are colluding to bring about, far above your petty little human concerns and far beyond your right to have any say in the process.
The #WEF is mutating into the World Eco-communist Federation before our very eyes. #G7
As a sample of its horrors, here is the monetary aspect of the programme - larded, of course, with Ecobabble, weasel words, #Davocracy catchphrases and a full endorsement of policies which encapsulate both XR extremism and fully-woke cultural marxism. #G7tinyurl.com/6y888fus
Then there’s the sinister ‘One Health’ approach -overseen by the #UN#WHO & other such retirement homes for failed politicians, ex-dictators & kleptocrats.
“Building back better will include a Health in All Policies approach”
This leering technoloon is already in talks to help realise the #BillGates/#Rockefeller/#KlausSchwab dream of the whole global population being tagged; their faces, interactions, possessions, finances, movements intrusively monitored. #SkyNet, indeed.
And don't think it ends with the Trojan Horse of #coronavirus. As Mad #Hancock said, the ambition is to keep this permanently in place for ALL diseases (soon, no doubt, for compliance with any other behaviour They wish either to restrict or promote). Meanwhile look fwd to this:-
One of the most prevalent failings in finmarkets is that you take a batch of data with which you're presented, turn it into a graph, and imagine you've uncovered some unheralded, Absolute Truth...
The first thing any competent practitioner learns is that the data itself is often selectively - if not indeed subjectively - compiled; that cet. par. only rarely holds; that it's the Unkown Unknowns & the unasked questions that ruin you... 2/x #pandemic
That, for every cute chart you draw -whether intentionally or unthinkingly misleading- there'll be no shortage of those approvingly Oohing and Aahing at it & eagerly relaying it to others as a mark of their own elevated sagacity (the #WEF Agit-prop Dept are masters at this) 3/x
#UK#employment no.s show the horrendous cost of #lockdown leapfrog and all the other government stupidity during this pan(dem)ic.
Toll on self-employed getting on for 1 in 10
Total, economy-wide hours worked off 9.1% 1/x