How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Since barely afflicted there is NO science behind this (quite the converse given evidence that children may help boost adult immunity in the households they share), but even "#science" is NOT the point. "assistance" can be 'extremely finely targeted - eg, by exploiting #genetic data & #medicalrecords' @SteveBakerHW @DesmondSwayne @DavidDavisMP @Mark_J_Harper @SirGrahamBrady @Fox_Claire are valiantly resisting vxxne passes, but are you alert to this, much more overarching, more intimately intrusive horror? It is well past time that we should ostracise this Junta's petty Praetorians as a way of peacefully showing our disgust at their shameful complicity in the grinding destruction of our way of life. heard of a country called Japan, Neil? of the #bankofjapan? Ever hear of him? latter is difficult enough to achieve without #centralbankers & policy-makers in general trying to impose their own vision of the balance (one always narrowly biased to the present) on a system composed of billions of interacting needs & preferences. do people find this SO difficult to understand?, it is partly becuase of the heavy toll at the epidemic's peak, but even 65+ deaths are now at the lower bounds of what is normal:- - as predicted by yours truly a couple of years ago - the evil minds behind this now want to use #crypto/#blockchain to track everyone on the planet under the pretext of delivering the mythical #COVID19(84) #vaccine. them -and the talent to use them- from the pursuit of greater productivity, tighter cost control, more flexible & immediate response for the voluntary customers’ needs by men and women themselves at risk if they choose wrongly -i.e., #entrepreneurs...