[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…[the 60s Generation] were biding their time, waiting—sometimes hopeless that it would ever arrive—for a reversing of the pendulum & a return in society to the ideals & visions of a better world…”
“…[the Sixties Generation were biding their time, waiting for a reversing of the pendulum & a return in society to the ideals & visions of a better world] that had so inspired them in their earlier years.”
“…[the Sixties Generation] would wonder, as decades passed, why it took so long for the rest of society to catch on to what they felt was an inviting & appealing evolution—one both necessary & therefore inevitable as well.”
“Another reason these terms depicting cultural division, specifically, *generation gap* & *counterculture*, went into disuse was due to the mobilization of the WWII Gen—after their initial phase of somnolent confusion over the events…”
“…[the events] that were emerging in the 60s which left [the WWII Gen] paralyzed & watching, growing in irritation & anger—into a comprehensive counterattack against the 60s Gene, using all the Nixonian-like tactics in their arsenal....”
“In the early Seventies, the World War Two Generation used their power & wealth, being themselves in the triumphant phase of their lives, to put pressure on colleges & universities, nationwide,..”
“…[the WWII Gen used their power & wealth to put pressure on colleges & universities, nationwide] to discontinue the programs, courses, & the professors that they felt were responsible for the youth’s rebellion.”
“A transformation of colleges & universities into ‘career mills’—whose primary function was to prepare the young for practical & skill-oriented jobs & professions—was called for...or else!”
“The youth produced by these institutions would hereafter be dissuaded from thinking for themselves & from ‘questioning authority’—as the previous generation had been encouraged to do….”
“…the wave of youth that followed the 60s Generation [Gen X Yuppies, Generation Jones] would be molded, in their college years, into distant replicas of World War Two Generation members.”
“[Gen X Yuppies, Generation Jones] would be termed the ‘Me Generation,’ since selfishness, greed, money-as-god, & upward mobility were characteristics of the WWII Gen they were able to instill in their youthful clones.”
“…beginning in the early 70s, institutions of higher learning turned away from their idealistic goals of “bringing out” from the students their inner truths & wisdom (which is the original meaning of the term *educate*),...”
“…[*educate*] which is the avowed role of liberal arts programs, & instead turned hard, to the right, onto a path of churning out engineers, MBAs, hard scientists...”
“…these frightened & wealthy WWII ‘conspirators’...however unconscious their alliance...would use their leverage to ensure that books & the media—TV, radio, magazines, & newspapers—would expound their views predominantly,..”
“…would present events thru the particular psychological lenses & filters w which they were familiar,& would eschew viewpoints, & even coverage of events, that would in any way strengthen the stance of the, by this time, scapegoated 60s Gen.”
“Controlling the media in this way & saying it long & loud enough, the ‘big lie’ of the ‘conservative backlash’ began to be accepted as truth. & even many in the counterculture & among the youth began to believe it.”
“…with Trump we see a division in the country corresponding roughly with generational lines, with both sides actively & passionately fighting back the gains of the other side.”
“Every generation, at some point, leaves or is removed from their seats of power when they are at or near the end of their arc of effectiveness & prowess by a younger generation that is coming into or—”
“The triumphant phase of the 60s Gen had been delayed, however, longer than any other generation in history bc of the advances in modern medical science, which served to keep the WWII Gen alive & kicking longer than any previous generation.”
“…the WWII Generation might be said to have been more threatened than any previous one by the generation to succeed them, because the ascendancy of the next generation appeared to overturn..."
“…the ascendancy of the next generation [the 60s Generation] appeared to overturn & oftentimes reverse so much of what [the WWII Gen] believed, valued, worked & sacrificed for.”
“[The WWII Generation] used their long lives to amass wealth & power—wealth greater than any previous generation before and, because of their actions, likely to come.”
“…the WWII Generation used their unprecedented wealth & power to wage a war against the generation who would be taking over from them [the 60s Generation],.."
“…[the WWII Gen] keeping [the 60s Generation] & their values under attack & away from the centers of power & influence in society as long as they possibly could.”
“Meanwhile, the anti-abortionists are found to primarily comprise those of the WWII Generation, their Eighties Generation clones, & the Eisenhower-Presley-McCarthy—& now we might add ‘Pleasantville’—Fifties Generation.”
“The World War Two Generation, especially after the elections of November 1998, learned that it was way off in some of its assumptions, that their analysis of what had been happening in this country was woefully miscalculated.”
“[The WWII Generation] were like the deluded schizophrenic who believed passionately in the world he himself created coming up against some of the hard, harsh, & indisputable facts of existence which undermine his world.”
“The WWII-Gen–minded—whatever the individual’s age, & esp now, thr underlings of the 50s Gen—have been fighting back, since the 90s, w all the firepower they can muster against realizing the harsh realities around them of thr waning ideals.”
“[The WWII Gen] have been in total & absolute denial of the direction of the American, indeed the world, consciousness; & they have been flinging all their wealth into the mix to try to repress the emerging truths.”
“But we shouldn’t be surprised if we see some of those in [WWII Generation] ranks—wealthy & facing their inevitable demise—merely increasing the ferocity of their war waging...”
“…humiliating themselves & seeming ever more pitiful in the minds of the majority of observers, who increasingly, as time continues to decimate their WWII ranks, are younger than they & thus do not share their delusions.”
“…we have faced, since the change of the millennium, neo-con wars built on lies & confused tea-baggers railing against their own interests. All of which culminated in the installation of a Russian asset, Trump.”
“Illegitimate president Donald Trump brought together in one person all the class-war waging ferocity; all the misogyny, racism, & idiocracy; all the pitiable gooberish nonsense pretending to be truth;”
“& [Illegitimate president Donald Trump brought together] all the cruelty & insensitivity of the Filthy Rich, the Republicans, the White supremacists, & the greedy generations, into one person.”
“Yet this war is not over; we can still glimpse a world...for it has been growing everywhere outside the limelight...where peace, love, harmony, sexual freedom, intelligence & rationality, & kind-heartedness abound.”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…we are beginning to see a metaphor for psychological realities & that ‘following the script’ has a broader meaning for a choice that everyone must make in life in growing up,..”
our modern life is permeated with ways we block out ordinary experience to bring our experience in line with things we hold in our head (left brain).
we decide where to go, & zone out in a car to get there,
thread 2/
then the only experience we allow ourselves is that of being there.
with clocks & appointments & schedules we tell our bodies *when* & *how* it should perform, not feeling (right brain) what our bodies want & need to do in the moment.
[Quotes/highlights:] “Not coincidentally, Millennial Generation parents were predominantly of the Vietnam Gen/ Boomers & Millennials echoed their parent’s more liberal & mind-expanding drug use.” []
[Quotes/highlights:] “…this swinging back & forth of attitudes is mirrored also in the drug usage of these generations: We go from repressive drugs such as alcohol & tobacco with the WWII Generation;” []