Nathalie ANDRIA Profile picture
Jun 12, 2023 31 tweets 24 min read Read on X
Right before the French Days of #Agriculture 2023, let’s dive in the One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week!

💚 Follow me for 2 days amongst the inspirational programme’s Laureates!

#OnePlanetFellowship #JNAgri #research #climate Image
🚀 First, a global overview of the #OPF programme - @FondationBNPP has been supporting for 5 years! - by François Pierrot, Acting Director & Ly Ann Kauv Project Officer, from @Agrofondation, Olivier Dangles (@ird_fr) & Michèle Mbo’o-Tchouawou, Deputy Director @AWARDFellowship ImageImageImageImage
🌟 Key notions, challenges and issues reminded:
- New generation of researchers
- Gender equality in science & agriculture
- EU 🔁 Africa
- From local to global
- Capacity building
- Network
- Collaboration (North-South, AND South-South!) Image
- Transdisciplinary projects
- Community of practice
- Communicating better to real world problems, with society and citizens Image
📸 Photo call to identify all the participants of the Week!

#Laureates, #Mentors,African & European #Supervisors, #Mentees, and all the people working with and for the programme!
🫶🏾 Image
🎤 Now, the testimony from an European Supervisor, @giovannaseddaiu - professor at @UniSassari (Italy)

🤓📎⤵️ ImageImageImage
And next, the testimony from a 2019 cohort Laureate, Alassan Assani Seidou (University of Parakou, Benin) about how being involved in this #emerging OPF programme has helped him join an international research team & a transdisciplinary project 1/2 Image
2/2 to develop (their) work on modelling of animal production and nutrition systems, especially in protected areas and facing climate change

#research #outreach @Cirad #ProtectedAreas #climate Image
Let’s go for a conference on #Climate change and #agri: key challenges and the way forward

From science to politics

w/ Patrick Caron (@Agropolis/@CGIAR), Marie Hrabanski (@Cirad), Valérie Dermaux (@Agri_Gouv) and Benjamin Sultan (@ird_fr)

💬Patrick Caron:

How to build connections between 1)#climate & #agriculture 2) #science & #action ie.
the role of science in politics

Recommandation: #adaptation to climate change (CC) to be a co-objective of #food #security and #mitigation (attenuation) Image
💬 Marie Hrabanski (Researcher in political sociology at @Cirad) shared the points of reference to understand the integration of agricultural challenges in the climate negotiations as well as what could be the implications of a research lab in political sciences interfaces? Image
There has been an evolution of the vision of agriculture: from not considering agricultural challenges in climate negotiations (too much political) + focus on CC #mitigation ➡️ to agriculture emitting GHG but also a victim of CC and a solution #naturebasedsolutions + #adaptation
➡️ Climate Smart Agriculture #CSA

Important involvement and contribution of @Cirad in this momentum of political science, w/ @ird_fr & @INRAE_France: COPs, negotiation processes, policy briefs production, etc.
In Africa, there is a need to work on development policies that take into account climate and not try and add the issue afterwards

💬 Valérie Dermaux, Climate change negotiations @Agri_Gouv

How to involve scientists and experts groups? ⤵️
In order to implement #ClimateAction for #FoodSecurity: strengthen cooperation, collaboration and partnerships w/ Parties, UN organisations, relevant institutions, agencies entities, research community, private sector, civil society, farmers organisations, etc.
Upcoming work on:
- Approaches to #sustainable agriculture and food security (SAFS)
- Understanding diverse actions, practices, and technology to deliver SAFS
- Means of implementation
- Cooperative avenues for implementation for SAFS
- Informing #CapacityBuilding efforts related to measuring, monitoring, reporting, and verifying climate action for SAFS
- #fisheries

💬 Benjamin Sultan (Research Director @ird_fr)

How is the climate going to evolve and incidentally these issues too in this context? Image
@IPCC_CH is an observatory of climate evolution, history and prospective

CC is ongoing, particularly visible and intense in Africa:
- temperatures
- speed of warming
- marine heatwaves
- quicker sea level rise
- increase in frequency and intensity of heavy rains and droughts
🧠 We’ll discuss more approaches tomorrow with the 3 GIEC/IPCC experts!

Conclusion ⤵️

💪🏾 The challenges for #science:

- Connecting sectors (feed, protect, care)
- Provide scientific evidence of obstacles towards transformation
- Technology only will not solve all the issues
- #Metrics are and will be key
- Re-connecting adaptation and mitigation
- Forecast and foresight: let’s not focus only on the past, predicting the future requires exploring the unknown, considering the inconceivable!
➡️ Science-policy interfaces and pooling collective intelligence

- Solutions, innovations are technological but also 🚨political & institutional ➡️ challenge for #science to make sure works on CC fit in #adaptation & #mitigation negotiations & policies at inter-/national level
To start off the afternoon, 2 testimonies: Success stories about climate change and agriculture

Introduction by Isabelle Touzard, VP of @Montpellier3m in charge of ecological and solidarity transition (of the city of Montpellier)
Fields of research and works of the #OPF laureates are at the heart of the city’s concerns
➡️ How to involve science in urban planning strategies (food landscape), engineering of agricultural land-use, taking biodiversity into account, waste management, water management, etc. Image
💬 First success story told by @JmarcTouzard Director of the Innovation Research Unit @INRAE_France

“How research can influence public policies” through the #wine industry case study

and Image
💬 second success story told by Benjamin Sultan (@ird_fr, and) Scientific Advisor for #OPF programme,

The outputs and impacts the programme had on one “laureate” research team in #Djibouti: recommendations to

🔭anticipate the risks for different threats (flood, droughts)
and for different secteurs (agriculture, water resources, health, catastrophes management)

🌧️ or to leverage rainy season

🗣️ It’s now time for the first part of Laureates’ Pitch contest!

📷: few of the 13 laureates pitching today Image
🎤 Last session of the day
“Incentivising South-South, North-South Research Collaboration: Experiences & Lessons from the One Planet Fellowship” #OPF

Moderated by @Dorinebolo 🌟
⤵️ Image
To help laureate researchers participate in global and regional conversations, to be involved in policy #influence (e.g. science-policy interfaces, etc.),

Laureate Groups were created so English- and French-speaking Laureates would Image
work together ➡️ breaking discipline, language, geographical and cultural #barriers

There are also laureates and groups paying great attention at #gender responsiveness of their work, & pushing/advocating for #genderequality in #agriculture & #research Image

All actors are key - governments, scientists, public sector, private sector, etc.

Climate change is a complex topic & issue (incl. social impacts) that needs each & everyone to be involved in its resolution!

See you tomorrow for Day 2 of this #OPF Science Week Image
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Jun 13, 2023
🚀 Day 2 of One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week is on at the #Corum of @montpellier_ !

This morning focuses on #Climate in #Africa with several GIEC (@IPCC_CH) speakers 🎤

Let’s go! ⤵️
@AWARDFellowship @Agrofondation @Cirad Image
🫶🏾 First introductions by Damien Conaré, General Secretary of @UnescoChairFood, Mylène Aycard-Gueydan, General Secretary of @Agrofondation, and Vincent Blanfort, Co-leader of the Strategic Scientific Field « Climate Change » in @Cirad ImageImageImage
Let’s dive in the most recent @IPCC_CH #ClimateReport w/ a focus on the impacts of CC on the African continent

🎤 To start off, Aida Diongue Niang, Meteorologist and Technical Advisor @meteosenegal, set the scene walking us through « Physics and CC » (IPCC/GIEC Group 3 writer)
Read 21 tweets
Jun 8, 2023
J2 des #DGA2023 🌱 !

Prêt.e.s pour une nouvelle journée de #creativite et d' #engagement avec le @DeauvilleGreenA ?

C'est parti ! 🤘🏾

🧠💭 Première activité pour bien démarrer la matinée : une #Fresque du #Film !

Inspirée de la Fresque du Climat, celle-ci sensibilise aux enjeux environnementaux des activités de l'industrie du #cinéma Image
#transition #environnement

Du constat aux actions concrètes, la #FresqueDuFilm, créée par #LaBase/@juvigoureux, s’appuie sur des rapports scientifiques (#GIEC/@IPCC_CH, @theShiftPR0JECT), des études sectorielles (@LeCNC) et des données empiriques de terrain 🔎
Read 51 tweets
Jun 7, 2023
🎥 "5h Paris s'éveille", direction #Deauville !
Après #Cannes, c'est au festival @DeauvilleGreenA que la #création engagée se célèbre !

⤵️ Suivez-moi dans ces 2j autour de la sensibilisation, la rencontre et l'inspiration vers une #transition écologique et sociale !
#DGA2023 Image
Tout d'abord, j'ai le plaisir d'y représenter la @FondationBNPP et surtout le documentaire #UneEspèceÀPart (@LumentoFilm /@ARTEfr) créé par notre cher @franckcourchamp, qui a été sélectionné 🎖️

RDV demin soir pour savoir s'il recevra un Prix ! 😋 Image
"Le #cinéma est une industrie polluante [mais] Les salles, les œuvres, créent des liens uniques entre les humains, les réunissent autour d’histoires communes, qui influencent la façon dont ils regardent, comprennent le monde [...]
Read 39 tweets

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