What actually does DoJ know
DoJ is using this as a test case.
DoJ says nope she just needs HHS to release her.
DoJ is in a corner
DoJ says this is different.
Millett quickly notes the precedent that says yup
DoJ says yup.
She knows DoJ won't know the answer to this. This is great questioning.
Dunno say's DoJ. I guess so.
So self-deport to a country that would jail her.
DoJ says sure that's right.
Starts immediately with the fact that gov't can't ban abortion. Refusing transportation here is doing just that
Nope. 5th Amendment due process SCOTUS precedent is clear.
Like fetal personhood
Unclear says Garza's attorney.
Gov't says Garza doesn't go to school because they get it in detention. MMMKAY
Again would she be self-deporting to a country that bans abortion?
Still think DoJ sees this case as limited to one person?
Helpful, thanks.