
Don't worry. He's from the government & here to help.

But this is a good opp for infosec folks to add their 2 cents
- Operation Cloud Hopper
MSP systems getting owned! Massive scale & scope.
Oh no!

"What do you mean 'anymore'?" Paul
Oh no!
Everytime he says "cyber" a die a little inside.

*nerds yelling*
Build a big firewall!
Cut the cable!
Security shouldn't undermine privacy.
Cyber SMEs are cyber too.
We need to boost their cyber to protect them from the cyber.

We should see if Margaret Mahy is available.
Its hard having serious conversations with boards, but they perk up for babblefish
This will help the AI also become suspicious of the cybers.
Oh no!
1-10 use the term cyber as much as possible
11 don't be an overt (cyber) dick

IoT cyber surfaces that can easily be singed like cyber toast.
How do we protect our toast?
They LOVE tampering with Audit logs. Empty logs are super suspicious.

Most log cleaners usually just null out values.



Moved to temp environment

Keep an eye out for products coming soon!
Two software testers learning to hack! Pizza...

Look at https headers, fiddler, burp, etc

So go to them & try to login!

Your whole life is on your phone. If gets owned your whole life gets owned.
*cough* Android *cough*

Hackers aren't going to use complicated attacks if you have low hanging fruit.

When measuring outcomes of user awareness training, make useful judgments




Mostly things kept blowing up!
But much more fun playing with something when you csn eat result.

Never saved in PW manager




Training is important - need to include ourselves in practice
Need to create solutions for users


Also effective against visual hacking.



Full intrusion detection tools

Enterprise log search & archive.
Then use that info to dig into the issues
But Security Onion secures it with single signon across all deployed services.





Keep it subtle to avoid detection.


Just said "I'm working on X project with Y"
Access granted!

"Hi, I'm from IT" You'd better know about IT when they ask you other questions!

"People almost never get caught"
Also have a letter of authorization if shit hits the fan
Ensuring physical security is very hard with determined attackers.
If you say you're a plumber make sure you can plumb!
Tor is not going to protect you against the NSA or a global adversary.
It WILL protect you from protocol attacks.
Pretty easy to tell you're using Tor. That may be enough to out you
Don't crack under interrogation

Used ansible for hardening.
Or devsec.io
Set a few rules and then drop all other traffic. Tweak as necessary for server role.
Set it up in a log stack. Using ELK stack & beats on servers
And enable 2FA on everything (yubikey)
Is everything working?
Alerts pointless if you don't look at them.
Shout-out to @_TheyCallMeToni

Toni got @GracieNoLag & @kevinnz to join in. Some good peeps!

Most people have busy lives - need to work around those commitments.
He found another doppelganger & now they're taking selfies

Then we invented the internet and we haven't recovered since.

We need to store them on a FIPS certified device... Which includes A LOT of random junk
Lets use Yubikeys!

OpenSSL goes badly.
Ryan is sad.


We're in!
But bootloader is PW locked...

90 days is long! Make sure you read the policy! Do recon



Got email from LinkedIn & phone from searching Google!

Using @haveibeenpwned to see if an email was in any breach.

Shenanigans ensure

But can't use "Microsoft", so let's use omicrons for "o" s



Read the whole story here. There is much, much more!
Thanks to the amazing @CHCon_nz team:
Fucking excellent work!
Awesome work!
(they ran away too quickly!)
