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Amanda Blount @amandablount2
7 years ago, 22 tweets, 8 min read Read on Twitter
1. #Thread - Last year I wanted to watch, read, and donate to anything written by, produced by, created by, or about any marginalized groups. I will still do that in 2018, but I want this year to be the Year of the Woman! Each day I want to promote women! #YearOfTheWoman
2. I want to share things created by women, especially when the "thing" is created by a mix of women from various backgrounds. #YearOfTheWoman
3. As I've said before, I'm 50. I grew up in a time when not only were women expected to be subservient, but they couldn't hold a lead role on TV w/o the role being about a man. We've come a long way, but we still have a very long way to go to truly have equality. #YearOfTheWoman
4. I'm lucky. I did grow up during the 60s and 70s. A time of Charlie's Angels, Mary Tyler Moore, Star Trek, and so many other shows showed strong women in strong positions, but it was still based on the men of the show & women weren't paid as much as the males. #YearOfTheWoman
5. Still, it was unheard of to see a female DR on TV and forget a current astronaut or scientist. There were no such things as female astronauts in real life, so they weren't portrayed on TV. As a child, I was raised in a very patriarchal society, on the cusp of changing.
6. I didn't know a Russian female was already an astronaut, or that Sally Ride was gay, or that females have been DRs for many years, as far back in the US as DR Elizabeth Blackwell, in 1849.
7. I didn't know these things growing up and in 2018, many men (and some women) still don't know these things. It's amazing to me when some men have no idea what women and minorities have done for hundreds of years. It's incredibly sad when little girls don't know either.
8. My upbringing may have been very different from others (closed off from knowledge and many truths) but my upbringing is still practiced by many families in the US and the world today. - Women & POC being treated as second class should not be in a modern world.
9. One resolution I'll make this year is to bring as much female based knowledge to you every day. I don't expect everyone to remember everything, but I hope this knowledge helps other little girls and boys become unified into making this world a better place for everyone!
10. I encourage everyone to share with me any female accomplishments from around the world. New accomplishments, and especially older accomplishments, is welcomed! I want to show the world what women can do and have been doing for generations! #YearOfTheWoman
11. I want to see a world where women support other women! I want a world where a woman can walk into a work space in any company, and there is never a headline asking men what they think about her position. Let's do this!

Bring it on 2018!! I'm ready!! #YearOfTheWoman !!
D, #YearOfTheWoman
E. #YearOfTheWoman

F. #YearOfTheWoman

H. Most of a beehive is female, and bees keep humans alive, so I'm including the amazing bees in my thread.

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