Obviously, this generation's views are very important for the nation's future.
Some claim that polls already show a shift to the right among young whites. nypost.com/2017/07/01/why…
To find out, let's look at the results of a big new survey of Americans aged 15-24, by MTV and the Public Religion Research Institute. prri.org/research/mtv-c…
Overall, young people like Obama a lot, and dislike Trump strongly.

Interestingly, support for the wall is slightly higher in the Midwest than elsewhere.

62% of young white people think that efforts to increase diversity do NOT come at the expense of whites. For young white men it's 52%.

However, it is worth noting that both young whites and young Hispanics perceive less racial division in America than young blacks do.

Substantial minorities of every race say that Islam is at odds with American value. There is little difference between young whites, Hispanics, and blacks on this point.

How about the other stereotype? Are young people a bunch of intolerant cultural leftists bent on destroying free speech? Let's see...

They're moderate liberals, like the two generations before them.
White Gen Zers are evenly divided, and lean slightly to the left.
That cavalry is not coming.