-Draws Boos During Davos Q&A
-Doesn't Apologize 4 Racist Tweets
-Missed Economic Growth Targets
-Wants $716B in Defense Spending
-Needs $24M for New Refrigerators
-Ending Funding 4 Space Station
-Tracking License Plates Across US
-"Great Friend" Steve Wynn Under🔥

Day 476 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office

Day 326 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Day 245 since it was reported Jared Kushner sought back-channel communication with Russians yet maintains his security clearance

Day 117 that Trump has NOT implemented the Russian sanctions that Congress passed #RussianSanctions
3 days until White House Russia Sanctions Deadline.

Day 117 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Trump has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings.

Trump: "Cryin' Chuck Schumer" won't act on DACA because he took "such a beating" over shutdown #shameful

Trump's close advisers are making millions working for several entities gearing up for Trump's reelection—raising questions about whether they're following campaign finance laws designed to keep campaigns from coordinating w/ outside groups, per BuzzFeed

Cory Booker: “It’s long past time Congressional leaders allow members to vote on our legislation that checks the president’s ability to remove a special counsel.”

Renato Mariotti: “Trump’s desire to fire Mueller despite knowing that firing a law enforcement official overseeing the Russia investigation could raise obstruction concerns is strong evidence that Trump’s intent was to obstruct the investigation.” 1/2

”The excuses offered by Trump also bolster Mueller’s case, because they indicate that the president realized that firing Mueller to impede the investigation would be perceived as wrongful.” 2/2

Don McGahn has been interviewed twice by Mueller.
8 members of the White House counsel’s office have also spoken to Mueller, according to the White House.

Chris Ruddy: “I don’t want to get into a pissing match with the White House press shop, but I stand by the comments I made in June that the president was considering firing Robert Mueller.”

Adam Schiff: “The reports that the President not only considered firing Special Counsel Mueller, but went so far as to order it, demonstrate the Nixonian lengths [Trump] is prepared to go to protect himself.”

Trump pressed senior aides last June to devise and carry out a campaign to discredit senior FBI officials after learning that those specific officials were likely to be witnesses against him as part of Mueller’s probe, Foreign Policy reports. 1/5

"Dowd warned Trump that the potential corroborative testimony of FBI officials in Comey’s account would likely play a central role in the special counsel’s final conclusion... Trump repeated what Dowd had told him to emphasize why he... had to 'fight back harder.'" 2/5

"The FBI officials Trump has targeted are Andrew McCabe, the current deputy FBI director and who was briefly acting FBI director after Comey’s firing; Jim Rybicki, Comey’s chief of staff and senior counselor; and James Baker, formerly the FBI’s general counsel." 3/5

One of the senior FBI officials Trump reportedly tried to discredit was Andrew McCabe, the one-time acting FBI Director. 4/5

This is one of the many Twitter attacks Trump aimed at McCabe. 5/5

Ryan Goodman: "Not only is it a crime to lie to federal authorities; it’s also a crime to encourage others to do so, whether or not they follow through with crossing the line of perjury." - NYT

Trump’s legal team has been studying a 1990s federal court ruling that could be the basis for delaying, limiting or avoiding an interview with Robert Mueller, people familiar the matter tell WSJ.

Dutch intelligence officials provided the FBI with crucial evidence that helped pave the way for the bureau's probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to Dutch media reports.

Russian operatives used Facebook to publicize 129 phony event announcements during the 2016 election, drawing the attention of nearly 340,000 users—many of whom said they were planning to attend—according to a company doc released by the Senate Intel Cmte.

Robert Mueller's team has interviewed at least one member of Facebook's team that was associated with Trump's 2016 campaign, a person familiar with the matter tells WIRED.

Corey Lewandowski has seen his W.H. access reduced, officials tell WaPo. His visits must now be arranged through John Kelly.
Lewandowski tried to see Don McGahn this month, but Jim Carroll told him that he had to leave and offered to escort him out.

The crowd at the World Economic Forum booed Trump after he attacked the media
"It wasn't til I became a politician that I realized how nasty, how vicious & how fake the press can be, as the cameras start going off in the back."
The crowd at the event then booed.

Trump on Friday ignored questions from reporters during a meeting with Rwanda's president about his reported comments referring to African nations as "shithole countries."

Just as Trump was speaking of the growing U.S. economy, the Commerce Department announced that U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017's fourth quarter, missing Trump's targets.

SunPower Corp. says it’s putting a $20,000,000 U.S. factory expansion and hundreds of new jobs on hold until and unless its solar panels receive an exclusion from federal tariffs the Trump admin imposed this week, Reuters reports.

Trump is expected to ask for $716,000,000,000 in defense spending when he unveils his 2019 budget next month, a major increase that signals a shift away from concerns about rising deficits, U.S. officials tell WaPo.

Air Force One needs new refrigerators, an upgrade that will cost taxpayers nearly $24,000,000 Defense One reports.
How about packing a cooler?

Eric Schultz, a senior adviser to former President Obama on Friday mocked reports that replacing the Air Force One refrigerators will cost $24 million, saying Obama "would have been impeached" over it.

Trump is reportedly planning to request an end to funding for the International Space Station (ISS) by 2025.
An Obama-era action extended the NASA-ISS partnership until 2024, but the space industry have pushed for ISS funding be continued beyond that deadline. - The Verge

The Trump administration is withdrawing a decades-old air policy aimed at reining in some of the largest sources of hazardous pollutants like mercury and lead, WSJ reports.

ICE has gained agency-wide access to a nationwide license plate recognition database, Verge reports. The system gives the agency access to billions of license plate records and new tracking powers, raising concerns from civil libertarians.
Steve Wynn, who Trump has called a “great friend,” engaged in a pattern of sexual misconduct & pressured employees to perform sex acts, according to dozens of interviews conducted by the WSJ.
Steve Wynn is also the Finance Chair of the RNC.

Steve Wynn and RNC chair Ronna Romney McDaniel hosted that inauguration anniversary celebration at Mar-a-Lago earlier this month.

FYI: Steve Wynn has donated more than $2,000,000 to Republican campaigns, party organs, and interest groups since 2001, according to FEC records. That includes more than $1,300,000 to the RNC, The Daily Beast reports.

Steve Wynn cut a check to Greg Gianforte the day after he body slammed reporter Ben Jacobs, according to Washington Examiner. #Deplorable

Trump on Friday said he is willing to apologize for retweeting videos from the leader of the U.K.'s far-right political group Britain First in November, but stopped short of actually apologizing in an interview with Piers Morgan.

Trump’s D.C. hotel was the site of a lunch today with Mike Pence, Republican senators including Mitch McConnell, and donors to the NRSC, Politico reports. #Emoluments

The Kuwaiti Embassy is set to hold a National Day celebration at Trump's Washington, D.C., hotel for the second year in a row.
According to The Washington Post, the event is scheduled for Feb. 26 in the ballroom of the Trump International Hotel. #Emoluments

Cathy Stepp, Trump's pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) office in Chicago once donned a fake nose and followed a person taking a driving exam in order to help her daughter pass the same test, her daughter said.
#SNL will have fun with this!

"The Daily Show" on Friday trolled Fox News for its approach to interviews with Trump.
The show joked that the three steps to interviewing Trump are to "hold his hand" rather than holding him accountable, flatter him and "help out" when he doesn't know the answers

CREW: The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau dropped its investigation into a payday lender. Payday lenders gave almost $60,000 to the CFPB acting director. We’re requesting records. #FOIAFriday