Let me explain how Paul Manafort's #TrumpRussia indictments are rolling rapidly from election inference into a replay of the Jack Abramoff scandal, but on STEROIDS, involving the secretive sale of American foreign policy for dark money.

For obvious reasons, his kleptocratic client had a perception problem, i.e. reality.
Yanukovych is Putin's vassal.
Manafort hid his involvement for years.

Like Jack Abramoff before him, Manafort's less glamorous financial crimes of loan fraud are (in his case comically) easy to prove.
For starters, the obvious: Manafort was working for Russia the whole time.
His Ukrainian boss was one master, but really he was the student, remade in Manafort's image.
Manafort was also taking money from a key Putin ally...

Manafort wanted to 'get right' with Oleg Deripaska by passing him reports on the Trump campaign.
Russian opposition leader @navalny revealed more:

A key time when...
He visited for the RNC Convention in Cleveland.
He visited in early August.
Kilimnick shows up in early April
Weeks later Papadopoulos sends a signal for what he thinks is a meeting

Let me just say that Russian Intel would setup a quote pro quo this way for plausible deniability
Talk about a Putin meeting, but you meet Natalia instead.
She represented Putin

Another signal is sent on US-Ukraine policy.
Deal on.
Right out of the #TrumpRussia dossier's
I broke this exclusively btw.
But Hillary Clinton got a big convention bounce.
So Donald Trunp publicly begged Putin for more emails, exposing the conspiracy.
It was Trump's last press conference until January 10th, 2017 when he hired Russia's top law firm to load a talkie with blank folders and bullshit about divestment.

But he continued to advise Trump at post through inauguration, even after the #TrumpRussia probe began!

Special thanks @Hatewatch @areidross @PatrickLSimpson for making this story possible explaining Bannon's ties to Russian propagandist Aleksandr Duggin

Bannon took full advantage of the media flak from Democratic emails.
And the campaign echoed the Kremlin line closely. politifact.com/truth-o-meter/…
That was a Kremlin psy-op run with RT aka Russia Today


Manafort involved at least three House Republicans in his secretive Ukrainian lobbying efforts aka FARA violations aka espionage.
Let's focus on two big fish.
California Reps. Rohrabacher & Royce.

He chairs the House subcommittee for Russian issues, under Rep. Royce.
That's right...

Royce also took meetings with Manafort and domains funneled through "Company A" in today's Rick Gates plea in 2013 according to @jwlarrabee's criminal and election complaint.

Risch also took meetings, then money from Manafort's crew in 2013


Risch also took meetings, then money from Manafort's crew in 2013
