Anyone who’s been waiting for a clear declaration of this Administrations beliefs and intentions re #ValueBasedCare - here it is…
and everyone loves @NIHDirector precision medicine stuff
who's to say @SeemaCMS can't make delivery reform happen faster?
---->"This is no time to be timid"
(translation, some people aren't going to like this, and we don't really care)

We don't differ with the last guys on that, but we are going to be more bad-ass about implementing it

1) We believe in consumerism
2) We believe in markets and competition
3) We believe you have to focus on a few things (this is at the top of the list)
We have a lot of respect for the experienced old hands like Mike Leavitt and Mark McClellan

A lot of hospitals have taken a half-hearted swing at accountable care without fundamentally changing anything.
Some say give up on it... they're wrong
No turning back.
We're charging forward.
We're going to be bold (that again!)

We are unafraid of disrupting existing arrangements simply because they’re backed by powerful special interests
(I didn't annotate that- that's just what he said)
He's at FAH saying we're not afraid

The current system may be working for you, but it's not working for everyone else

Personal story re outrageous facility fees, cause I didn't just fall off a turnip truck.
We're going to make you tell people what things will really cost them, or else you will get a consequence.
Also pharma too, and I'm talking about you, PBMs

we still intend to lead the peloton,
let commercial plans follow our lead.
MACRA calls for advanced APMs,
(and we're not even going there with ACA)
and CMMI is just what we need to test new payment models

Kiss your ACO squatting days goodbye, and then drown them in the well
We give you three years to learn how to take risk. Max.
We will give you more upside and more flexibility, but you gotta step up, ACO

We don't like it.
(unlike the other guys) we know that you don't become Geisinger when you buy-up/ bind-up those physician practices. So we are going to make sure that physician-only ACOs have a level playing field

We won't get all ticky-tacky on "beneficiary protection" and "inducement" stuff.
Call Ubers for all your patients. for all I care.

Well, we're not afraid to f you up.
a) we have to
b) we will kind of enjoy it, actually.

You can decide you actually want to embrace this.
Then we can be friends, and you can help your patients, and help yourself too.
Maybe all you good ones can sit together so we know who you are.

I assure you: Change is possible, change is necessary, and change is coming.