It contains one hugely significant proposal that hospitals will fight bitterly...but could actually help them in the long run
Up until now, there had never been an effort to make sure that equivalent services would have same payment rate.
Here’s how @MartinSGaynor and Paul Ginsburg and I described it in our “Making Markets Work” White Paper

Private cardiologists could not compete with this arbitraged employment arrangement, and Medicare’s payments skyrocketed
there are 100’s of local news stories about this like this one…
@rshawnm @aafpprez…
The 2018 president’s budget proposed eliminating grandfathered, “mid-build", emergency departments & cancer hospital exceptions to site-neutral pay
The legal argument:
Section 4523 of the BBA of 1997 (established OPPS) Included specific authority under section 1833(t)(2)(F) of the Act that requires the Secretary to develop a method for controlling unnecessary increases in the volume of covered OPD services
But I think this depends on
a) Will there be other groups (esp independent practices) supporting this change?
b) Does @SeemaCMS give a fig?
If rural hospitals or AMCs need subsidies, then we should do it directly, not through distorting payment policies