This is written as a ?, but there is no question mark.
+++ and + refer to sides of the pyramid, but what about +++++ ? Is there a power higher than the pyramid?
Raw vid 5:5 means "Raw video, loud and clear".
EX could mean Extract, Excerpt, Example. The prefix EX means "out of, formerly, utterly, thoroughly, indicating a former title or status".
So it could mean "Ex(cerpt) raw video, ID 5744".
Let's go hunting for 5774.
The context of that tweet:…
So, someone could have been running rvid during a live broadcast over skype or something.
So far it looks as if... on or before the ideas of march, there may be compromising material released that was recorded using screen capture software.
Scroll through the IDs to find transaction # rvid5774 (page 1100)
"Re_read re: stage."
Go to...
...and CTRL+F to find all instances of "stage" and re_read those posts.
[The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
The Death (murder) of Scalia was supposed to set the stage for a massive operation involving untold horrors and enslavement.
"Keep them starved"
"Keep them blind"
"Keep them stupid"
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].
There's this…

I doubt it.
What's going to be the nail in the coffin is hard, undeniable proof that Seth Rich was murdered, and this was agreed to and sanctioned by the highest levels of the party.
"Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++"
Where +++ + +++++ = and a child
Anything is possible. However, this would make it much more difficult to legally share the video.
It sort of lines up with what's being discussed here.
"When this breaks, many won't swallow"

Anons suggest that "Trust the PLAN" refers to this:……