1st pic... My Mother (young blonde) Margarete, as a child in Kassel, Germany w/ her little brother, Dieter, my GF (Nazi) & GM. Both Mom & Uncle were HITLER JUGEND

Not one day did she ever want to talk about her life in Hitler Jungen, but said loud speakers bellowing rhetoric drove her crazy
Look closely at my mother, then look at the Nazi photo. It’s her.

She began talking about how she hated the Nazis for not only brainwashing her father, but for killing so many innocents. She broke down

Most of my relatives in Germany say, the Guilt NEVER goes away regarding the Holocaust, as it shouldn’t
This explains why Germany is where it is today, w/mass influx immigration. They can’t say no, like deer in headlights
Marches w/hateful messages
Children used by Adults to further a maniacal Agenda #Disarmament #Utopia
Pickng & choosng who is good & bad & planning to wipe out those who stand in their way & disagree w/them
It’s not conspiracy, if it’s true
RUN... RUN FAST away from them
They’re lying to you
WE are the ones trying to protect you, ALL of you
We’ve seen this before, we already know the outcome
You’re on the wrong side of Freedom if you think WE are your problem