Theresa May has met Caribbean leaders to talk about the treatment of the #windrushgeneration. Yesterday Downing Street refused such a meeting. But she’s changed her mind.
The Daily Mail thinks that was because it told her to. It may well be right.

But good journalism (imho) also requires giving the reader the full story, not just the convenient bits.

That involved reading all the way down to the ninth paragraph of a story by @ameliagentleman in the Guardian last Tuesday.

By last week @Ameliagentleman had moved on to other cases.

And @ameliagentleman must be delighted that it's picked up another of her case studies.

But there is one key point the paper hasn’t mentioned: The Home Secretary who introduced the “draconian” immigration policy in 2012 was one Theresa May

If the Mail is self-aggrandising in its role in this story, at least it recognised injustice (eventually) and tried to get something done.
This head in the Telegraph is jaw-dropping. "Granted" an apology? Lord help us.
Have a nice day.

Thanks to @Wirral_In_It for sending me to Hansard and the 3rd reading debate on the 2014 immigration bill. Here May defends her hostile environment policy and Lab MPs point out the dangers.…

Further evidence of May’s fingerprints on this debacle...…
Remember this? Poor Boris and a cross between Tootsie and Mary Whitehouse?