And the gene is a G-protein coupled receptor expressed highly in habenula!!
"Analysis of predicted loss-of-function variants in UK Biobank identifies variants protective for disease"
Read here:

18 new low-frequency or rare variants associated with traits/diseases

1. GPR151 and BMI
2. IL33 and asthma
3. IFIH1 and autoimmune disorders
4. PDE3B and body fat distribution

*expression limited to CNS
*lineage tracing neurons expressing GRP151, connections to hypothalamic neurons, region important in control appetite

*suggestive evidence for other atopic diseases including *food allergy*
*mAb targeting IL33 in development for asthma

Initially shown for T1D by John Todd a few years ago. Now, we see signal for other diseases including hypothyroidism

1. improved body fat distribution
2. lower risk for hypercholesterolemia
3. protection against CAD (nominal significance)
Of note, PDE3B the target of the FDA approved drug cilostazol

1. identity new targets for therapy
2. anticipate efficacy of inhibition
3. identify full range of potential indications
1. open data resource (eg @uk_biobank)
2. genotypes, rich set of phenotypes
3. clever people who understand medicine and statistical genetics (eg @connoremdin @amitvkhera)
Quite a productive couple of years in medical school so far. 👇😳👏
Can't wait to see what future holds