@pcinvasion wrote about it in Jan.
I know guys who went. Will report back when I get details.
Whale soup was on the menu.
Normally, we'd just do what we do: point and lol. But this time, we can't even point because we're all collectively rolling on floor laughing.
I DID warn them.
One of those things is called Lifetime Insurance (or LTI). With no game, nobody knows IF/HOW it would work.
And there's still no game.
So, here's what this latest furor is about...
They started it with the unveiling of the Hercules ship.
wtf is that?
It's basically marketing speak for new money.
It doesn't matter how much money you have in credits, or even by melting old ships for new ones, you can't use those credits.
When new things show up, they melt (convert to credits) the excess, then use those credits to buy new ships and stuff. No new money.
Yes, they're basically trading JPEGs.
Yes, it's all so very hilarious, that it beggars belief.
Wait! There's more.
But they're still selling stuff that's neither created, nor in the game.
Most were NEVER part of the game design.
They're basically consistently increasing scope to raise money.
So, take a look at that funding curve and draw your own conclusions.
And ALL the toxic cesspits of the community are now up in arms...



This time, though they're working around the clock, they can't stop the signal. It's a mess.

But get this. Some backers really BELIEVE that a move like this "destroys" the funding model. I kid you not.
Now that CIG has (as I warned last year), stopped issuing refunds, they just get [rightfully] laughed at.
She kept the scam going long enough until a few brave people started poking, thus getting the attention of the govt.
This is her story - in pictures. Read it.
I warned about the looking Crytek lawsuit for months. Nobody took me seriously. Until it was filed (I broke the news) Dec 2017.
Backers don't stand a snowball in hell chance of ever bringing about a lawsuit when they're already bound by arbitration which tends to favor corps.
They're just funding an active SCAM.
It's coming. And there's NO getting around it.
In stark contrast, the upcoming convention tickets went on sale a few days ago. It's held in the US.
For some reason, they haven't sold out the tickets.
But they totally have 2M backers though.