GW Bush: “weird shit”
GW Bush: “conspiracy theories”
GW Bush: “outright fabrication”
GW Bush: “casual cruelty"
Jeb Bush: “buffoon”
GHW Bush: “blowhard”
Bar. Bush: “how can ♀vote for him”
Bar. Bush: “unbelievable.. terrible”
Bar. Bush: insults “women...military”
Colin Powell: “a national disgrace”
Colin Powell: “international pariah”
Colin Powell: “insults us every day”
Colin Powell: “sell’g ppl bill of goods”
Colin Powell: “no sense of shame”
Colin Powell: “birtherism = racist”
Rice: “should not be President”
Rice: lacks “dignity and stature”
Romney: “unfit” “a phony, a fraud”
Romney: “genius he is not”
Romney: “offended and dismayed”
Romney: “dishonesty.. his hallmark”
McCain: “bone spur” draft dodger
McCain: don’t come to my funeral
McCain: “half-baked, spurious”
McCain: “unpatriotic”
McCain: “degraded, demeaned ♀”
Corker: “adult daycare center”
Corker: “on the path to World War III”
Corker: lies “everyone knows”
Corker: scares “anyone who ♡s 🇺🇸”
Flake: “dangerous to a democracy”
Flake: “reckless, outrage., undignif.”
Flake: threatens “world stability”
Flake: “assault... on free press”
Flake: uses words of “Joseph Stalin”
Flake: inspires “dictators”
Sasse: r u “recanting oath of office?”
Graham: “tell Trump to go to hell”
Graham: “race-baiting, xenophobic”
Graham: “bigot” “jackass”
Cruz: “utterly amoral” “narcissist”
Cruz: “pathological liar”
Cruz: “serial philanderer”
Cruz: “lies.. every word.. out of 👄”
Rubio: “con artist” “vulgar person”
Rubio: “justifies physical assault”
Paul: “orange-faced windbag”
Paul: “delusional narcissist”
Paul: “not Hitler..Goebbels” “Gollum”
Collins: “cruel” “unworthy”
Collins: “inability to admit error”
Collins: “dismayed”
Ayotte: “degrading and assault’g ♀”
Ayotte: “appalled”
Lee: “he scares me to death”
Scott: “racially toxic”
Gardner: “buffoon”
Crapo: “profane and demeaning”
Fischer: “disgusting..unacceptable”
Ryan: “textbook racism”
Chaffetz: “abhorrent”
McCarthy: “I think Putin pays Trump
Bannon: “treasonous” (abt Don Jr.)
John Kelly: “idiot” “unhinged”
Tillerson: “moron”
McMaster: “idiot... dope”
Kellyanne Conway: “vulgar”
Rick Perry: “cancer”
Ryan: “textbook racism”
Chaffetz: “abhorrent”
Fiorina: “pathological”
Fiorina: “Kim Kardashian of politics”
Delay: “we have got to stop Trump”
D. Cheney: “like a liberal Democrat”
Jindal: “egomaniacal madman”
Rove: “a complete idiot”
Rove: “graceless and divisive”
Norm Coleman: “isn't a truth-teller”
Norm Coleman: “bigot..fraud.. bully”
Sally Bradshaw: “lack of principles”
Marc Racicot: “can’t, won’t support”
Vin Weber: “won’t vote for Trump”
Gordon Humphrey: “a sociopath”
Chris Shays: “damage.. our country”
Michael Steele: “damn near puking”
Mel Martinez: “any, any other persn”
Ken Mehlman: “#NeverTrump”
Mike Coffman: “don't care for him”
Dave Reichert: “lost my vote”
Reid Ribble: “likely to be a racist”
Martha Roby: “unacceptable”
Mia Love: “new low...shld step aside”
Will Hurd: “degrades women”
Steve Knight: “strongly condemn”
Ann Wagner: “predatory, reprehens.”
Chris Stewart: “our Mussolini”
Richard Painter: left GOP
Erik Paulsen: “disgusting, offensive”
Kasich: “reflects poorly on country”
Sandoval: “repulsive”
Herbert: “despicable”
Schultz: “God help us”
Robert Zoellick: “a dangerous man”
Peggy Noonan: “weak and sniveling”
Peggy Noonan: “a living insult”
David Frum: #NeverTrump
Michael Gerson: #NeverTrump
Mike Murphy: #NeverTrump
George Will: #NeverTrump, left GOP
Scarbor’gh: #NeverTrump, left GOP
Bret Stephens: #NeverTrump
Jennifer Rubin: #NeverTrump
Rick Wilson: #NeverTrump
Anna Navarro: #NeverTrump
Tara Setmayer: #NeverTrump
Charlie Sykes: #NeverTrump
David Brooks: #NeverTrump
Andrew Sullivan: #NeverTrump
Margaret Hoover: #NeverTrump
Nicole Wallace: #NeverTrump
Tom Nichols: #NeverTrump
Max Boot: #NeverTrump
[missed a few]
S. E. Cupp: #NeverTrump
Steve Schmidt: #NeverTrump
David Jolly: #NeverTrump
Bill Kristol: #NeverTrump
Amanda Carpenter: #NeverTrump
Be courageous, the Republican Party left you. Now you should leave it.…