I'm going to use the full title here (FMoP) for reasons that will become clear
Free Movement of People is progressive, by definition. The freedom to control your life.
No definition of "progressive" takes rights away

Removing my rights in the name of stopping "exploitation" is victim blaming, pure & simple
Anyone of above average income already has effective freedom of movement, taking it away only impacts one group
If I value people only by what they can contribute in cash/skill terms, I've lost perspective
And you don't fix it by going backwards.
Trucks can cross borders but not people? No one who believes this can call themselves socialist
When you take it away you place FM of people at the bottom of the pile. Trade first, people a distant 4th
But progressives still fought for them.
They didn't sacrifice them for a few northern votes
In a functioning society 0.14% cannot hold wages down,or cause a housing crisis, or flood the NHS
Progressives know this, political cowards do too
The real meaning of this tweet is "we'll sacrifice the rights and agency of the working class both here and internationally, to appease a minority of Kippers (in the vain hope they'll be red Kippers)"
Not progressive, certainly not socialist