#Remain #Remainers, #RemainerNow Pls RT or feel free to Use this whenever you are told to Respect the Non-Binding Referendum & by all means add some more.
Namely that we must RESPECT the #Brexit Ref result & that to seek to overturn it would BETRAY the Will of the 'British People'. (nb they often omit the N. Irish)
Turning the Non-Binding opinion of 26.5% Ppl/37% voters who believed #Brexit lies w/o being told the full implications into a Binding Mandate.
26.5% IS NOT:
The British Ppl
The People
The Majority of the People
51.8% = c.1/4 ALL citizens
Ignoring the Will of the 48.1%/16,141,241 ppl voting #Remain or the unstated Will of 28%/13m voters who for any no. of reasons couldn't or chose not to vote; many cos they didn't understand the implications & felt they shouldn't..they're the honest ones.
Disenfranchising c.5m UK/EU cits who work & live either in the UK &/Or the EU many having paid or who are paying taxes & who are directly affected. Especially when it involves breaking up families & failing to commit to #Brexit protecting their CURRENT RIGHTS
Seeking #Brexit to Remove UK cits RIGHTS & PROTECTIONS by stealth & w/o Consent, when the implications of stripping an entire tier were not debated in the Ref nor much in Parliament or the media since. Why Repatriate Rights not to Remove them?
Pretending that a British Bill of Rights will offer the same protections is anything other than a fraudulent smokesceen. The Supreme Court, follows the Law. Parl makes the Law. Maj Govt drafts the Law & has Henry VIII powers.
The ECJ Protects us from our Govt.
Stating you won electoral mandates to support your version of #Brexit or tbh any version of this #BrexitShambles in multi-issue #GE2017.
Tories LOST Labour DID NOT WIN & tactical votes led to no majority.
Tories are in power cos they bribed the DUP.
Blaming the EU27 for not changing their rules at the UK's whim so it can cherry pick terms. EU27 were clear from the start. Most probs laid at the EU's door are the fault of UKGovts.
And this was never a Negotiation but the Setting of Terms for our departure.
Ignoring the Lies & Illegalities perpetrated by the #Brexit campaigns, #CambridgeAnalytica etc & trying to brush them under a carpet..& the argument #Remain did the same even if true just reinforces the invalidity of the EURef.
Letting the Met stall on investigating the ILLEGALITIES at the heart of the Vote Leave Campaign because of political sensitivities.
Are Brexiters above the Law?
Allowing the likes of Farage, Rees-Mogg, Redwood et al to get away with the hypocrisy of stating more than 1 Referendum was needed, when they thought they might lose & denying it to others when they gained their Preciousss after a deeply flawed process.
Denying a #PeoplesVote out of fear of intimidation or threats of violence from a bunch of Far Right Predominantly White 'football' thugs who hate Islam.
The Govt trying to circumvent Parliamentary scrutiny & accountability at every step of the process & pretending that the flawed #Brexit vote allowed them to Take Back Control for themselves with Henry VIII powers.
Putting Party Self-Interest before country...imposing your political wills & #Brexit on the People & choosing to ignore what is looking increasingly like a maj Will of the Ppl to #StopBrexit & #Remain
Pretending that #Brexit does anything other than
Threaten Rights, Jobs, the Econ, Public Services, Our Influence & Our Future prosperity.
It's time for the Truth, the Whole Truth & Nothing but the Truth.
This #BrexitShambles leaves us WORSE OFF THAN BEFORE!
Calling #Remain supporters #Remainers & #RemainerNow.
And many other abusive words not fit to print.
We are the real Patriots trying to prevent the harm #Brexit will do to the UK.
Denying citizens in a modern Democracy the Right to Change their Minds. That is the real BETRAYAL, of our Democracy & ultimately ALL the People...it's the act of an Authoritarian State.
Re. EURef?
No More Betrayals
#PeoplesVote + #Remain option ASAP