Wednesday was an outrageously busy day in #TrumpRussia news & revelations, so we did our best to summarize for you.
This THREAD is formatted as:
🔹A) What happened?
🔹B) Why is it important?
In conclusion, we remind you what YOU can do to help.
Its intriguing that it says there are docs suggesting Russia funneled money to the Trump campaign through the @NRA.…
She never got an answer.
However, it does suggest Mueller has moved beyond "was a crime committed?" to "can I indict Trump?"
Trump had previously denied knowledge of the payment, both directly & via his attorneys.…
The filing should have been made last year and various disclosure/FEC laws were likely broken.…
Thus, the FBI threw cold water on the story a week before the election, resulting in the headline "Investigating Donald Trump, FBI finds no clear link to Russia."
Trump at the time was claiming he had no ties to Russia.
Next question is, "What can YOU do to help?"
Step 1 - Sign up at for 'rapid response.'
Volume of sign-ups (now 350k+) is a deterrent to Trump crossing our red lines.

Say you've been following the news & demand they push for a floor vote to #ProtectMueller & #ProtectRosenstein.
Less than 6 months to midterms. We've got this.
Graphics h/t @frontera_julie