His response has NOTHING to do with the sheriff's statement.
You see, when they taught us READING in school, they also taught us COMPREHENSION. Just so we don't say dumb shit, they also taught us PROSE!
5 boxes. Each refers to a "focus" word|phrase (that's the comprehension part - pay attention)
Sheriff was talking about a specific caste of people. She even identified them that way for the simple reason that she wanted a DISTINCTION (see caste).

1) referenced nor acknowledged (see prose) the caste in the sheriff's statement
2) said anything to indicate that he even ack'ed what she stated, but went on his own bs (see tangent)
...goes to...
It gets better...
A = good people
B = bad people
C = refugees
D = MS13
E = bad hombres
cited source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_(se…

In conclusion..