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Are you tired of being stuck in the same old IT routine? Do you crave the excitement of constantly learning and adapting to new technologies? Are you ready to become a #DevOps superhero, saving the day with your coding skills and infrastructure expertise?

🧵 What is #DevOps Dev?
🌻A #DevOps developer's job is to bridge the gap between development and operations teams. They work to automate and streamline the software delivery process, ensuring that applications are deployed quickly, reliably, and securely.
🌻 So, what is #DevOps?

It is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates frequently in close alignment with business objectives.
Read 12 tweets
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofCode #Day31

Uninstalled and reinstalled @ProgrammingHero again, did the exam for #Cpp course, and it still crashed at the end.


It could be my phone. I'll have to try installing it on another device. Still a bummer screenshot of the error message as programming hero app cras
Also resinstalled the very different app, @Prghub, which has much shorter courses and as a result felt deceptive about how much you were learning. I haven't uses it in over a year for sure. They have a bunch of new courses. I'll try some-I don't know if I'll keep at it w this app
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofWriting #Day23-#Day27, need to keep track of how much I write and where. I kind of write a lot, but not always towards the goals I want to write toward. So I'm writing this tweet to stand in for missing those days' record while noting that I do write
Read 15 tweets
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofCode #Day29 (actual)

This is a throwback to my first javascript *script,* useBash.

I just love #bash

Anyways, today... Image
Today I haven't done nearly enough; but I went over my #JavaScript Interview Question flashcards (& the 1st #Cpp one)

I also discovered @wildlearnerapp !! which is very schnazzy looking & has good quizzing so far (but where is the C++ course?)

I *love* discovering new resources
Also, #Perl? watched a couple videos on Perl.

My learning journey is vast, immersive, and cyclical. If I don't finish something right away, or if I start something new, I almost always cycle back to the old ones. I feel I have learned a lot this way, for better or worse.
Read 5 tweets
Sabia que é possível usar JavaScript para interpretar variáveis do bash direto do terminal? 🤯🔥


#javascript #nodejs #js #bash #devtips #100daysofcode #node #childprocess #tutorial Image
Estava produzindo uma super aula do meu curso de Node.js Streams (em inglês), ensinando sobre como paralelizar o processamento de arquivos usando Node.js

A ideia é subir um processo para cada arquivo, e cada processo filtra os usuários que possuem o email em dominio gmail

Só que eu automatizei a validação para verificar que todos os itens foram processados e enviados para um arquivo de saida

Então primeiro fui lá e usei o `grep` para filtrar o texto do arquivo e o `wc -l`, para obter a quantidade de linhas.

Read 8 tweets
For some good reasons I haven't been posting my DevOps journey here.

My Azure DevOps AZ 400 exam, also putting some crafts on Cloud native using AWS and KodeKloud has been taking my time.
Meanwhile, I have covered few DevOps tools in the past few weeks.
#K8s components (deployment, Services, Ingress, Secret, volume and much more...)
#Docker deep dive
#Bash scripting
#Selenium (looking for alternative)
#Helm Charts
And more...
@PearsonVUE decided to disrupt my exam without consideration, I'm hoping that @MicrosoftLearn will resolve this asap.

The journey has been awesome tho.

I'll share my experience very soon.

#DevOps Engineer
Read 4 tweets
10 online tools to make working with the Linux command line faster and more efficient



#linux #bash #cli
There are hundreds of thousands of ready-made #bash command combination examples on Stackoverflow, AskUbuntu, Stackexchange etc. figure out exactly what a particular command combination does in details.


If a command fails to execute, you can use the tool to find out exactly where in the line there is an error.


Read 13 tweets
/bin/bash A through Z 🧵 #bashthread #bash
alias ... creates a nickname for a command which makes it easier to invoke that command. E.g. instead of doing, "ls -l" you can replace it with simply, "ll" - this is a good way to make funny inside joke command names. Image
apropos ... searches the manual pages. bash has a built in manual which can be invoked with, "man -k" -- apropos can search through the entire manual. Here's a search for apt-get: ImageImage
Read 286 tweets
Translation—Government is A complete pile of poo & what all of this is REALLY about is NONE OF IT MATTERS to most because MOST only care about Government or money.
Light & Dark coming together UNITED as 1 against the common enemy …

God & Lu work side by side, the FALLEN
Are rising alongside of God & Lu …
Most have absolutely no clue what is really going on, why it’s happening as it is & continues feeding into all of what isn’t real ..
It’s blinding many from seeing beyond what everyone is being shown, because so much is being
Shown every single day BEYOND face value.

Basically DJT & everyone else is/HAS BEEN (for years) SHOWING God & Lu are the ones in control of EVERYTHING … Those who know, no matter which “side” (there are no sides or drawn lines) you think others are on, none of it should be
Read 41 tweets
🎉 The second edition of Data Science at the Command Line is out! 🎉

You can read the entire book for free at

It took a good year to rewrite and expand the first edition, so I'd like to say a few things. 🧵 Jeroen holds a physical cop...
First of all, many thanks to @OReillyMedia for allowing me to make the book available for free under a CC BY-ND license. You can, of course, also buy a physical copy from your favorite bookstore. A screenshot of the homepag...
I'm grateful for all the help I've received. Most notably my editors @JessHaberman @GreyEditing Kate Galloway and my reviewers Aaditya Maruthi @bde @beeonaposy @juliasilge @mikedewar @reustle. The acknowledgements lists many others, without whom, I couldn't have pulled this off. A screenshot of the acknowl...
Read 22 tweets
[THREAD] #Linux a 30 ans aujourd'hui 🥳🐧
Il y a 30 ans, un fringuant jeune homme, Linus Torvalds, ingénieur de son état, envoyait un mail sur un newsgroup qui allait secouer durablement Internet.
L'objet du délit s'appelle #Minix, un proof of concept assez avancé d'un début de système d'exploitation, et surtout, un noyau logiciel pour lequel il explique alors avoir déjà porté l'interpréteur de commandes #Bash et le compilateur #GCC que nous utilisons encore, 30 ans après.
Read 13 tweets
An interesting summary of an interview with Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of #Ruby programming language about ‘What’s a Perfect Programming Language ‘

🧵 A Thread for 🧵

#CodeNewbies #100DaysOfCode
(Yukihiro Matsumoto):

Language designers want to design the perfect language. They want to be able to say, "My language is perfect. It can do everything."

But it's just plain impossible to design a perfect language, Why ?
Because, there are two ways to look at a language.

One way is by looking at what can be done with that language.

The other is by looking at how we feel using that language—how we feel while programming.
Read 10 tweets
Fluency in #terminal #scripting is a skill often neglected and considered archaic, but it improves your flexibility and productivity as a #SysAdmin in obvious and subtle ways.
Let's start a thread about #bash scripting with #EnableSysadmin support...
Why settle for boring #Bash? You can customize every aspect of your shell and this article gets you started. via #EnableSysadmin
How to manage your Linux command history via #EnableSysadmin by @kenhess . Taking the mystery out of your Bash history.
Read 16 tweets
Here's my #WFH arsenal for research in computational physics:
1. #Python (via @ProjectJupyter notebook)
2. #SublimeText (with plugins for #LaTeX, Markdown, C++)
3. Mac Terminal (for file management, navigation and SSH)
4. #Bash scripts (mostly using rsync, awk, grep)
@ProjectJupyter 5. @mendeley_com (for managing & highlighting refs.)
6. @obsdmd (newly found knowledge base)
7. @Sci_Hub (when I can't find papers on my college lib)
8. @powerpoint (for sharing progress)
9. @firefox (for everything else)

What's yours? #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter
Couple of tools I missed:
10. @inkscape (improving vector plots, creating schematics)
11. @Gimp (image editing)

All these tools are for analyzing and post-processing results from my arsenal of simulation tools (which deserve another thread)
Read 3 tweets
Para convertir números en Hexadecimal a decimal en el terminal de #Linux:
echo $((0x2F))

o También:

#GNU #bash #shell #Ubuntu #commandline Image
Y al revés. Para convertir números de Decimal a Hexadecimal en el terminal de #Linux:

printf %x 15; printf "\n" Image
Para acabarlo de rematar, mediante la calculadora "bc" podemos realizar conversiones de hexadecimal o de binario a decimal:

echo "ibase=16; 2F" | bc

echo "ibase=2; 100" | bc

echo "ibase=2; 101" | bc Image
Read 3 tweets
Para los talibanes del terminal de #Linux:
Como ver el pronóstico del tiempo desde el terminal:

Como ver el pronóstico de lluvias y temperaturas:

#gnu #shell #bash #Ubuntu #commandline ImageImage
Se me olvidaba, también podéis cotillear el pronóstico de otras ciudades de todo el mundo, ejemplo:
curl ImageImage
Continuando con el hilo: Si queréis ver los datos meteorológicos, pero comprimidos en una línea del terminal de #Linux, hay otro programa en los repositorios de #Ubuntu:
sudo apt install ansiweather

Y lo ejecutamos con la siguiente sintaxis:

ansiweather -u metric -l "Madrid" ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
So wanted to do a thread on using #bash on the #linux #cli .

Bash often gets ignored in today's cloud centric world but there is a lot of cool stuff you can do just with basic commands, the switches on those commands and piping things together.

To the command line!
So I'm going to start out with some of the more basic commands and some switches that people aren't familiar with and then rapidly get more advanced in both usage and stringing commands together.

Never done this on Twitter before so should be exciting!
Let's start with: ls

# show files in a single column
ls -1

# show files with detail
ls -l

# show files in reverse time order
ls -ltr

# show all hidden files
ls -a

# show files with human readable size and sorted by size
ls -lSh
Read 19 tweets
#linux #bash #obfuscation #technique #bashfuscation
padding commands with history expansion characters (#exclamation mark (!))
! ! ! ! echo this is test
(removed the previous tweet as I revealed too much info !)
#linux #bash #obfuscation #bashfuscation

using history expansion character -> !! (i.e. last command)

!!t really

is equivalent to
cat really

(only 4 interactive shell)
#linux #bash #obfuscation #bashfuscation

padding commands with empty commands (: ;)

: -> true (do nothing)
; -> command separator

: : ; : ; cat really
! ! ! : : ; : ; cat really
Read 8 tweets
#linux #bash #path #obfuscation
goal: obfuscate /etc/passwd
1) #directorytraversal: /mnt/././../etc/././passwd
2) escape characher: /etc/.\/\/\/\/\/passwd /etc/.\/.\/.\/.\/passwd /\e\t\c/passwd
3) null character /et$'c/pa\u0000/notexist/path'sswd
#path #obfuscation using #symbolic #link
ln -s / anything
head -n 2 anything////../etc/passwd

ln -s ../../ wow
head -n 2 ././wow/../etc/passwd

* ../ after a sym link applies to the sym link not the current path
filename expansion #globbing

cat /et*/pa**wd

command expansion
$(echo /e)tc$(echo /pa*)wd

+ other string obfuscation techniques
Read 5 tweets
#linux #bash #obfuscation using shell parameter expansion:

${alphabet:2:1}at really
${alphabet: -24:-23}at really
${alphabet: -24:1}at really
${alphabet:2:-23}at really…
similar #bat #windows (…)
The goal is to obfuscate the following command:
cat really
in which, really is a file.
Using arithmetic (add, sub, mul, div, mod, and pow) for calculating index or lenght
${alphabet: 2:(-20-3)}at really
Read 6 tweets
#linux #bash #obfuscation using octal vals
$'\143\141\164' really…
"Words of the form $'string' are treated specially. The word expands to string, with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard."

$'\143'$'\141'$'\164' really
$'\143'''$'\141'''''''''''''$'\164' really
$'\143'''$'\141'''""''''""''$'\164' really

'' -> empty string
""-> empty string
'a''b' -> 'ab' (concatenation)

(deleted the previous one, as the picture had a problem) Image
To give you a headache

$'\143'''$'\141'$t''"$t"''`$t`''$'\164' really Image
Read 13 tweets
So I’ve been wanting to be play this game..Finally going to do it... Image
1. (#Damon & #Elena) #Delena |You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger..#TVD
2. (#Liam & #Steffy) #STEAM | No one can stop us. You know why? Because we are written in the damn stars.
Read 140 tweets

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