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अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन और रबीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर... इतिहास के दो ऐसे बुद्धिजीवी जिनका दिमाग़ चलता नहीं, बल्कि दौड़ता था। आइंस्टीन विज्ञान में माहिर थे,तो रबीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर साहित्य में। दोनों अपने-अपने क्षेत्र के महारथी!!दोनों नोबेल पुरुस्कार विजेताओं के मन में एक दूसरे Image
के विचारों के प्रति गहन सम्मान था। यह इसी बात से पता चलता है कि आइंस्टीन टैगोर को ‘रब्बी’ (शिक्षक के लिए इस्तेमाल होने वाला हेब्रू भाषा का शब्द) के नाम से सम्बोधित करते थे।
यही कारण है कि 14 जुलाई 1930 को आइंस्टीन के बर्लिन निवास में उनकी बैठक के दौरान हुई बातचीत को इतिहास में
'सबसे उत्तेजक और बौद्धिक रूप से उत्साही चर्चाओं' में से एक माना गया। इन दोनों की यह बात-चीत जल्दी ही उस दौर की मीडिया में सनसनी बन गयी थी। कई प्रकाशनों के पास इसकी रिकॉर्डिंग भी थी। द न्यूयॉर्क टाइम्स ने 'आइंस्टीन और टैगोर प्लंब द ट्रुथ' शीर्षक के साथ एक लेख लिखा
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This day marks the 144th #BirthAnniversary of #SarojiniNaidu - a revered freedom fighter, politician and poet. ⁠

She was a key figure in the civil disobedience movement, and her poetry and life have left a mark on the whole world. ⁠
Here's a #tribute to the #NightingaleofIndia on this special day!
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#BirthAnniversary #SwamiVivekananda
The year was 1893. A young monk from India opened the World’s Parliament of Religions with an electrifying speech that brought the assembled representatives of the world’s major faiths to their feet. Image
The monk was Vivekananda, who had come to Chicago without a formal connection to the parliament but nonetheless managed to secure an invitation to give not only an opening address but several more speeches.
More than 6,000 people crowded into the assembly hall of the Permanent Memorial Art Palace, now the Art Institute of Chicago, to hear the young man speak.

Passionately and eloquently, Vivekananda called for the end of religious bigotry and intolerance.
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When you look back at things, they become clearer than when they actually happened. Irrfan always said, "You have a tendency to support the underdog, and hence we are together."⁠⁠

#BirthAnniversary #Legend #Tribute #Memory Image
But now when the fog has cleared, and I can see everything without conditioning, I know it was destiny. We were meant to be together.⁠

It was a hot summer afternoon in Delhi when I saw him for the first time.
A lanky, bespeckled young man in a black terry-cotton bellbottom and a light green printed shirt, with a leather sling bag from Rajasthan, walking towards the NSD lobby.⁠

He was definitely not my type.
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25 दिसंबर 1861 को उत्तर प्रदेश के इलाहाबाद (अब प्रयागराज) में एक पंडित परिवार में मदन मोहन मालवीय का जन्म हुआ। उन्होंने अपना उपनाम ‘चतुर्वेदी’ से बदलकर ‘मालवीय’ रख लिया, क्योंकि उनके पूर्वज मालवा से इलाहाबाद आए थे।
(2/9)मालवीय ने भारत में शिक्षा के स्तर को ऊँचा उठाने और समाज में सुधार लाने की दिशा में अनेकों काम किए। क्योंकि कहीं न कहीं उन्हें पता था कि जब तक भारतीय, शिक्षित नहीं होंगे और उन्हें समझ नहीं होगी कि स्वतंत्रता के असल मायने क्या हैं?
(3/9)तब तक भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम को वह गति नहीं मिलेगी, जो मिलनी चाहिए। इसके अलावा, उनकी सोच यह भी थी कि उन्हें युवाओं को स्वतंत्र भारत के लिए तैयार करना है, ताकि उन्हें पता हो कि उन्हें कैसे अपने देश के सर्वांगीण विकास में साथ देना है।
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In 1904, Ramanujan left high school; his future looked promising: he had won the school’s mathematics prize.

#NationalMathematicsDay #IndianMathematician #MathWizard #History #BirthAnniversary #SrinivasRamanujan
And, more importantly, a scholarship allowing him to study at the Government Arts College in the town of Kumbakonam.

Despite being a mathematical prodigy, Ramanujan's career did not begin well.
He received a college scholarship in 1904, but he quickly lost it by failing in non-mathematical subjects because of his strong inclination towards mathematics.
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#SrinivasaRamanujan #NationalMathematicsDay2022#birthanniversary
The world has only now started to admire the genius of a man who, despite having no formal training in pure mathematics, made substantial contributions to mathematics. ⁠
India's greatest mathematical genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan, lived a short but very productive life and continues to be an inspiration for mathematicians across the world, and his work has inspired a lot of research over the years.
The Better India pays homage to this special man with 5 little-known facts about his life.⁠

- Ramanujan was one of several siblings, but he lost all of them to a smallpox epidemic in 1889.
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#MilkmanofIndia #BirthAnniversary
On an early May morning in 1949, 27-year-old #VergheseKurien landed in Gujarat's Anand to work as superintendent of a run-down government creamery on a monthly salary of Rs 275. Image
It was in Anand that Kurien encountered the man who changed his life: Tribhuvandas Kishibhai Patel.⁠

The latter had, in late 1946, organised a cooperative for marketing the milk of farmers in Kheda district.
However, the cooperative struggled without proper processing facilities to prevent the milk from curdling when it reached Mumbai. ⁠

So Patel leased a part of the government creamery for the cooperative’s use.⁠
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At a very young age, Surendranath Banerjee cleared the British-instituted #IndianCivilService examinations but was dismissed due to racial discrimination. He whipped up a strong protest against this.

#BirthAnniversary #SurendranathBanerjee #History #FreedomFighters #India Image
In 1868, after graduating from the University of Calcutta, he travelled to England along with Romesh Chunder Dutt and Behari Lal Gupta to appear for the ICS exams. Though he passed the exam in 1869, he was dismissed because of a dispute over his proper age.
After this matter was sorted out in a court of law, Banerjee reappeared for the exam and again cleared it in 1871. He was appointed as the assistant magistrate in Sylhet but was chucked out due to racial discrimination.
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"Every writer has his own theory, method and practice of developing his art, just like every doctor has a different way of arriving at a diagnosis.
It is the academics who tend to generalise, professors who think that literature must be carefully boxed and labelled.
Malgudi was an earth-shaking discovery because I had no mind for facts and things like that, which would be necessary in writing about Malgudi or any real place."
~ R K Narayan
#IndianAuthor #Fiction #English
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(1/6)हिंदी साहित्य में अगर किसी कवि को लोककवि होने का दर्जा प्राप्त है तो वह हैं बाबा नागार्जुन!
नागार्जुन का जन्म 30 जून, 1911 को हुआ था। वह प्रगतिवादी विचारधारा के लेखक और कवि थे। नागार्जुन ने 1945 ई. के आसपास साहित्य क्षेत्र में क़दम रखा। Image
(2/6)उनका असली नाम वैद्यनाथ मिश्र था, पर हिन्दी साहित्य में उन्होंने 'नागार्जुन' तथा मैथिली में 'यात्री' उपनाम से रचनाओं का सृजन किया।
नागार्जुन की कविताओं को उनके समय और जीवन की डायरी के रूप में भी देखा जा सकता है। उनके काल की शायद ही कोई महत्वपूर्ण राजनैतिक और
(3/6)सामाजिक घटना होगी, जिसे उनकी कविता में स्थान न मिला हो।

ऐसी ही एक मर्मस्पर्शी कविता है -

'गुलाबी चूड़ियां'

प्राइवेट बस का ड्राइवर है तो क्या हुआ,
सात साल की बच्ची का पिता तो है!
सामने गियर से उपर
हुक से लटका रक्खी हैं
काँच की चार चूड़ियाँ गुलाबी
बस की रफ़्तार के मुताबिक
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(1/17)30 दिसंबर, 1930 को डॉ. भीमराव आंबेडकर ने लंदन से रमाबाई को एक पत्र लिखा था, उसी पत्र का सम्पादित संपादित अंश।

रमा! कैसी हो रमा तुम?
तुम्हारी और यशवंत की आज मुझे बहुत याद आई। तुम्हारी यादों से मन बहुत ही उदास हो गया है। मेरी बौद्धिक ताकत बहुत ही प्रबल बन गई है।
(2/17)शायद मन में बहुत सारी बातें उमड़ रही हैं। हृदय बहुत ही भाव प्रवण हो गया है। मन बहुत ही विचलित हो गया है और घर की, तुम सबकी बहुत यादआ रही है। तुम्हारी यादआ रही है। यशवंत की याद आ रही है। मुझे तुम जहाज पर छोड़ने आयी थी। मैं मना कर रहा था। फिर भी तुम्हारा मन नही माना।
(3/17)तुम मुझे पहुंचाने आई थी। मैं राउंड टेबल कांफ्रेंस के लिए जा रहा था। हर तरफ मेरी जय-जयकार गूंज रही थी और ये सब तुम देख रही थी। तुम्हारा मन भर आया था, कृतार्थता से तुम उमड़ गयी थी।तुम्हारे मुंह से शब्द नही निकल रहे थे।परंतु, तुम्हारी आंखें,जो शब्दों से बयां नहीं हो पा रहा था,
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(1/5)80 के दशक में रामायण धारावाहिक को घर-घर तक पहुंचाने वाले रामानंद सागर का जन्म 29 दिसंबर 1917 को ब्रिटिश इंडिया के पंजाब में हुआ था। अब यह जगह पाकिस्तान के लाहौर में है। रामानंद सागर के बचपन का नाम चंद्रमौली चोपड़ा था। रामानंद को उनकी नानी ने पाला और
(2/5)उन्होंने उनका नया नाम रामानंद सागर रखा। परिवार की आर्थिक हालत ठीक नहीं थी, इसलिए रामानंद को कम उम्र से ही काम करना शुरू करना पड़ा। उन्होंने उन दिनों ट्रक क्लीनर और चपरासी की नौकरी भी की है।

1940 में रामानंद सागर पृथ्वीराज कपूर के पृथ्वी थियेटर में असिस्टेंट स्टेज
(3/5)मैनेजर के तौर पर काम करने लगे। यहीं से उन्हें राज कपूर के साथ काम करने का मौका भी मिला। साल 1950 में उन्होंने प्रोडक्शन कंपनी सागर आर्ट कॉरपोरेशन बनाई। रामानंद सागर के कई सीरियल और फिल्में पॉपुलर हुईं लेकिन 'रामायण' की सबसे ज्यादा चर्चा रही।
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In 1930, anticipating Nobel Prize, CV Raman bought two tickets to Stockholm, other for wife, as early as September, 3 months early.

His conviction was not misplaced; he was decorated with the Nobel Prize for Physics that year for his path-breaking work. #BirthAnniversary
Raman was also the first Non white to get Nobel Prize in science. It took merely Rs. 200 to make this discovery & now millions of rupees. University of Cambridge offered him a Professor’s job. He rejected & later appointed as 1st Non British Director of IISc Bangalore in 1933.
During WW2 tried best to bring some scientists to work in #IISc, including Niel Bohr, Heisenberg, Pauli. Max Born spend some time here.

CV Raman studied Science, but got selected in Indian Financial Service. Was in good position. But later returned back to world of science.
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An Indian scientist who demonstrated to the world that plants have life.

On May 10, 1901 at jam-packed hall of Royal Society, London he demonstrated how plants have life with crescograph. Invented telegram. Remembering JC Bose, 1st modern scientist of India on birth anniversary.
He could record motion of plant tissues to about 10 K times of their actual size.

Demonstrated how Plant died like a rat due to poisoned bromide solution.

JC Bose became the first Indian to be appointed as Professor of Physics in the Presidency College, and later to IES.
JC Bose was Offered half payment vis-a-vis European professors, in protest refused salary for 3 years and taught.

In 1998, Dr. Probir found out how Bose was the real inventor of Wireless Receiver, didn't patent, but Marcony patented.

Remembering the giant. #JCBOSE
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In 1930, anticipating the Nobel Prize, CV #Raman bought two tickets to Stockholm, other for his wife, as early as September, 3 months early.

His conviction was not misplaced; was decorated with the Nobel Prize for Physics that year for his path-breaking work. #BirthAnniversary
Raman was also the first Non white to get Nobel Prize in science. It took merely Rs.200 to make this discovery & now millions of rupees.

University of Cambridge offered him a Professor’s job.

He rejected & later appointed as 1st Indian Director of IISc Bangalore in 1933.
Later he wrote his experience of sitting under Union Jack while recieving the prize. How it led to his breakdown.
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During a significant project of DRDO, the work pressure was high. A scientist approached his boss – & asked to leave early that day considering he had promised his children to take them to an exhibition.

Boss generously granted permission, the scientist got back to work. 1/3
When he did, he lost the track of time & forgot to leave early. He reached home, feeling guilty, looked for his kids, but could only find his wife.

He asked for kids, and to his surprise she told him: “your manager was here around 5:15 and he took kids for exhibition!”. 2/3
Apparently, Boss had been observing the scientist and noticed that he might never realise he had to go home. Feeling for the kids, he decided to take the kids in his stead.

Boss was none other than APJ Abdul Kalam.

Remembering Kalam sir on his #BirthAnniversary 3/3
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Some men are born great, while some achieve greatness during their lifetime.
* Dr. Satyanarayana Rajguru was a man of multidimensional character. He was a poet, a writer, a dramatist,
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a stage director, an actor, a freedom fighter, a linguist, an orator, a great historian and a research scholar. He started education at the age of five. From his childhood he was a man of independent mind.
Though a meritorious student, he could not be qualified in the
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the matriculation examination, intentionally. However, he passed the Oriental Title Examination in "Odia & Sanskrit' from the Andhra University. In the year 1929 he worked as the Manager of the 'Parala Padmanabha Rangalaya' and entered in to the field of ttheater during 1935.
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ସୁରମଣି ରଘୁନାଥ ପାଣିଗ୍ରାହୀ।
Suramani Raghunath Panighrahi
#birthanniversary #Jayanti
(10 August 1932) pandit Raghunath Panighrahi , popularly known as GitaGovinda panigrahi, was an great Indian classical singer and music director from Odisha. 
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He made a lifetime contribution of promoting, propagating and popularizing the life and works of Jayadeva and the cult of Lord Jagannatha with Odissi vocal.

*Not only odissi , but also was an expert of Carnatic and Hindustani music.
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ପିଲାଟି ଦିନରୁ ସଙ୍ଗୀତ ଶିକ୍ଷାପ୍ରତି ଆଗ୍ରହ ନିଜସ୍ୱ ଗୃହ ରୁ ପ୍ରାପ୍ତ ହୋଇଥିଲା।ସେ ୨୯୩୨ସନ ଆଜିର ଦିନରେ ଜନ୍ମହୋଇଥିଲେ ଗଞ୍ଜାମ ଲିହୁରୀ ଗ୍ରାମରେ (ମାତୁଳାଳୟ).ରାୟଗଡା ଜିଲ୍ଲା ଗୁଣପୁର ରେ ପ୍ରାଥମିକ ଶିକ୍ଷା ଲାଭ କରିବା ସଙ୍ଗେ ସଙ୍ଗେ ପିତା ନୀଳମଣି ପାଣିଗ୍ରାହୀ ଠାରୁସେ ଶିକ୍ଷା କରିଥିଲେ ଗୀତଗୋବିନ୍ଦ ଓ ଗୋପାଳକୃଷ୍ଣ ସଙ୍ଗୀତ
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Today, 21 Jun, is birth anniversary of late Admiral Sourendra Nath Kohli, the 8th Chief of Naval Staff. He was CinC WNC during the '71 War. Earlier he was last Fleet Cdr of Indian Fleet & hence, 1st Fleet Cdr of Western Fleet. His other commands incl Comdt NDC, Superintendent ImageImageImage
Naval Dockyard Mumbai, CO INS Mysore, INS Rana and INS Godavari - all in their previous incarnations. Twice Director Naval Plans, he contributed to Navy's force buildup. He also authored two books on maritime issues. A Stephanian, he joined Navy in 1938 & saw action in WW 2
A Communication specialist he was also Vice Chief of Navy & Chief of Material. He was awarded Padma Bhushan & PVSM
@arunp2810 @theUdayB @JaggiBedi @subnut @indiannavy @vgmenon99 @MHSofIndia @CaptDKS @nmfindia @w_karve @writetake @SandeepUnnithan @PadmajaParulkar @Soldier_forlife
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