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Jan 13th 2023
When I discuss ways to improve lab safety in academia, I present parts of this review by @TrantTeam and @Shufflersunite. The paper discusses the current state of academic lab safety, supported by data (yay!), and concludes with stressing the need for
…Support from leadership in order to minimize future laboratory incidents in academia.
Some of my favorite (and most concerning) pieces of data discussed are:
#chemtwitter #labsafety #chemsafety
“In one survey from Nature and UCLA, 30% reported having witnessed a lab injury severe enough to warrant attention from a medical professional”

🤯 These incidents are rarely reported and could potentially be much larger

Read 8 tweets
Jul 4th 2022
I had planned to add all my #LINO22 highlights chronologically to my thread but there are just too many. So, I will just cherry-pick a few here.

Starting with the inspirational talk by @ben_list on the importance of catalysis for a more sustainable future.
Related to that the "Catalysis and Green Chemistry" panel discussion with Richard Schrock, Dave MacMillan (@dmac68), Liang Feng (@LiangFeng_chem), Jiangnan Li, Carla Casadevall (@CasadevallCarla) - well done!
Dave MacMillan’s (@dmac68) excellent advice for young group leaders/scientists:
- Be passionate and work on things you are truly excited about
- Be as generous as you can be and treat people with respect
Read 9 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
SO EXCITED for the @ExRdFestival this weekend (June 18/19). Join the #ChiralCrew in the Magnificent Molecules zone to talk spiral shells, drug design, spin control and the future of technology. 🧪🌀 #ChemTwitter a poster outlining ‘the mag...a printed chiral objects sc...a collection of postcards i...a collection of ‘unicorn ho...
We’ve even got merch! 😃🌀 #ChiralCrew a collection of blue t circular stickers sayi...
Louis Minion, an amazing PhD researcher in the #ChiralCrew, successfully applied for a @RoySocChem Outreach Grant. With the ££ we were able to buy a jazzy 3D printer that can print enantiomorphs simultaneously (🤯). Join us @ExRdFestival to play w/ 3D chiral molecules 🌀!(📸: MW) a FlashForge 3D printer pri...a collection of blue and wh...
Read 26 tweets
Mar 29th 2022
1/8 Despite what @physorg_com says, TNTNB will not "play an important role in mining and engineering applications, pyrotechnics, space exploration, or military weapons systems."In fact, it will play zero role. Let me explain why.
#ChemTwitter @physorg_com…
2/8 First, TNTNB decomposes at 65 C. That alone precludes its use in the form of any of these aforementioned applications. That decomposition temperature for an explosive material is too low for any practical use, be it for military or civilian applications.

3/8 Second, TNTNB is ridiculously sensitive, on par with the highly primary explosive lead azide. Lead azide is used only for niche applications such as bullet primers and detonators. But unlike TNTNB, it is thermally robust, melts at 190 C, and decomposes at 315 C. #chemtwitter
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Feb 9th 2022
We are excited to report in @Nature a new class of modular molecular building blocks, TIDA boronates, which pull automated lego-like chemical synthesis into the third dimension 1/ #ChemTwitter #LEGO… @ChemistryUIUC @LASillinois @NewsAtIllinois @UofIllinois
Previous work showed MIDA as a powerful ligand for reversibly attenuating boron reactivity within Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions - allowing iterative assembly of B-protected haloboronic acid building blocks. 2/
A 1st gen automated synthesis platform based on MIDA boronates reported in @ScienceMagazine in 2015 enabled small organic molecules to be prepared using a single automated platform. But it came with a key limitation... 3/…
Read 23 tweets
Feb 5th 2022
Here’s a few reasons why process chem tries to avoid chrom in early development, ESPECIALLY for the API. Yes there will be exceptions, but for the most part these points hold true …1/n
The first relatively large batch made by process chemists has different names depending on the company. At PFE we called it the regulatory tox batch, at VRTX it’s the GLP tox batch. This is the first time your chemistry will be done on multikilo scale 2/n
A typical batch size can range from 500g up to 4+ kg. When I was making material for ADCs the batch size was <5g. Again, it’s all about the projected dose before tox findings. So why do we avoid chrom like the plague (well like the bubonic plague anyway)? 3/n
Read 8 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
1/7 A bit of chemistry of the Atlas V rocket. Initial liftoff is achieved with “booster” solid composite propellant that contains ammonium perchlorate, aluminum powder, and hydroxy terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) as the binder system.

#Chemtwitter #Space #STEM
2/7 Aluminum only makes up a small amount of the overall formulation of the booster, but is very important. It catalyzes efficient and clean combustion, and maximizes the burning rate of the solid booster propellant mixture.

#Chemtwitter #Space #STEM
3/7 After the boosters finish their initial work, they separate from the rocket, and the first stage engine takes over. In the case of the Atlas V, it’s a common core booster propellant known as Kerolox.

#Chemtwitter #Space #STEM
Read 7 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
My heart is heavy today at the loss of Prof. Paul Crutzen, Nobel Laureate and a giant of both science & humanity, truly with no equal.

So many profound contributions: ozone layer chemistry, nuclear winter, #Anthropocene, +

A few quotes & obs. below (1/x)…
2/ "He was the first to show how human activities damage the ozone layer. This knowledge ... was the basis for the worldwide ban on ozone-depleting substances – a hitherto unique example of how Nobel Prize-winning basic research can directly lead to a global political decision.”
3/ “Paul Crutzen was also a pioneer of the sciences focusing on the impact of human civilization on the environment, whether through his findings on the destruction of the ozone layer or through his later scientific work on human-made climate change."…
Read 9 tweets
Nov 23rd 2020
It’s never too early to begin prepping for the 2021 hiring season. Many companies post open positions in Q1/Q2 having budgets approved for that fiscal year. For anyone looking to make the leap into pharma/biotech here are a few points to consider:
@Chemjobber #chemtwitter
1) There are a lot of awesome companies that do amazing science. Company size does not determine quality of science. Be willing to look at big, medium, and small startups. Each will have a different culture. Find one that not only pays the bills, but makes you proud to work there
2) Tailor your CV to the role you are applying to. If the job lists experience needed with catalyst/ligand screening your PhD was in this area, make sure the experience you list matches keywords in the job post. 1000s of CVs will be prescreened. Make sure yours gets through
Read 9 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
(1/25) I am writing this thread concerning grad student life in organic synthesis. Some folks will agree with it (though perhaps not openly). Others may be very upset. Either way is OK. But here are some stories, thoughts, and advice

#chemtwitter #realtimechem @RealTimeChem
(2/25) I began grad school in June 2004, working in the lab of (now retired) Prof. James A. Marshall. He was one of Prof. Ireland’s first graduate students (1957-1960). I joined the Marshall group not because it was easy, but because it was hard. The hard is what made it great
(3/25) Expectations were laid out the first day I arrived. Dr. Marshall was hands off, expected you to generate your own ideas, and understood that lots of reactions don’t work. The PhD is earned by solving problems, and problems won’t fix themselves. You need to put the time in
Read 25 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
Hey #ChemTwitter gotta mystery for you. A friend painted my nails with a UV-cured gel. It was pink when it went on. Over the next 48 hours, it’s increasingly turned yellow (lighting is different in pics but I think you can see...) 1/2 ImageImageImage
... what could possibly have caused this? I haven’t handled anything (that I can of) that might cause discolouration or pigment breakdown. Friend has painted her own nails same colour since, no change yet. It’s apparently me! 🤷🏼‍♀️
Quick add: could it be hand sanitiser perhaps? IPA? Ethanol?
Read 4 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
We’re about to start live-tweeting our Summer Student Showcase: Visualizing Science virtual event! Check here for tweets on visual communication research and how it applies to #scicomm, #infographics, #branding, and #socialmedia! ⬇️ @ComSciConCAN @ComSciConQC @AlexGelle
Give us a follow, tag us @designsthatcell and use #DTCSummerShowcase to let us know what you think about the event! We'd love to connect with you 🤗
Our founder, @NersesianSarah, is opening today’s event by introducing our summer internship program and today’s awesome speaker lineup! The intern program was developed to support undergraduate students who lost #research or #scicomm opportunities due to COVID-19 restrictions.
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Aug 22nd 2020
(1/5) My two cents from someone in the energetic materials arena. Med chem is equivalent to small molecule discovery of new explosive and propellant ingredients. Process chem is the scale-up of these materials for testing purposes.
#chemtwitter #RealTimeChem @RealTimeChem
(2/5) In the discovery phase, cost of reagents, cost of synthesis, and length of the synthesis route aren’t an immediate priority. Goal is to make the new stuff, and get preliminary data to see if it’s even worth scaling-up.
#chemtwitter #RealTimeChem @RealTimeChem
(3/5) If the new energetic fails thermal analysis, is found to be too sensitive to work with, or is incompatible with ingredients it will come into contact with in a formulation, then its dead. This can be determined with little material

#chemtwitter #RealTimeChem @RealTimeChem
Read 19 tweets
Aug 21st 2020
While in this article the 2019 cohort w/in the #CASFutureLeaders family shared their ideas for the future of chemistry, now it is your turn to join the conversation. In the next hour, we will discuss questions that extend beyond the article. [1/2]… CAS Future Leaders advertising Twitter chat at 11 am EDT on
To do this, we have invited some members of the 2019 cohort to be part of this discussion, but they encourage you to take part as well, such is the main message in their article. Check out the 🧵here for the bios on the 2019 #CASFutureLeaders [2/2] w/ @michmuzz + @RituChakra
@ANBismillah is a physical organic chemist in the field of Supramolecular Chemistry. She is currently a US-UK Fulbright Scholar working under the supervision of @aprhamian at @dartmouth. Her research focuses on hydrazone-based reaction cascades
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Aug 10th 2020
(1/25) Having received some DMs on the subject, I would like to tell you all about military technologies, and how they impact our daily lives. This will be a long thread that I hope you’ll read and think about.

#chemtwitter #realtimechem @RealTimeChem
(2/25) The internet (which originated from the ARPANET), computers, GPS technologies, duct tape, drones, weather radar, microwave ovens,  digital cameras, jet engines, synthetic rubber, superglue, canned food, jeep vehicles,

#chemtwitter #RealTimeChem @RealTimeChem
(3/25) The mass production of penicillin, wristwatches, walkie-talkies, night vision, sanitary napkins, freeze drying, the EpiPen, Jerrycans, blood banks and blood transfusions, ambulances, aviator sunglasses, and the entire Space Program

#chemtwitter #reatimechem @RealTimeChem
Read 25 tweets
Aug 8th 2020
So you want to do ammonia-free Birch reductions?

“Large Scale Synthesis of Dysprosium and Neodymium Diiodides” (plus Thulium 💚).…

A thread #ChemTwitter #RealTimeChem (but from the past). (Table -…)
Divalent lanthanide chemistry is often limited to Sm(II), Eu(II) and Yb(II). Eu(II) is actually stable in degassed water, the other two are oxidized. SmI2 is a powerful reductant used lots in organic chemistry.

Eu(II) has some pretty #Fluorescence!!
Now, Sm, Eu and Yb behave nicely and you can just take the metal carefully with I2 in THF to make [LnI2(THF)5], which can be partially desolvated. In that picture above the inner blue is [EuI2(THF)5], and the outer pale blue is EuI2(THF)2.

You can also use I-C2H4-I, or I2CH2.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
I am seeing a lot of people in #STEM and #chemtwitter making posts in support of protests and statements of commitment to #DiversityandInclusion in STEM. As someone who is #BlackinSTEM that has spent time in both industry and academia, I would like to say talk is cheap. 1/n
For those in academia, commit to increasing the number of Black students in your program by ACTIVELY recruiting black students. Build relationships with HBCUs that can serve as feeders for your program.
Commit to giving recruitment seminars at predominantly minority institutions. Recruit Black students fro REU experiences. Feel vested in the success of your Black chem majors.
Read 12 tweets
May 14th 2020
From @cqe_lisboa in #Lisbon #Portugal to the #chemtwitter #AcademicTwitter world, our annual @cqedays #CQEDays2020 will unroll with the help of our tremendous theme moderators! Let's have a strong applause for them:
#CQECat Catalysis is one of our research areas, and we have @martandrade77 from @cqe_lisboa @istecnico moderating the poster discussion!
#CQECompChem Computational Chemistry is a key tool in all of chemical areas, and @kashimizu from @cqe_lisboa @istecnico will lead the way!
Read 16 tweets
May 6th 2020
Thank you Twitter for helping me yesterday be more "myself" in this weird time. Today, I get to share something so special: a glimpse into the #VirtualDefense experiences of 8 amazing people (and recent PhDs 🌟) published @iScience_CP .… Collage of virtual defenders who recently became PhDs virtually online over Zoom
I went to over 25 thesis defenses in the last two months. Every one of them was different, but at the same time, there were resonating emotions through all of them. There was nerves, sadness, joy, excitement, terror (geared at Zoom-bombing, not committees ;D).
Suddenly, science communication was forcibly opened to the masses (or at least anyone who had access to a Zoom link). While parties become much smaller or non-existent, it was so beautiful to see #AcademicTwitter rally behind all the recent #VirtualDefenders
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Mar 17th 2020
In these challenging times, the Chemistry Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research realizes that many of you may be searching for ways to support undergraduate research students. The following are some suggestions.
Literature searching: use this time to make sure that your database is current. If you don’t yet use an electronic program to manage your citations, there are several that are free. 2/n
Literature review: If you have students you are developing, consider identifying a narrow topic and leverage their interest in researching this area and writing a literature review. 3/n
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Aug 28th 2019
Our lab’s inaugural manuscript is out (PMID: 31424293)!!! First #tweetorial (1/n) #chemtwitter #radonc #academicchatter #newPI #sciencetwitter #livercancer
We have been exploring molecules that can specifically bind to liver cancer to improve upon existing modalities for diagnosis and surveillance. 2/n
So, why liver cancer? About 800,000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer worldwide, with as many people dying from the disease annually. In the U.S., incidence and mortality appear to be increasing. 3/n
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Jun 3rd 2019
Happy Pride month! I’m a trans grad student who started transitioning he summer between graduating UG and starting a PhD program. Here’s a thread on things to keep in mind when considering the recruitment of #trans students. #AcademicTwitter #ChemTwitter 1/20
For REUs:
Does your program provide housing? How is it broken up? Chances are it’s by legal sex. Are you putting this information where applicants can see it? Would trans applicants be able to room with their actual gender, not just the one on paper? Could they room alone? 2/n
Rooming alone isn’t always ideal from both standpoints (to school, more money, to students, isolation), but it might be the preferred option depending on school rules and the “oh jeez, will my assigned roommate hate trans people & be potentially hostile to me for 8-10 weeks.” 3/n
Read 20 tweets

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