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Apr 30th 2023
We have it all. Image
@CFWBers Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
Child sex abuse ring: Gerhard Ackerman found guilty of child porn charges, sex trafficking, grooming

#SouthAfrica #ChildSexAbuse #SexTrafficking #ChildTrafficking…
The Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg found Gerhard Ackerman guilty on Monday of multiple charges linked to a child sex abuse ring that he masterminded.
Ackerman faced 740 charges, including possession of child pornography, rape, human trafficking, sexual grooming of a child, sexual assault and the sexual exploitation of children.
Read 31 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
#SatanicAgenda #FashionGate #ChildSexTrafficking #AttemptedNormalisationOfPedophilia #Baal #ChildSacrifice #NWO
Celine's gender-denying children's clothing line's favourite symbols?

Skulls ✔️
Black Stars ✔️
One-Eyes ✔️
Read 10 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
FACT: The problem with Liberals is they've never been called out on their BULLSHIT and have never been forcibly sat down in their place and scolded for being idiots and wrong about everything. They have been coddled for way to long. Not offending them, this REAL PANDEMIC.
They have been treated like spoiled brats by incompetently stupid parents is what is wrong with them. They have been told for way too long they are such good little angels and this has led to their severe Mental Delusion Disorder.
The @DNC #DemocratParty is full of idiots who have been brainwashed into thinking that i.e. killing babies via Abortion is such a wonder and moral, and ethical thing to do. They've been told that it is okay to flaunt their #LGBTQ-ness in front of children in public is a Godly.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
#Genocide by Federal hellcare guidelines

#childsextrafficking at highest levels of our degenerate federal bureaucracy

#EvilJustice Department that protects criminals

#EvilFBI terrorizing Americans

And these #UniParty #politicalpussies yakking incessantly but doing jack shit Image
Meanwhile... ImageImageImage
#EvilCongress #EvilJustice and very evil Epstein Wexner Maxwell MegaGroup child sex Traffickers ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Aug 21st 2021
@TaskFor26668668 @EzraACohen @Bitchute @PentagonPresSec @USNavy China Joe... #DonaldTrumpWasRight

Gotta just love the Industrial Military Complex hey?🤦🏻‍♀️

👉🏻18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason👈🏻

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies”………
@TaskFor26668668 @EzraACohen @Bitchute @PentagonPresSec @USNavy Joe Biden on “China”... 🇨🇳

“I do know a lot about Foreign Policy...” “Guess what, they
own you?!”


Human Trafficking Agendas, Hidden in plain Sight?
Read 31 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
@TaskFor26668668 @Admiral Willy Moore worked as a VP at Lockheed Martin” during the same time that “James Comey worked as a VP at Lockheed”... Strange coincidence hey? Both during the GW Bush Administration.…… ImageImageImageImage
@TaskFor26668668 Look! Admiral Charles “Willy” Moore of #V4CR was General Mattis’ boss at one time too! These two also have a history together.

@TaskFor26668668 So Admiral Charles “Willy” Moore is Good Friends With General Milley?

Gen. Milley is working with Pelosi?

Tucker calls out Gen. Milley...…

Judicial Watch calls out Gen. Milley & Pelosi...… ImageImageImageImage
Read 64 tweets
Feb 10th 2021
#OpWhereAreTheKids Part 6
#PedoJoe & Illegal immigration are going to cause a YUGE rise in #ChildSexTrafficking cases as well as #CSA cases all over the country. We need to talk about what is going to happen to these #UAC as they pour into America…
Read 9 tweets
Jan 29th 2021
#TH3D3N #OpWhereAreTheKids Part 4

#ChildSexTrafficking by the CIA and #NCMEC is real. In this part I will show you the technology they use, who the other donors are & what they are involved in.
#OpWhereAreTheKids Pt 4
🔥Hiding in Plain Sight–NCMEC

ICMEC & NCMEC BoD. R full of Wa.insiders,political elite,royalty,heads of multi-ntnl corps, high powered lawyers &consultants +extensive partnerships w/ ntwks of NGOs, industry leaders & gov. agencies…
#TH3D3N #OpWhereAreTheKids Part 4

Palantir's backers include the CIA's In-Q-Tel venture fund and Thiel's Founders Fund. Its customers include government intelligence agencies such as the National Security Agency.…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
Do you see #ChildSex or “Childish” in this twitter handle? *Note he posted the meme I’ll put in the comments. #ChildSexTrafficking Image
How I stumbled across this gambino goon. Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 9th 2020
#ChildSexTrafficking in the USA by men who pretend to be Christians.
US police, law enforcement & secular judges complicit with the perverts.

#MelodyBannister & her 4 children are victims.
If you want to help Melody & her kids, read this—…
Please RT my FIRST tweet in this thread adding your own comment when you RT (then I can like or RT your comment).
@TrumanAwakened @lanakuykendall
@EvangelFeminist @RebeccaJoyDavis @reachjulieroys @littlefurykitty @JamesFo06955151 @CathyCathyFox @RealCathyOBrien @sammy_lianne
Please RT my 1st tweet in this thread adding your own a comment when you RT (then I can RT your comment). @md444444444 @DrCaroleMD @TheFreedom2Live @louisembrookes @luverley @beforethestars @RobDownenChron @brighteyestroye @CABeck1961 @MailletLois @CoreysDigs @Thrivingseason
Read 4 tweets
Feb 6th 2020
“Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.”—John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children 2)
Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old.

This is America’s dirty little secret. 3)
Read 73 tweets
Nov 6th 2019
Archaeological investigation showed there WERE tunnels under McMartin Preschool.
""If the stories of the children were bogus fantasies, there is no excuse for the tunnels discovered under the school. If there really were tunnels, there is no excuse for the glib dismissal of any and all of the complaints of the children and their parents."
(from the article)
Archived link to the article…
Read 6 tweets
Oct 29th 2019
#RobertEvans on left #RomanPolanski on right, as they looked in the 1970s.
Both “Do as thou wilt” dreck criminals, pedophiles, child porn and snuff film creators.
Roman Polanski and Robert Evans were part of the circle in Los Angeles connected to Micheal Aquino’s Temple of Set.

Cohorts of CIA/Playboy Enterprise #childsextrafficking #humantrafficking mind control programmer/Handler
Hugh Hefner.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 2nd 2019
No discussion of Serial Child Rapist and Child Porn Producer Roman Polanski is complete without at least mentioning his friendships with
Micheal Aquino (Temple of Set) and
now deceased Anton LaVey (Church of S@tan) and #childsextrafficking.

Did you know, Samantha Geimer’s boyfriend in 1977,
Thomas Schoenberger who was 18 at the time and having sex with her, is on friendly speaking terms with Temple of Set founder Micheal Aquino as recently as this month?

Cozy bunch -
Aquino, Polanski, Geimer and Schoenberger.
Since at least July 2018, when Fiona Barnett and now deceased Issac Kappy came into my life, I have been criminally stalked by Samantha Geimer’s ex boyfriend, Thomas Schoenberger. Stalked to the point I’ve been told to go dark. Why do you suppose that is?
Read 5 tweets
Aug 28th 2019
Wonder how long the DOJ will sit on the blackmail they gathered from deceased Hugh Hefner’s Charring Cross Road property...
Indefinitely is my guess.

No one wants the actual truth.
I’m so over the lies and psyop games being played.
You know full well, DOJ will do the same with blackmail/evidence they gathered from deceased Jeffery Epstein’s properties.
Nothing will be done unless it’s politically expedient for those currently in power, the victims of the crimes be damned.
That’s the reality.
I’ve been hacked, stalked, harassed by Black Cube plus Aquino et al. Had numerous death threats. Been abducted. Yet, nothing done.
No protection from Trump Administration/US law enforcement They’re not helping survivors like me yet, Kissinger gets invited to @WhiteHouse.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 16th 2019
#Pedopredator🚨Bill Henderson is out on bail.
Henderson owns wine tour/transport co & also a video production co in Santa Barbara, CA - Compass Productions.
Just days after 8/7 incident, prior to his arrrest he bought a boat. Perhaps to get himself into international waters.
#Pedopredator 🚨Bill Henderson was in the middle of a divorce. He had moved out to Lake Cachuma for awhile until his wife mysteriously dead in her sleep a few months ago.
I wonder what secrets died with her...
Read 9 tweets
Aug 14th 2019
Epstein’s fellow #childsextrafficking scum, Ghislaine Maxwell boyfriend Dr. Scott Borgerson is on Counsel on Foreign Relations (front for #modernslavery) like Epstein was. He’s CEO of CargoMetrics Technologies LLC -how convenient for #HumanTrafficking.…
Read 3 tweets

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