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Day 464 of #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine starts with another horrendous wait to see if air defence can protect them as cruise missiles head towards them as I type.

This is THE daily thread with all the news of the brutal war in one place, updated all day (and night!)
So much happened yesterday - here's the link to the start of Thursday's thread.

Deaths from #Russia's missiles because shelters were locked
#Crimea bridge falling down?
Big explosions in #Belgorod + #Kursk regions and the rebel Russian units attack again

Almost all of #Ukraine is under threat right now. Sirens sound across the country except for a handful of western regions.

#Cherkasy, just south of #Kyiv is initially thought to be in the firing line of the missiles launched by #Russia from bombers over the Caspian Sea. Image
Read 66 tweets
Sunday is Day 438 of #Russia's catastrophic full invasion of #Ukraine

Each day you've been able to find all the news of Europe's war in one place with these daily threads.

It's all free, but if you can support what I do with a coffee I'd be very grateful
I forgot this yesterday (thanks Dave for remembering!) so let's do this straightaway!

As I post so much, people couldn't find the start of the previous day's thread, which they found handy to review what they missed. So here's the start of Saturday's feed
#Ukraine was attacked last night. Here's a summary:

#Dnipropetrovsk region - again huge artillery fire on #Nikopol with one dead and 3 injured.
#Mykolaiv region - a ballistic missile hit "an industrial enterprise"
#Kyiv - a reconnaissance drone was shot down in the region.
Read 52 tweets
It's Sunday 19 February and this is the start of another thread on #Russia's illegal war.

#Ukraine continues to fight for its very existence.
This is another daily thread with all the news, all day.

Here's the link for yesterday's thread:

Starting today with a video which came out last night, supposedly showing a snapshot of the ongoing power-battle inside #Russia's war effort. This even extending to the troops now as #Wagner's mob of mercenaries comes up again "official" Russian army troops in #Ukraine
Here are the daily losses for #Russia in its bid to obliterate #Ukraine and its people.

Numbers well down across the board, except for the two cruise missiles which were hit, though the other two landed in #Khmelbytskyi.

#RussiansGoHome #StandWithUkraine
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Hello and welcome to day 349 of #Russia's war of choice.

#Ukraine still defends valiantly, but the west's tardiness to act has placed them under severe pressure for the next 6 weeks until trained troops return with some new toys.

All the news in one thread, read on...
First the link to yesterday in case you were busy or just want a summary.

A lot of flim flam was written but actually you missed very little. Here's one of the shortest threads of the last 11 months so far:

#Ukraine #Russia

The clock is ticking if #Russia is to meet #Putin's 25th "deadline" (that's a guess, don't take me literally)

The little man with a big anger issue is clearly intent on taking all of Donbas before the anniversary, or 1 March latest.

British intel doesn't think they'll do it.
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Thanks for reading! This is the start of Daily Thread number 334.

All the news on the #RussiaUkraine war for Mon 23 Jan

To scroll through yesterday's thread see here:
It continues to be fairly quiet in #Ukraine with no major missile attack for 9 days and even mortar attacks are less frequent in some of the usual hotspots.

In #Sumy for instance 'just' 15 mortars in Novoslobidsk and Shalyhinsk was shelled with artillery just once.
No injuries.
#Russia's Occupiers in #Zaporizhzhia oblast claim they've "kicked Ukrainian troops out of" the village of #Kamianske (RU: #Kamenskoe)

Traitor Vladimir Rogov of the Occupying admin says it's now in the "grey zone"

#Ukraine insists it's disinformation, they've not retreated
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Day 309 of the war. #Russia's illegal war on #Ukraine.
Thanks for reading yet another daily thread

Thursday started with explosions for many in #Kyiv with a nationwide air alert. City leaders in the capital say it's air defence working.

Here's y'day link
With enemy aircraft moving, this alert for many regions including #Kyiv has already lasted over 2 hours.

More ships appeared in the Black Sea armed with missiles too, according to Gov of #Mykolaiv (RU: #Nikolaev) Vitaliy Kim

There has still been the regular shelling during the night in #Ukraine

Two villages near #Zaporizhzhia were hit by #Russia's artillery. Also struck of course was #Nikopol, which I don't always mention in these threads but continues to be targeted daily.

Read 65 tweets
Here is the daily thread for Day 281, with #Russia now 9 months behind schedule in its plan to conquer #Ukraine & kill the democratically elected President.

Thursday's already started violently. News on the latest attack on Ukraine and all the developments in one handy thread⬇️
If you missed anything from yesterday, including evening explosions in occupied #Donetsk, here's the start of Wednesday's thread - scroll through at your leisure!

A big explosion rocked #Kherson in the early hours this morning.

A multi storey apartment block's been hit. A witness reported 6 explosions. Emergency services are still searching for possible victims.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #StandWithUkraine
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Day 261 could potentially be a turning point in #Russia's war, even if only half what we're hearing from #Kherson through the night is true.

Friday 11/11 - Armistice Day, start of my 261st daily thread. All the news, all day

If you want to buy me a coffee click the bio, thanks!
Quite a few late developments yesterday evening. Here's the link for Thursday's daily thread.

#SlavaUkraini #StopRussia

Everything is centred on #Kherson with many seemingly fanciful rumours now looking likely to be really as bad for #Russia as suggested.

We know there were big missile attacks on retreating Russians trying to cross the river. Seven different sites were hit by rockets.
Read 50 tweets
Another weekend, another daily thread about the war in #Ukraine, a country fighting for its survival in the face of the onslaught from #Russia's huge army of war criminals and mercenaries.

It's Day 206

If you want to help, please consider donating here:…
So all Saturday's stories coming up, although I am commentating all day today so updates may be slower, apologies in advance.

Friday was quite a day. If you missed anything, fear not. Relive the unfolding events right here:

#SlavaUkraini #StopRussia

First, nice to start with a success story from #Ukraine

Donations helped keep #Mykolaiv zoo and its animals alive and well despite the war.

Online ticket sales raised €3m, staying in business and keeping animals alive. What's more, a rare Amur Leopard cub was born this year
Read 24 tweets
Day 199 of #Russia's genocidal war on #Ukraine
My daily thread for Saturday starts here.

But what an evening and night it's been already.
So many emotional videos, small victories for Ukraine and another big fire in #Russia.

Missed anything? Catch up:

I've understandably been concentrating on #Kharkiv region, but there is still fierce battles elsewhere.

In occupied #Donetsk, the roof of a hospital caught fire when a rocket hit the building in #Kalininsky area.

Impossible to tell who fired it, but may be a false-flag attack
It's a well known tactic by #Russia to use a false flag attack to change the news agenda.

When they commit an atrocity, or if they're losing and have nothing "good" to report back home, make up a new horrific crime, blame #Ukraine

All patients here in Donetsk were led to safety
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You've found the start of Friday's thread on the war in #Ukraine.

It's Day 198 of #Russia's illegal war which has resulted in 1000s of war crimes.

Updated throughout the day, one thread for all the news (today I'll try not to mix up the threads!)

Any coffee donations welcome!
Lots of very interesting and emotional news yesterday as a tide of villages became liberated in #Kharkiv region.

I did mix up the threads but if you missed the videos and flag raising, you can join the thread here and scroll down:

Another all time record number number of #Russia's soldiers killed on the battlefields of #Ukraine yesterday.

Also a very high number of additional (support) vehicles and fuel tanks destroyed.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
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Wednesday 7 September.
Day 196 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine.
This is the start of the daily thread with news updated throughout the day.

If you want to catch up on yesterday's happenings, click here:


Who likes Wednesday to start with a record?

Looking at #Ukraine's estimates for #Russia's losses, I think the 460 illegal invaders they "liquidated" in the last 24 hours is an all-time high - I'm sure this war's stat-man @ragnarbjartur can confirm.

All first 4 totals above avg
#Ukraine officials have said the figures for RU losses do NOT include Private Military Contractors

Of course #Russia loves to pass death sentences for mercenaries but hires its own.
But 40% of RU PMCs in #Kharkiv region are dead/injured according to Kyiv…
Read 72 tweets
It's Thursday, it's Day 183 of #Russia's 3-4 day plan to capture #Kyiv, and the timetable to control all of #Ukraine is 173 days behind schedule!

Quite a lot of news late y'day, read on for today's developments, or click here to scroll through y'day's 🧵
The situation at the #Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in #Enerhodar remains tense.

#Russia even tried to block President Zelenskyy from speaking via video link at the #UN

Here's the UK Intel briefing for Thursday

#Japan has been vocal in its' criticism of #Russia but today decided to continue investment in the "Sakhalin-2" project.

Tokyo says it's for energy security as Mitsubishi + Mitsui seek to remain in Russia's key LNG export plan in the far East.

Moscow may yet reject the offer.
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🇺🇦Happy 31st birthday #Ukraine🇺🇦
It's Independence Day, but it also marks exactly 6 months since #Russia's jets, tanks + troops invaded the country (8 years after the start of the war)

This is daily thread number 182. All the news all the time

Firstly, Hero of #Ukraine, Boris Johnson made sure famous 10 Downing Street was decked in the colours of Ukraine.

The British PM has just 10 days left in Office.

#SlavaUkraini #UkraineIndependenceDay

Not directly related to the war (unless sabotage) but a breaking story in #Russia

Three ships have been ripped from anchor in a storm at Baidukov Island in the #Amur Estuary - that's the very far east of Russia near #Sakhalin

54 were on board and a rescue operation is underway.
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🇺🇦🇷🇺WAR: Day 171 - my daily thread.

#Russia's war crimes continue; none was possible without the first - Putin's decision to invade a peaceful neighbour.

A lot of late news from #Ukraine in yesterday's thread - if you missed it, click and scroll⬇️

Britain's daily update points out the vulnerability of Russia's invaders west of the Dnipro river in occupied #Kherson region.

In fact 5 bridges in the region are now unusable despite frantic ongoing repair efforts.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
#Ukraine's South Division stated in its morning update the bridge near the Kakhovka Hydroelectric plant was the latest hit.
Some locals report this bridge is still being used but it's probably not safe for heavy vehicles.
There are more explosions reported now in #Lyubimivka
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Wednesday 3 August. Day 161 of #Russia's full scale invasion of peaceful #Ukraine

Welcome to my daily thread, with all the news from, and affecting the war. DMs open for tips (anonymous if preferred)

Thx to those who already supported me.
Still big problems for #Russia in the occupied south of #Ukraine. British Intel today highlighting the transport links which will hinder their attempts to fend off a Ukraine assault in #Kherson or counter attack here towards #Mykolaiv.
The #Ukraine land assault in #Kherson will come, but #Russia adding 1000s of extra (untrained) conscripts + Wagner mercenaries to the warzone, complicates matters

The invaders now threaten #Zaporizhzhia having failed to take all of #Donetsk

So for now 🇺🇦continues to hit 🇷🇺bases
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You've found the start of the daily thread covering #Russia's illegal war on #Ukraine

We've reached day 160 of #PutinsWar.

All the news in real time in one place. Scroll on!⬇️
First, the death toll from last night's awful attack on a minibus of evacuees, has grown to three.

In case you missed it, details here:

#Dovhove #Kherson #Ukraine #RussiaIsATerroristState

I've not published #Ukraine's estimate of #Russia's war losses for a few days.

Yesterday troop deaths passed 41,000

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The last day of July is Day 158 of #Russia's war of choice.

Each day I document the major news and events, along with analysis. I've been working in #Ukraine for 20 years and studying the relationship with its neighbour as Putin became more and more aggressive.
Enjoy the thread
Of course not only Putin and #Russia involved in the illegal aggression.

#Belarus is playing an active part too. I am disappointed that Britain's @DefenceHQ does not acknowledge that Lukashenka is the ILLEGITIMATE president. @Tsihanouskaya won the 2020 elections
Today the number of Russian Armoured Personnel Carriers destroyed by #Ukraine in this war so far ticked over 4,000.

Also a lot of artillery systems are being taken out in recent days. Plus another 160 soldiers eliminated.

(All figures Ukrainian estimates)
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Day 155 of #Russia's despicable war on #Ukraine

It's causing problems for everyone around the world, all because of one man. But giving in, or ceding ground is like giving painkillers to someone with a curable disease. Moderate relief now but much worse pain later.

Here's the🧵
Britain's MOD is in positive mood today and so will all #Ukraine followers reading this.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
#Mykolaiv woke up to more explosions in the early hours today. It's a regular barrage of the city and region.

I am guessing it's to try to prevent #Ukraine battalions leaving to join in the impending assault to liberate #Kherson.

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Day 153 of #Russia's war of choice.

#Odesa, #Kharkiv & #Mykolaiv among 🇺🇦 cities hit again overnight but not always with missiles designed for the job. The Kremlin orders more weapons out of "deep storage" and prepares for a #Ukraine counter attack in the south

Here's the🧵
First to those weapons on the move in #Russia.
It started with this video capturing what's believed to be
2S7 Pion heavy artillery being transported west.

They are Soviet machines, at the time state of the art high powered guns with a range of almost 50km,

Some excellent sleuthing on the internet found the source - a diminishing supply of stock.

Google Earth images show there were 170 of the Pions stored at this location in #Russia early April, down to 135 at the start of June; last week only 110 remaining.

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This is the start of the daily thread for Day 151 of the Russian full scale invasion of #Ukraine.

Two big talking points yesterday concerning #Odesa and #Donetsk and the arguments continue.

News & analysis throughout the day.
Read, comment, share!


I have to start with news of yet more missiles landing in #Mykolaiv this morning.

Two separate attacks yesterday destroying universities and homes in #Nikolaev, and two people were injured.

Now a fresh Russian raid with 5 powerful explosions reported.


Mayor of #Mykolaiv Oleksandr Sienkovych has not released further details yet about this morning's damage or any casualties. Rescue services are on site.

CCTV caught the moment of impact.

#Nikolaev #Ukraine #SaveUkraine #StopRussia
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This is the start of the 145th daily thread telling the news from #Ukraine in one handy thread.

#Russia's aggression continues, but progress is slow.

Updated in real time, you'll see the developments as they happen. If you want to buy me a coffee, see my profile. Thanks!
First, the British update is interesting today.
Grievances between regular soldiers and Wagner, private contractors...

#Russia sees the regular conscripted troops as expendable, but cares absolutely zero about Wagner "employees"
The EU may impose more "lightning sanctions" on #Russia today.

A lot happened yesterday evening - Zelenskyy sacking #Ukraine's two top law enforcement officials.

If you missed it all there's quite a good round up here…
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Day 144 of #Russia's full scale invasion of its peaceful neighbour.

Updates throughout the day as stories unfold in #Ukraine and beyond.
First the British update shows #Russia concerned about #Ukraine's counter attack in the south
#Russia has still not taken total control of #Luhansk region despite the perception.

That's the point being made by #Ukraine's governor for the region. Serhiy Haidai says "two villages in Luhansk remain under 🇺🇦 control. Russians cannot overcome the few kilometres."

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Welcome to Day 143 of #PutinsWar.
This daily thread aims to tell you everything you need to know about developments of #Russia's illegal invasion of #Ukraine and the heroic defence to keep 🇺🇦 free.

DMs open for tip offs.. working as fast as I can!

Updates may be a little slower/less frequent today as I am driving to London for UK premiére of #Ukraine film #SlovoHouse in Leicester Sq

About artists suppressed under Stalin, it's very relevant now & headlines the closing gala at the @iwilltell festival
Tomorrow will be 8 years to the day since #Russia blasted passenger jet #MH17 out of the sky. 300 innocents died from numerous countries inc UK, but mainly Dutch; families going on holiday

The Kremlin came up with repeated versions of "what happened" each new story proving..
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