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May 4th 2023
Alright so #CincoDeMayo is tomorrow, so I thought I’d give a little bit of #History . While not a Mexican holiday, it wasn’t created by Americans either. Instead, Cinco De Mayo was born out of the desire of Californios for pro democracy and civil rights (1)
Celebrations began in California in 1863, and was initially celebrated by Mexican agriculturalist of the region. Mexican American Californians were under immense pressure in 1863 - the civil war & the desire of the Confederacy to spread to the west & the desire of the French (2)
to squash democracy in NA through Mexico — threatened the realities and positions of those folks who tended to be pro union and pro democracy (3)
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May 5th 2022
In celebration of #CincodeMayo, a look at vax-injury treatment this last year...

What hasn’t worked: Literally all meds, supplements, diet, 30+ doctor appointments and tests.

What has worked: Taking a break from all this crap to travel to Mexico, despite the health issues. 🇲🇽
The health problems come packed in your carry on baggage so it was exhausting running around the Yucatán Peninsula for three weeks, but sometimes you have to do what you think you can't. Mexico is an amazing country rich in culture w/friendly people and incredibly delicious food.
Despite what the media tells you, I never felt unsafe. Not a single time. I was spatially aware, didn't flaunt wealth (don't have any anyway), was curious and friendly, open to new experiences, and did my best to learn the language, which made a big difference. Estoy aprendiendo!
Read 6 tweets
May 5th 2022
Hoy es #CincodeMayo, y se conmemora el día en el que los gringos creen que celebramos nuestra independencia. ¿A qué se debe esta confusión? (HILO)
Durante las protestas chicanas en EU de los 60 y sobre todo de los 80, los paisanos retomaron la batalla del 5 de mayo de 1862 como un símbolo de la resistencia mexicana frente al poderío extranjero. De esta manera, la fiesta fue emblema de la comunidad mexa por allá.
Otro dato relevante para explicar el fenómeno es que el General Ignacio Zaragoza, artífice de la hazaña, nació en Tejas 16 años antes de que los gringos se anexaran a la mala aquel estado.
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May 5th 2022
For 160 years, #CincodeMayo has commemorated resilience and triumph in the face of overwhelming odds.  Generations after outnumbered Mexican patriots fought to a hard-won victory over French invaders, their valor remains a point of national pride in Mexico.
In the United States, today brings us together in celebration of our Mexican American community’s rich history and heritage.
From recently arrived immigrants to families whose roots predate our founding, the contributions of Mexican Americans are woven into our national story.
As public servants, health care heroes, artists, business leaders and more, Mexican Americans have strengthened our democracy, enriched our culture and made America more American.
Read 7 tweets
May 1st 2022
94.01/ Week ninety-four, April 30-May 6, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 93 below.
94.02/ Health update: still no symptoms from my bout with COVID except for general irritability but it's impossible to know if it's different from my normal state. Isolation is lonely (big, if true) but my overall emotion is fear of making someone else sick. Dread is the worst.
94.03/ I see the #Mets won (this is a fun season so far, especially since I'm not the one getting hit by fastballs in the head) and the #NYR won and are ready for the playoffs. Best of all is post-#NFLDraft Sat. night when I get to see all the gifts my team gave me as a fan. #LGM
Read 51 tweets
May 6th 2020
@davidicke, a popular commentator and author often labeled a conspiracy theorist by his detractors, recently had his #Facebook page and #YouTube channel deleted for violating site policies by “spreading #coronavirus disinformation.”
By: John Whitehead…
Journalist Chet Bowers explains, “Technofascism’s level of efficiency and totalitarian potential can easily lead to repressive systems that will not tolerate dissent.”
#CincoDeMayo #COVID #YouTuber @Google @Facebook…
In short, we have reduced ourselves to a largely silent, passive, polarized populace incapable of working through our own problems and reliant on the government to protect us from our fears.
In this way, we have become our worst enemy.
Read 3 tweets
May 6th 2020
Made my “Mex-O Ball Soup” for #CincoDeMayo. Described it to a friend earlier as “what would happen if #chickentortillasoup & #matzoballsoup had a wild love affair.” Just perfectly spicy. #happycincodemayo 😀🥣 Image
Getting requests for the recipe. Warning: it’s a process that takes a few days. Yes, days. There isn’t a formal recipe because I make bits of it as I go along & it’s slightly different every time but always good...and pretty good for you. Lots of good nutrients in broth.
1) Get some chicken. Maybe you roast one for dinner. Maybe you buy a rotisserie chicken. (This broth was made from @Publix rotisserie chickens) Either way, get a chicken, eat it, & save all the bones & bits of carcass.
Read 15 tweets
May 5th 2020
Before we attempt to claim #CincoDeMayo as an independence celebration that revolves around food and alcoholic beverages, let’s explore the origins of this holiday and the importance of honoring its intention.
In 1860, the Mexican government declared bankruptcy, the result of decades of internal conflict which devastated the economy and the country.
When Mexico announced a suspension of debt payments to France, French Emperor Napoleon III, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, sent troops to Mexico in an attempt to force payment. Mexican debt payments weren’t the only benefit of French invasion for the French, however.
Read 10 tweets
May 6th 2019
🤡Clown Car🤡

👨‍⚖️With this President, Clarence Thomas has finally found his comrade in arms

😱In Push for Trade Deal, Trump Administration Shelves Sanctions Over China’s Crackdown on Uighurs

📌The Russia Investigation Will Outlast Mueller's Report
🤡Clown Car 2🤡

Trump taps Mark Morgan, former Obama official who supports border wall, to head ICE

#BillBarr has ties to ultra-conservative Opus Dei — and that could explain his ‘ends justify the means’ corruption

What is Opus Dei?
🤡Clown Car 3🤡

I remain optimistic & hopeful as ever, but that doesn’t mean the danger isn’t real.

DOJ attorneys defend Mueller's ability to investigate Trump in Roger Stone filing

Mark your calendars for May 15th, 10 days!! Mueller is coming to the hill!
Read 54 tweets
May 5th 2018
In honor of #CincodeMayo, here are some things you may not have known about Afro-Mexican history.
While the bulk of enslaved Africans ended up in South America+Caribbean (more than 4 million sent to Brazil alone), around 200K enslaved Africans were imported into what is now Mexico between the 1520s and 1829 #CincoDeMayo
Gaspar Yanga is a national hero. He was a former enslaved African who became “El Primer Libertador de las Américas” (the first liberator of the Americas). Yanga was brought to the Spanish colony in the 1500s and worked on a sugar plantation in Veracruz, Mexico. #CincoDeMayo
Read 13 tweets
May 5th 2018
Cinco de Mayo puts me in a mood. Ignorant white people have turned it into racist Halloween targeted specifically at Mexico. Here in Seattle we get the Cinco de Mayo fun run where "costumes aren’t just okay, they’re encouraged." 😠
If you're not Mexican or Mexican American and want to celebrate #CincoDeMayo today, please do it respectfully and without taking up too much space at a community event like @elcentro72's:…
This holiday (which is NOT Mexican Independence Day btw) is a chance for Mexican Americans to celebrate their heritage. Please respect that and think about the impact your dumb stereotypes have on people. As UW History PhD candidate Michael Aguirre put it:
Read 5 tweets

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