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Mar 17th 2021
Cttee is told that the Sunday before he became PM, @BorisJohnson was in Cummings' living room asking if he could "come into Downing Street to try and help sort out the huge Brexit ...nightmare"
Cummings says his conditions for joining No.10 were:

- is PM 'deadly serious about actually getting Brexit done and avoiding second referendum'?.
- double the science budget
- support me and try to change how it all works given Whitehall is a 'disaster zone'
"I think there's a tendency to think of the science funding system like as people running the system, but that's not the reality. The reality is, the system runs the people."
Read 8 tweets
Jul 12th 2020

The #SpecialAdvisers' #CodeOfConduct seems to focus on what people do *after* their period of appointment, but not so much on what they do before:…
Giving a #SpAd "jurisdiction" over Government projects, however:…

does not seem at all in keeping with part 5 of the Code... Image while Mr Cummings may be at liberty (although unwise) to "decline" to talk about his business dealings with @faculty_ai, a controversial company being given millions of taxpayers' pounds, @BorisJohnson should publish his contract with #ClassicDom.

Read 3 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
Fascinating speech by @michaelgove:… at the US #DitchleyFoundation: this evening.

(Ditchley's list of Governors:… makes it quite clear all references to "#elites" in his speech are with a nod and a wink...)
No sackcloth and ashes, nor any real acceptance of #responsibility by the (now) Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, despite a pretty accurate description 👇 of what's happened - in large part - during his time in Government... Image
A grand, arguably grandiose, framing that feints at (but ultimately falls short of promising) a new #NewDeal, on #FDR's #Democratic model.

Themes we've heard time and again: locating the business of Gov't outside the Westminster/Whitehall #bubble; #reform (24 references) and...
Read 8 tweets
May 23rd 2020
Under lockdown, time elongates and dreams shrink.

My main ambition over the last few months has become to get a mention on my two new favourite Twitter sites - Bookcase Credibility (@BCredibility) & Only Poking (@OnlyPoking).

Today, one of those dreams came true.👇
This clip reminds me of those journalists doorstepping #DominicCummings this morning:

“Did you break lockdown & quarantine, Mr Cummings?”

“Did you tell the Prime Minister what you were up to?”

“Are you planning to resig...,Aghhh!”
Read 3 tweets
May 23rd 2020
Ah, would that this be true... I've seen tweets from 2 Tory MPs this morning, trying to spin the story.
Guess we're finding out (again) who're in the Cummings coterie...
Going to make this a thread of MPs defending Cummings for "visiting" his elderly parents, then his sister, in Durham, all the while he was in bed, with muscle spasms due to #COVIDー19, and his wife was praying for him, whilst making a castle with their son.
So, who do we have first? Step forward Robert Halfon.
Read 50 tweets
May 22nd 2020
Dominic Cummings was spotted by witnesses at his parents’ home in Durham, more than 250 miles from his London property, during lockdown . He was questioned by the police.

I remember seeing this story on Twitter at the time, but wasn’t able to verify.…
Interesting how they managed kept the lid on this story for almost two months.

Witnesses saw him at the end of March, the police investigated on March 31 & #DominicCummings story floating on social media for weeks.

I wonder how many editors got the Malcolm Tucker treatment.
SNP - #DominicCummings must resign now.

Lib Dems - #Cummings should resign “if" he broke guidelines.

Labour - calling for a "very swift explanation" from Number 10.

Piers Morgan - “Boris must have known”

Still no official response from Downing Street. #TomorrowsPapersToday ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
May 7th 2020
It’s early in the season & your team are having an awful start.

No decent signings over the summer, injuries stacking up & confusion on & off the pitch.

You have a new manager who keeps saying everything will be just fine. And you want to believe him.👇
👆Things are going from bad to worse

Painful to watch

Leaking goals at the back

No creativity up front

Baffling team selection

Incomprehensible tactics & formation

Fans getting restless

Hopefully we’ll sign some top players in the transfer window.👇
👆The transfer window comes & goes with no signings

Then reports from the dressing room reveal that the players don’t EVEN have the proper kit

Frustration is building with the manager, but he injures himself on the training ground & ends up in hospital.👇
Read 17 tweets
Apr 7th 2020

This #ClapForBoris thing. Put down your burning torch and have a listen.

Dominic Cummings has one technique. It's not complicated. It works like this

Find a group
Divide the group
Create conflict
Do what you want while everyone is distracted

#ClapForBoris is very much #ClassicDom.

You take a group - people who use #ClapForTheNHS or #ClapForOurCarers
Divide it - using #ClapForBoris
Create conflict - happening now
Do whatever it is he is planning


If you remove step 2 - you automatically remove step 3 and that means step 4 can't happen.

So, how do you stop #ClassicDom dividing the group?

Ignore him. Ignore #ClapForBoris. Get on with your lives. Do not mention it. Do not rise to it. IGNORE IT.

Read 4 tweets
Jan 2nd 2020
Fascinating job advert looking for stats/ML oddballs & weirdos to advise new British PM @BorisJohnson. Quotes @peterthiel, @paulg, @ESYudkowsky and says Judea Pearl is required reading. Plenty of haters to be found on #classicdom, but...…
...I find the attitude of the author (@OdysseanProject) to be refreshing and innovative. When a govt job ad reads like a @thielfellowship or @foundersfund listing, that's pretty damn exciting. Goes to show that Conservative doesn't have to mean anti-intellectual.
P.s. when the mainstream media respond like this, you know you're on the right track. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then you persist for years or decades, then you win.…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 6th 2019
This'll be Monday's #ClassicDom 5D #Brexit chess...

- Govt brings a VONC against itself

- Tory MPs vote for VONC

- All oppo parties vote against (i.e. they DO have Confidence in Govt), so VONC fails

- Tory MPs lose whip because they voted for VONC - Tory Party fully destroyed
(Rationale: Govt might want to bring VONC against itself so as to trigger an election, but Labour and opposition parties want to delay. But how? By having confidence!)

Inspiration for the tweet from @scandifriend @neilrholmes @JohnJCrace
@scandifriend @neilrholmes @JohnJCrace Note people this was a JOKE!

(In these odd days some people thought I was serious!)
Read 3 tweets

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