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Feb 6th 2023
At the beginning of February 2022, #Biden warned that "if #Russia invades #Ukraine with tanks and troops, then there will be no more #NordStream2"
#ItsDone #NordStream: Fourth leak found as Russia and West trade blame over alleged sabotage of gas pipeline | Sep 29
- #EU and #US have stopped to directly accusing Russia, a #Kremlin official was rebuked after hinting that #Washington was #responsible.
Read 42 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
Since my last post I have had a lot of questions on how I went about learning #Python 🐍, here is a thread 🧵on how I went about it 👇
1. As an introduction to #Python I started on @DataCamp with the introductory course. This is a great starting point
2. supported by @britishswimming I used a great tutor which we found on, which was a really cost effective of doing it. I was specific as to the purpose I had for #Python - web scraping and data science/data analysis/data visualisation
Read 11 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
The opening day of athletics at the 2020 Tokyo #OlympicGames will take place at the Olympic Stadium on Friday. #AFPSports looks at five stand-out events 👟
China's unrelenting domination of #Olympics #Diving has rivals in #Tokyo2020 wondering not just how they can beat them, but also whether the country's approach is desirable or even healthy
#BREAKING American Robert Finke wins #gold medal in inaugural #Olympics men's 800m freestyle swimming event
Read 20 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
🔴Day three of #Tokyo2020 Olympics is underway.

🥇Team GB has secured their first Tokyo 2020 gold medal.

Follow live coverage of #Tokyo2020 here👇…
With more than 11,000 athletes competing in almost 350 events over 17 days, finding the highlights can be bewildering.

The full schedule for each day of competition can be found here👇…
Monday July 26: Three must-watch events

🏉01:00-11:30: Rugby sevens, men’s pool competition

🏊‍♂️07:00-08:00: Diving, men’s 10m platform synchro final

🤸‍♂️11:00-14:10: Gymnastics, men’s artistic team final…
Read 41 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
Ah, the story of the Mary Rose, where do we begin?

No, really, where do we begin?

Does the story begin in 1509, when a young ambitious prince becomes king, and decides that one of his first acts will be to increase the number of ships in his late father's 'Army by Sea'?
#OnceUponAtimeMW Henry VIII as a young, curly haired beardless 18 year old, n
Does it begin in 1511, when one of those ships, The Mary Rose, sets sail from Portsmouth to get fitted out with guns in London?

Read 17 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
The years 2015-2020 have revealed an insidious disregard for the #female category by #OlympicGames @olympics executives and their corporate sponsors.
Male (XY) 🧬athletes now allowed into XX events.
Time to take stock re #women’s #sports.
Where did we begin?
Where are we going?
Our story begins in the Egyptian Middle Kingdom (2000 B.C.)
Forms of women’s competition were somewhat different than we experience in 2020 A.D.
Contests revolved around two key aspects of #Egyptian life:
1. Food acquisition- #hunting & #fishing
2. Entertaining - #acrobatics
True #sports for women really began in Ancient Greece during the Classical period (400 B.C.). Unmarried girls had their own private competitions - also at Olympia every 4years.
These were separate from the men’s games.
The festivals were held in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus.
Read 17 tweets

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