Male (XY) 🧬athletes now allowed into XX events.
Time to take stock re #women’s #sports.
Where did we begin?
Where are we going?
Forms of women’s competition were somewhat different than we experience in 2020 A.D.
Contests revolved around two key aspects of #Egyptian life:
1. Food acquisition- #hunting & #fishing
2. Entertaining - #acrobatics

These were separate from the men’s games.
The festivals were held in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus.

I now refer to a book that was given to me as a gift by an #IAAF #WorldAthletics executive 20yrs ago.
A large section traces the roots of women in #trackandfield #athletics.
The next few tweets will rely on this account.
Stay tuned...

Nobody had trained & it was difficult performing in Victorian bloomers.

The year of Vassar College 2nd Field Day (1896) was the SAME YEAR as the resumption of #OlympicGames. The first ☝🏼of the modern #Olympics.
Credit to French noblemen, Pierre de Courbertin, for leading the way.
His view of female participation was negative, dismissive.


#Baseball being the quintessential masculine sport of 19th Century, this #throw shocked the nation.

“A (female) freshman from the city (#Poughkeepsie, #NY) has forever silenced those male cynics who are fond of saying that a woman cannot throw anything.” (1904)
#USA 🇺🇸