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Jun 13th 2023
A victory for #transparency!! 💪🇪🇺
@EDC_eudemocracy paved for the way for information on #europeanparties to be available from the @Europarl_EN to citizens without delay!
Before, information took up to 8 years to be available in full.
@edecapitani @wouter_wolfs @POLITICOEurope A victory for #transparency...
Over the past several years, @EDC_eudemocracy has made many, many requests to the European Parliament to access decisions by its Bureau on the funding of #europeanparties. These included decisions for funding (for the coming year) and final accounts (which wrap up the process).
Invariably, these documents were provided with heavy redactions over the parts covering the EP's reasoning for its decisions: we could see the outcome (amounts), but not how decisions were made. Until yesterday, the latest full document related to funding for 2015 -- 8 years ago.
Read 23 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
European elections are citizens' only way to directly elect their European representatives. Ahead of the #EP2024 elections, we are breaking down issues with the @Europarl_EN's proposed system of #transnationallists. We must do better! ... a 🧵 1/15
More 👉… European elections are citizens' only way to directly elect
The EP's proposal, adopted in May 2022, proposes the creation of a common EU constituency elected via #transnationallists for #europeanparties and movements. Among others, it relies on a "group system" to increase diversity. So far so good. Or is it? 2/15 The EP's proposal, adopted in May 2022, proposes the creatio
The EP's proposal includes three groups of Member States, roughly based on their demography, and illustrates what alternated rankings on an electoral #transnationallist might look like. Indeed, the list does look like a nicely diverse list. 3/15 The EP's proposal includes three groups of Member States, ro
Read 15 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
National parties have an obligation to display their affiliation to #europeanparties. Yet, they often fail to do so properly.
Our new *𝛌ogos project* reviewed 264 websites to assess & improve compliance. #LogosProject #europeandemocracy
👉 🇪🇺 National parties have an obligation to display their affilia
Despite their obligation to do so, many affiliated parties do not display the logo of the European party on their webpage.
Rest assured, their #europeanparties still receive EU public funding. #LogosProject #europeandemocracy
👉 🇪🇺 Despite their obligation to do so, many affiliated parties d
An overwhelming majority of national parties do not clearly display the logo of their European party.
Rest assured, their #europeanparties still receive EU public funding. #LogosProject #europeandemocracy
👉 🇪🇺 An overwhelming majority of national parties do not clearly
Read 8 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
🔥Today, @Europarl_EN's Committee on Constitutional Affairs (#AFCO) will discuss #transnationallists. Here is why they may not be the good idea we think they are. A thread 👇 1/25
@EPInstitutional @Antonio_Tajani @guyverhofstadt @sandrogozi @d_boeselager @daniel_freund @inside_ep
Many have endorsed TNLs as the way to make our elections more #European, from pro-#EU groups (@federalists, @EMInternational), to politicians (@EmmanuelMacron, @vonderleyen) & advocates (@jonworth, @alemannoEU, @AndrewDuffEU). They argue TNLs will bring a European dimension. 2/25
To be clear, the point of this thread is *not* to argue that TNLs will make our common election less European, simply that they will not remedy the election's core deficiency (that national parties are in control) and that, therefore, they are not the right way forward. 3/25
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Sep 4th 2020
While welcome, @Europarl_EN's attempt to engage citizens ahead of the #StateoftheEU ("discover and contact the MEPs you elected") only highlights the disconnect created by our electoral system based solely on national lists. #StrongerTogetherEU 🇪🇺 1/3
By relying on large & purely proportional lists of candidates, EU elections lead citizens to vote exclusively for a party, while ignoring everything about the candidates themselves and, therefore, about their representatives in the #EuropeanParliament. #StrongerTogetherEU 2/3
The solution is to mix local electoral districts & Member State-based lists w/ overall proportionality (cf. German #Bundestag). All candidates and lists would run across #Europe under the banner of the same #EuropeanParties. #StrongerTogetherEU 3/3
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Jul 21st 2020
While not perfect, a deal of this size remains good news, no doubt about it. The details will have to be reviewed, but the cuts of #HorizonEurope & #health expenditure in times of #COVID19 show the limited foresight and worrying priorities of some leaders.…
More worrying than the result, however, is the process. It should not take a 90h marathon for 27 leaders busy w/ a pandemic, months into a crisis, to agree on a watered-down version of a #RecoveryFund w/ threats and vetoes. This is not an efficient & democratic process. #EUCO
This #EUCO makes ever more imperatives the reforms @VoltEuropa and others have been calling for: create a #fiscalunion and #politicalunion, empower the @Europarl_EN, replace the @EUCouncil w/ an elected senate, allow true #Europeanparties and create a #federalEurope. #IamEuropean
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Jul 7th 2020
Welcome push by MEP @DomenecD on the reform of #EuropeanParties during #AFCO discussion with Commissioner @VeraJourova.
A true #EuropeanDemocracy needs true pan-European parties offering a consistent political offer to citizens across the EU. 🇪🇺 Image
Welcome push by @PDurandOfficiel on EU #ElectoralLaw reform during #AFCO discussion with Commissioner @VeraJourova.
The equality of EU citizens implies equality before the vote, and our electoral system must engage citizens and make our elections more European. 🇪🇺 #IamEuropean Image
.@VeraJourova's careful words on #EU #ElectoralLaw reform are welcome. Transnational lists are not the only (nor the best) way for a truly #European election. Better results can be achieved w/ #bestpractices in federal systems, #Bundestag first of all. #IamEuropean 🇪🇺 @VoltEuropa Image
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Jul 2nd 2020
.@Europarl_EN's constitutional affairs committee (@EPInstitutional) now discusses the latest #European elections #EP2019. Seems like a good opportunity to re-iterate, again & again, that transnational lists are *not* the way for a sound electoral reform.…
The #EU needs a broader and truly federal electoral reform. No multi-level country uses a country-wide constituency for its legislature, and for good reasons. Instead, we need true pan-#Europeanparties. @EPInstitutional…
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Jun 26th 2020
Today, European Democracy Consulting lodged an official complaint with the @EUombudsman against the Authority for #EuropeanParties over its implementation of transparency requirements.

Why is this important? A short thread 👇 1/14…
The APPF was set up in 2014 to register, control and sanction European parties & foundations. It is the #EU’s party monitoring body and watchdog. As such, it has a key role for anything relating to #EuropeanParties. 2/14…
Regulation 1141/2014 establishes clear transparency requirements binding upon the APPF, the @Europarl_EN and European parties, aimed at ensuring that citizens and the #media have the means to know, engage with, and monitor #EuropeanParties. 3/14… EU Regulation 1141/2014 on ...
Read 15 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
When @Europarl_EN adopted its position on #CoFoE, the @EPP, @TheProgressives (S&D) and @RenewEurope all supported treaty change. Now the @EUCouncil, dominated by these parties, is trying to bury it.
What does this say about #Europeanparties?…
Some figures. EP votes in favour of treaty change were 163 for @EPP (1 no, 2 abst.), 134 for @TheProgressives (1 no, 3 abst.) and 98 for @RenewEurope (3 abst.). That's 97% minimum.
The @EUCouncil is 44% @EPP, 22% @TheProgressives and 22% @RenewEurope. Close to 90%. #CoFoE
Clearly, EU citizens' directly-elected rep. overwhelmingly support the possibility of treaty change at the Conference of the #FutureofEurope.
And, clearly, national leaders fail to understand this reality, proving once more the detrimental impact of the @EUCouncil. #CoFoE
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Jun 18th 2020
Interesting report by @EPInstitutional & @PDurandOfficiel on #EP2019 elections, in particular on the need for more #genderbalance, reform of @EUCouncil and of the #spitzenkandidat system, and the role of #Europeanparties.
BUT.... a short thread 👇 1/9…
#Genderbalance is essential and political parties must be required to submit *gender-alternate* lists, where no two consecutive candidates can be of the same gender. This is one more reason to harmonise voting modalities at the EU level and not leave them up to Member States. 2/9
Our voting system must be reformed to ensure not only proportionality, but also a close link between citizens and MEPs. Lists of 30, 40 or 90 candidates are the best way for citizens to have no information about MEPs beyond their party affiliation. 3/9…
Read 10 tweets
Nov 26th 2019
The Franco-German plan for the Conference on the #FutureofEurope focuses exclusively on #transnationallists and #spitzenkandidat, to the exclusion of the reform of #EuropeanParties and of the European #ElectoralLaw. It's missing the most important part.…
#Transnationallists are, at best, a symbol; but they keep elections in the hands of national parties talking only to national electorates. A real federal Europe needs MEPs elected close to the citizens. And it needs real #EuropeanParties that talk directly to citizens. #toFedEU
Not to say "I told you so", but I did warn the @federalists that there would be little appetite for reform beyond #transnationallists from France/Germany. Now is the time to broaden the debate and ask for a more thorough reform! #toFedEU
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