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May 15th 2023
Do you want to learn Midjourney from the best on Twitter?

Here are some insanely talented people that you should follow

Thanks for all the wisdom you all are sharing 🙏🏻 🙌🏻

🧵 Full list + links
Tatiana Tsiguleva - does a daily prompt share plus a lot more. Her Midjourney journey has been amazing to follow.

She deserves way more eyeballs. Send her some love ❤️

Tereza Havlova, constantly keeps playing around and contributing to all the amazing prompts floating around. She also comes up with a lot of very interesting content, and shares freely.

Really deserves more eyeballs too, keep up the amazing work.

Read 13 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Parole d’experts @Oranogroup, le podcast pour se faire sa propre opinion sur le #nucléaire

"Le nucléaire au féminin"

#FemmeEtNucléaire (20 mn)… Image
Nombreuses sont les femmes qui s'engagent publiquement pour l'énergie reine 😇
Le sujet est désormais trop important pour notre avenir collectif pour rester silencieux.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
Another Rough Journey🙏🏽
Also, in November 2018, our attention was called to a case of a 13-year-old girl (from Idoma, Benue State), resident in Lagos but was summoned for #FGM in Ogun State wherein a community of migrant-Benue people were resident.
Her people said, "If she's not ImageImage
circumcised, she won't attend her parents' burial AND if she dies as an uncircumcised girl, her corpse would be thrown into a forest!
I set out for the trip with the amazing Barrister Yemi Adetiba @OluyemiOrija - the most kind lawyer in Nigeria🙌🏽 - she's the founder of @HeadfortF
We actually raised our money (I and the Barrister) to make this journey to an unknown location.
The journey was fearful, long and energy-sapping - we entered one 'igbo irumole😁' to another and Bar Adetiba's husband was calling us every now and then to track down our location.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 8th 2022
8 de agosto, Día Internacional del Orgasmo Femenino.
¿Qué consejo podemos darte para llegar a dónde quieres? 🧵
Lo primero está en reconocer tu cuerpo como propio y romper con los tabúes construidos por la sociedad. No sientas culpa 🙅🏻‍♀️ por sentirte bien
El disfrute de la sexualidad femenina tiene una clave: la autoexploración. Para lograr llegar al orgasmo tómate tu tiempo 🔔
Read 5 tweets
Jul 17th 2022
Agnes Pareyio Recalls Hers:
"I was 14 when my mom and grandma announced that I was going to have my clitoris, my labia majora and my labia minora cut out. They said that if I resisted I was a coward. In my culture, the worst thing you can be called is a coward.
On the day I was mutilated, I was woken up at three in the morning and taken outside, naked, because the villagers believed that if I felt the morning breeze on my body it would cool me and I would bleed less. I saw that the object they would cut me with was not sharp. I was not
offered any anaesthesia, but I was told not to cry – your father is in the house, they said, and he should never hear you cry.
I was determined to show I was not a coward, so I tried very hard not to show any emotion. As a result, I was cut deeper and I could not stop bleeding. I
Read 5 tweets
May 22nd 2022
Paul McCartney and Bill Joel singe the Lennon-McCartney "Meet the Beatles" classic, "I Saw Her Standing There", Shea Stadium, July, 2008. It was here in around 1965 the Beatles invented stadium concerts, I believe.
2/ Here the Beatles sing "I Saw Her Standing There". The Beatles were huge Little Richard fans, so the woooos are straight Little Richard.
3/ And here, the master - Little Richard - pays back his students - the Beatles with "I Saw Her Standing There". #PaulMcCartney #LittleRichard #Beatles
Read 5 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
سنا ہے آج لڑکیوں کا عالمی دن ہے
بین الاقوامی طور پر 17 سال کی عمر تک لڑکی/لڑکا
18-25 سال کی عمر تک جوان عورت/مرد
26-55 سال تک ادھیڑ عمر عورت/مرد
56 سے 65 تک سینئر
اس کے بعد معمر انسان خیال کیا جاتا ہے
میں اپنے بارے میں کہہ سکتی ہوں کہ میچور عمر

میچور عمر کے باوجود میں خود کو 18 سال کا خیال کرتی ہوں بعض اوقات تو 18 سال کی عمر کی سوچ سے بھی نیچے اتر آتی ہوں
کسی دلکش مرد کو دیکھ کر سیٹی بجاتے بجاتے رک جاتی ہوں یا دل میں واوو کہہ دیتی ہوں
تو میرے جیسی خواتین بھی تو ہونگی جو خود کو کم نہیں تو 17 برس کی تو سمجھتی ہی ہونگی
اور کچھ شاید چودہ برس کی
سمجھنے پر تو قدغن نہیں ہونی چاہیے
ویسے دل میں سارے خود کو ویسا ہی سمجھتے ہیں جیسا میں خود کو سمجھتی ہوں
میں انہیں منافق کیوں کہوں ، وہ خود طے کریں


Read 4 tweets
Sep 26th 2021
Hitchhikers guide to #NFTs for beginners

A thread,
Buckle up and retweet 😉
1/ 👇👇
2/ If you are here, do not worry. You are still early.
You are gonna make it ✌️

Most of the world and your normie friends still have no clue on what an NFT is.

There are only 150.000-250.000 active wallets / buyers yet. This number will be on a meteoric rise next year. Image
3/ Not just look for what to buy or what project is going to do 100x.

Read and engage with the community. Read from the digital artists, learn their perspectives.

Browse and expand your horizon. #NFT space do not only consist of 3-4 moonshot projects.
Read 32 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
A cautionary tale ... 🧵
Back in the day, fresh back from a Trauma year overseas with a 1st surgeon logbook our current ST3/4s could only dream of, I started applying for Reg posts (no National Selection). Each advert demand 20 printed CVs & a précis cover letter...
A trade paper published a 2 page splash from a learned Prof delighted how popular T&O was “for every post we have 300 applicants!”
I saw red. Back then T&O had few F1s/PRHOs. The bottom rung was SHO. 299 theatre-hungry surgeons condemned to perpetual ward rounds - the Lost Tribe
So I wrote back. Repeated failure had made me v v angry
*learning point: never EVER post angry letters
My reposte was published without a single edit. What about the other 299? I cried. Forcing them into pointless unsupervised “research” to be worthless papers for CV ticks?
Read 9 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Wesker is excited to get his bi-racial, but not the same race (deliberately pointed out), twin daughters to a school with the best STEM program out there...

Jesus fucking christ.
Jade sounds like a 23 yr old man who cant get laid.
Jade is a strong, independent woman, who's first encounter with BOWs ends with her being entirely blindsided an being rescued by some white dude.

Y'all can't even "woke" right
Read 30 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
Hoje vamos falar de duas feras que convocamos para nosso ensaio fotográfico. Um deles representa nossa #BaseForte e a outra as #MeninasDaColina.

Siga o fio e conheça um pouco mais do Nathan e da Ariely!

#KappaNoVasco Image
A #BaseForte nos traz alegrias desde sempre e não poderia ficar de fora deste momento tão especial. Junto conosco desde 2017, @Nathanzin2001 teve a responsa de representar tantos crias talentosos do Gigante da Colina.

Valeu, Nathan! ImageImageImageImage
O #VascoDaGama é terra de mulheres fortes, seja no campo, arquibancadas ou trabalhando nas diversas áreas do clube.

@Ari_silvaa02 representou não só as #MeninasDaColina, mas todas as mulheres que fazem o Vasco ser gigante!

Valeu, Ariely!

#MeninasDaColina 💢 #GirlPower ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
Happy #InternationalWomensDay from the ladies of Bloomscape!

Did you know that March is Women's History Month? For the remainder of the month, we'll be highlighting a handful of our Bloomscape team members that truly embody the meaning of #girlpower. 🌿
"My womanhood fuels me. My femininity is multi-faceted. I can be firm, empathetic & graceful – and I can get it all done while being stylish, too! I'm inspired by the women in my life; they teach me that I don't have to dim my shine for anyone." Evann, Social Media Specialist
"For me, being a working woman means carving out a space not only for me and my ideas, but the contributions of all women." Andrea, Content Manager
Read 12 tweets
Feb 17th 2020
It's Girl Scout COOKIE TIME...please support @troop61691 @calista by eating Thin Mints (or whichever is your favorite!) The girls earn their own way - their entire year of activities, community action projects, & enrichments is cookie powered! #GirlPower
@troop61691 @calista PS obligatory pic of adorable grade them
- go camping
- learn robotics
- practice entrepreneurship
- meet female role models
- work on long-term solutions to community problems Image
@troop61691 @calista If you don't eat cookies yourself, consider making a food bank or military base donation. Give a Girl Scout cookie treat to those who could use one, while supporting our girls! #goodandgoodforyou 😇
Read 3 tweets
Sep 3rd 2019
1/ Unpopular thinking alert…I’m about to get honest and vulnerable, so avert your eyes or come with me [thread].

It's been a #girlpower weekend.

I was watching with my kids when Naomi Osaka beat Coco Gauff. We saw that amazing display of grace and sportsmanship. Wait...
2/ get it right - 'sportswomanship', some said.

We saw the #WomenWorthWatching campaign - powerful and right.

My son said 'what does that even mean'?

And he meant it innocently in the 'of course women are worth watching' way.

If I explain, am I planting a seed?
3/ And the words are all around us.

💪Nope, 'knee push-ups' aren't 'girl push-ups'

⛳️Nope, those are the 'forward tees' - not the 'ladies tees'

“We can tough out this rain - there are no girls here!” says Sports Dad on the (co-ed) team.

Read 14 tweets
Jan 27th 2019
Vous pensiez que l’agriculture était un truc uniquement réservé aux mâles en chemise à carreaux ? Ben vous avez tout faux! Et comme @agrikol a (presque) rencontré @MarleneSchiappa ,je vais vous le prouver, avec un #thread qui vous remercie d’enlever vos bottes avant de rentrer :
Aujourd’hui, 1/4 des chefs d’exploitation sont des femmes, contre 8% en 1970:…

Et 30 % des exploitations compte maintenant une femme parmi les associés
Et ça va fortement augmenter dans les années à venir. Pourquoi ? C’est mécanique : en second cycle professionnel d’enseignement agricole, les filles représentent 57% des effectifs !…
Read 19 tweets
Dec 22nd 2018
It's time: #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah! Scientist 2 meddling kids: First u warn me to not make an oxygen destroyer. Now U want me to make one! #kidsthesedays @Elreynetwork #kaiju
I said I could make one. I didn't say it would be easy. #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah @Elreynetwork #kaiju
Ooh-this movie ha=is #graphic sensitive viewers' warning! @Elreynetwork on the scourge of magamonster violence. #Killitwithfire #Kaiju #cadmiummissles #Godzilla
Read 42 tweets
Nov 27th 2018
Sharing #MyStory as an #international #immigrant a part of @IWS_Network #Voices without #Frontiers initiative! As a #scientist and an advocate for #workplaceequality, I believe in the power of stories. #IWS #VoicesIWS #SayItForward #WomenInspire #WomeninScience #WomenInSTEM
As a child, how would you have liked moving schools in new cities with different cultures every 2-4 years?

Growing up in the #IndianArmy, I absolutely loved it! By the time I was 18, we had moved over 9 times across 9 states! #Diversity #India #TravelTuesday #IWS #VoicesIWS
My #memories of #India include sunny days, welcoming people, rich heritage, vibrant colors, abundant fruits and mouth-watering street food! #IWS #VoicesIWS
Read 39 tweets
Jun 2nd 2018
“I got that sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet” 🎼💃

We legit brought #Maiduguri to #Lagos 😍🙏
To my friend and team lead, are amazing. You don’t have a digital footprint and i adore you for that. All you try to do is the job. Maybe one day, you will see this. Maybe...❤️
Pics not clear but they are sooo us. Decision making on the go...#girlpower💪🏾
“They put their sunshine in our pockets and the good soul in our feet” 😆❤️
sorry oh fellow Timberlakians 🙈
Read 20 tweets

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