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Jun 14th 2023
Live from #GartnerTGI | Transforming Marketing to Align to the Customer with Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst Christy Ferguson and Windstream Enterprise VP of Strategic Marketing Cliff Dinwiddie: #HighTech #GartnerHT Image
About this session: Christy and Cliff explain the importance of recognizing how marketing reflects our environment. With the help of a case study, learn how to place your bets by transforming how we use marketing to drive results:
Three key areas for today:
1. Hyper-focus on data
2. Leaning heavily on teams
3. Skills and how success is measured

#GartnerTGI #GartnerHT #HighTech Image
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Jun 13th 2023
Heading to San Diego for #GartnerTGI? Check out these 6️steps to take before you arrive πŸ‘‡

Want to see what’s in store for this year's conference? View the full conference experience now: #GartnerHT #HighTech Image
Skip the long lines by heading to badge pick-up on Sunday: #GartnerTGI #GartnerHT #HighTech Image
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Mar 4th 2023
Mar. 2:
1/ #Russian #Tank #Production

The need of the #Russian army for #Tanks may exceed the #Production rate 10 times.

The pace of #Production of #Tanks for the #Russian army does not allow to make up ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Mar. 2:
2/ #Russian #Tank #Production

..make up for #Losses in #Ukraine, writes @TheEconomist. As a #Western official told the magazine, #Tanks are #Produced in #Russia 10 times slower than the army is #Losing them.

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Mar. 2:
3/ #Russian #Tank #Production

Now only 1 enterprise is engaged in the #Production of #Tanks in #Russia - #Uralvagonzavod. As @TheEconomist notes, #Financial #Chaos & huge #Debts have slowed ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Read 18 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
@mattyglesias let's count crises, shall we? @dick_nixon might have done the same. @mattyglesias isn't good at recognizing crises (or much else), so let's *help*.

1. #capitalism has wrecked the usual equilibrium of the Earth's carbon cycle, causing a growing excess in atmospheric CO2.

@mattyglesias @dick_nixon 1a. #capitalism profits from turning solid forms of carbon (fuels) into gaseous CO2, and the ordinary mechanisms of Earth's climate and geology are not able to "fix" enough gaseous carbon in order to correct for the man-made imbalance. hence, #GlobalWarming is occurring.

@mattyglesias @dick_nixon 2. #capitalism is addicted to #debt and unearned income made from collection of perpetually accruing interest payments. capitalists like one thing: bank accounts whizzing ever upwards. infinitely accruing interest gives the *appearance* of infinitely increasing #money.

Read 13 tweets
May 24th 2022
🧡 π‘·π’“π’Šπ’π’“π’Šπ’•π’Šπ’†π’” π’Šπ’ π‘―π’Šπ’ˆπ’‰-𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒉 & π‘Ίπ’†π’Žπ’Šπ’„π’π’: 𝒂 𝑫𝒖𝒕𝒄𝒉 π’“π’†π’ˆπ’Šπ’π’π’‚π’ π’“π’†π’‡π’π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’ - The High Tech and Semiconductor region in the Brainport Eindhoven is responsible for approximately 40% of all patents in the NL 1/4
Two (of the many) reasons are 1) the presence of strong campuses and, 2) the presence of global, often Dutch found and hardware-oriented, companies. #Semicon #HighTech #Branport #Eindhoven 2/4
As value continuous to shift from Hardware to Software, we see a set of enabling dependent priorities to secure their future vision and market position.
πŸ’Ž 1. Integrate β€˜data and analytics’ everywhere along the value chain
πŸ”§ 2. Future engineering practices
Read 5 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021
188/ns The urgent need for an Indian (conventionally armed) #Rocket #Force & associated #ISR to deter a decapitating strike by #PLARF 🧡
190/ns #National #Security #Strategy: #India's upcoming #Rocket #Force; Background, current state & future prospects πŸ‘πŸΌ…
Read 31 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
#California is NOT updating #VoterRoll UNLESS you barrage them with calls and emails for months, & personally send proofs. And even then it appears one has to fill out a special FORM and MAIL it to County Voter Registrar Office.
@POTUS @GavinNewsom #Election2020
My mother passed away in Nov'19. In Jan'20 I submitted #DeatCertificate to #SSI. Checking on her #VoterStatus I saw her still #active in the #VoterRoll. So I started sending emails and making phone calls to the CA Commissioner, to the County Voter Registrar. #VoterFraudIsReal
The first email I sent in May'20. No reply. I resent it. Automated reply came in July'20. I Called the County Voter Registrar Office (CVRO). Left a voice mail. No returned calls. I sent an email cc-ing everyone in the CVR office. #VoterFraudIsReal
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Apr 22nd 2020
Great session today on the future of the Lebanese Industry within the financial & COVID-19 crises with more than 120 attendees
Lebanon is excessively reliant on imports from all sorts
Lebanon has mainly exported in 2019 Food & Vegetables (~$604Mn), Machines (~$382Mn), Chemical Products (~369Mn), Plastic (~153Mn) and Paper Goods (~144Mn)
Read 11 tweets
Jul 12th 2019
[THREAD] 1/ In light of the #humantrafficking cases of Jeffrey Epstein & R. Kelly this week, we want to share some of the #hightech ways orgs are working to catch & prosecute #traffickers while protecting children. A summary of our white paper on 40 #ToolsAgainstChildTrafficking.
2/ This #whitepaper presents a list of technologies combating #childtrafficking. By providing this resource, we hope to consolidate core knowledge and enable law enforcement, government agencies, and nonprofits to select and combine strategies with maximum effectiveness.
3/ A prominent #hightech method to fight trafficking is #ImageRecognition. Orgs are able to identify victims (@thorn), create #videofingerprints to filter & #eliminateCSAM (@_project_vic, @twohathq), and scan the internet for photos of missing children in ads (@marinusai).
Read 11 tweets

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