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Jun 8th 2023
@MikkoVapa @ECHR_CEDH @osce_odihr @anticorruption @RSF_inter @oikeusasiamies @oikeusmin @anna_maja @STM_Uutiset @MFredman #UnitedNations #Convention Against #Torture
- The text of the convention was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1984[1] and, following #ratification by the 20th state party,[3] it came into #Force on 26 June 1987…
@MikkoVapa @ECHR_CEDH @osce_odihr @anticorruption @RSF_inter @oikeusasiamies @oikeusmin @anna_maja @STM_Uutiset @MFredman #Finland again reprimanded by the committee against #torture | 20/08/2015
- there is much room for improvement in the #conditions of #Finnish #policeprisons.
- previous recommendations have still NOT been #implemented, even made 20+ years ago.… Image
Read 10 tweets
May 12th 2023
#Ukraine #murdered the people of #Donbass and #Lugansk? Falsehood” Image
‘It was not #Ukraine that #murdered the people of #Donbass and #Lugansk

Sometimes anti-#Ukrainian #propaganda uses falsehoods – e.g. #fabricated documents or photos, through which it gives a completely new, #untrue context – or simply untruth.
This is the case here. In the post we read that the current Ukrainian authorities "#murdered the #people of #Donbass and #Luhansk due to their #ethnic origin."
Read 30 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
#Palestinian Authority: #IOF #Jenin raid 'organized #crime and a #massacre' | 12:54
- IOF raided the Jenin camp in Occupied Palestine's #WestBank on Thursday morning, leaving residents and popular resistance groups with no choice but to defend themselves
#Israeli forces #martyr another #Palestinian in occupied #WestBank | Jan 27
- The official Palestinian news agency #Wafa said he was shot in clashes which erupted during a protest against the killings of nine Palestinians during a raid in #Jenin.…
#Israel and #Gaza militans exchange #missiles following deadly raid in the #WestBank | Jan 27
- as tensions soared following an Israeli #raid killed nine #Palestinians, including at least seven militants and a 61-year-old woman.…
Read 19 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
So #GainOfFunction started in 2003 then went silent until a 2012 #biolabs story #linked Hawaii bio center to #coronavirus #SARS #monkeypox also it explains how the @CDCgov ships the viruses in every day moving box’s on planes and trains , other nations have patients on it as well… Image
Read 206 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
#OrangeTheWorld - A thread on reproductive control, coercion and entrapment 🧵

As a #trapped populations scholar, I have lately spent a lot of time thinking about reproductive #coercion, #control and #entrapment. (i)
The #familycourts appear to fail to understand, acknowledge and interrupt these dynamics of #coercivecontrol in their current system. (ii)
Many perpetrators of #coercivecontrol will already begin to put pressure on or introduce the idea of a child during the early love bombing phase. (iii)
Read 19 tweets
Oct 15th 2022
Last April I defended my #PhD at @KU_Leuven, in which I developed ways of looking at the #Force within your cells...

(1/20) 🧵In this #ThesisThread I will tell you exactly how I did it...
(2/20) No, at least in our galaxy, our cells do not have #midichlorians. But all ~30 trillion cells of your body are able to:

🔍Change their behavior if they #feel changes in the forces around them...

💪Exert #forces to move or to explore the environment
(3/20) Let me give you an example:

🚀When astronauts spend time in space, their bones become weaker! This means that the cells of their bones take a decision when they don't feel the #gravity anymore!

If there is no need, why should cells bother and maintain bones? Image taken from: https://w...
Read 21 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
The Korean adoptive father forced the Korean adopted daughter into prostitution.
#The_criminals_are_Koreans #force #prostitution
A Korean restaurant owner forced a Korean waitress into prostitution.
#The_criminals_are_Koreans #force #prostitution
A 20-year-old Korean kidnapped a 17-year-old Korean waitress.
#The_criminals_are_Koreans #kidnapping
Read 38 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021
188/ns The urgent need for an Indian (conventionally armed) #Rocket #Force & associated #ISR to deter a decapitating strike by #PLARF 🧵
190/ns #National #Security #Strategy: #India's upcoming #Rocket #Force; Background, current state & future prospects 👍🏼…
Read 31 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
So I had A doctors appointment today, just A yearly ✔ ✔ ✔ up - Nothing to be worried about ...
Be asked me, "Any Flu jabs or C-19 Jabs"? .. I replied, "Absolutely not Doc" ...
He chuckled & told me the truth about EVERYTHING..
Him not knowing who I Am, we started talking Image
& getting pretty deep - He asked "How do you know so much truth"? .
He said, "I know there's a lot going around on the internet but you're telling me things absolutely NO ONE should know about" ..
I replied, "God is always near by with all the answers,
One just has to listen & TRUST" ...


When it comes to "Mandates", jobs are FORCING individuals to poison themselves .. On the piece of paper one signs before getting the "C-19" jab it states, "You are agreeing to the yerms above & no one is forcing you to do this
Read 8 tweets
Jun 16th 2021
And in this single statement 👇 @MattHancock demonstrates not only his profound ignorance, but his underlying thinking - that information about you is a #TradableAsset.

Who "owns" the fact of your relationship with your sister? You? Her? Or your date of birth? Your current age?
Let's not even get started on things like #genomic data (i.e. data derived from your #DNA) which says things not only about you, but your relatives. Who "owns" that?

The reason the #powerful want people to think they "own" their #PersonalData - rather than it being protected... a strong, well-enforced #rights framework - is that they can #force or #fool you into surrendering it, so the data you give them becomes THEIR "#property" to #exploit.

If '#DataIsTheNewOil', as they want you to believe, then what does that make YOU?
Read 4 tweets
May 24th 2021
Showing TRUE power with #GREAT RESPONSIBILITY....

Toro Toro
I used to Ride for #FORCE Skateboard #TRUCKS ...

Good Time19.
Read 6 tweets
May 6th 2021
“Violence,” you say, “is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
I can only agree. It’s a great saying. Whose is it?
“Isaac Asimov, I think. I’m not sure.”
The science fiction writer?
I love the guy. He said a lot of great stuff. Have spacesuit. Will travel.

“No, that was Heinlein.”
Ah. Right-wing libertarian Heinlein. I loved a lot of his stuff, too. Starship Troopers. Stranger In A Strange Land. Shame he was a right-wing libertarian.

“He was probably ok with violence, too.”
Shifting back to the topic of violence….
“Shall we?”
Why not? I agree with you.
“With me or Isaac Asimov?”
Either. Both.

Read 33 tweets
Apr 18th 2021
I don’t suppose you’ve ever made a mistake?
“Why would you ask that?”
Because I’ve just made one.
“Ah, I see… And you don’t like making mistakes, do you?”
“Want to tell me?”
“Are you sure?”
I’m sure.

It’s something you said.
You made me realise something.
“I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have intended–”
You said, “Is it ethical to have so many enemies? Is it ethical to see so many people as ‘enemies of the people’?”
“I said that–but that doesn’t mean– ”
But you were right.
I like to think I’m strong on ethics… So what you said was quite a challenge. It hit me where it hurts. Right on target.
A kill shot.

Read 37 tweets
Mar 30th 2021

The time has come Jedi 🧙‍♂️

Force DAO is dropping the $FORCE this Saturday April 3rd!

And there's celebrate, we're turning on all staking pools starting tomorrow! ♨️

Read on 👇 Image

Qualifying Ethereum addresses will receive $FORCE tokens in the form of xFORCE.

This is an instant yield-generating token deposited in the FORCE profit-sharing vault.

That means xFORCE earns yield before it's even claimed!

📅 Claiming Period 📅

Recipients have 3 weeks to claim the airdrop and leave it in the profit-sharing vault or withdraw as $FORCE.

🏁Start Time: Saturday, April 3rd 12pm EST

🏁End Time: Saturday, April 24th at 12pm EST

Read 9 tweets
Mar 24th 2021
Ambassador Huang, allow me to recommend:

The #China #MaritimeMilitia #Bookshelf--…

Includes multiple official items from your own government on your nation's #ThirdSeaForce.

China is often more transparent in #Chinese :)

Truth best limits "speculation"
And here's #China's own official state media documenting progress of its #MaritimeMilitia... in plain #English!…

News Channels/China Military News
Maritime militia increases drills, expands in scope
Source: China Daily Editor: Yao Jianing
2016-02-02 17:16
But don't take my word for it, read #ChinaDaily:
"As the People's Liberation Army upgrades its navy, commissioning dozens of new ships under a watchful global eye,a less noticed force,China's maritime militia, is also improving its operational capability."…
Read 14 tweets
Mar 15th 2021
"The greatest danger for the United States in this competition is the erosion of conventional deterrence..Absent a convincing deterrent, the [PRC] will be emboldened to take action to undermine the rules-based international order"…
ADM Davidson:

"In September 2020, #Cambodia razed a #US-built facility on #Ream Naval Base that served as the headquarters for the National Committee on Maritime Security, reportedly in order to make way for a #PRC #naval #base."…
Read 15 tweets
Oct 19th 2020
En fait, pour transformer l'#économie #libérale en économie #anarchiste, il faut et il suffit :
▶️ De remplacer le concept actuel de #propriété par le concept de propriété "occupancy & use" (#mutuellisme) : ne nous appartient en propre que ce qu'on occupe et utilise personnellement. C'est probablement le concept qui serait prévalent en l'absence d'#État, de façon spontanée.
▶️ De compléter le concept d'#échange comme #contrat avec celui d'échange comme #don / contre-don, donc sans obligation morale de réciprocité, et de le promouvoir. En outre, sans #État, aucun contrat (dont les échanges comme #contrats) ne serait plus #exécutoire par la #force.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 18th 2020
#anarchisme #libéralisme #libertarianisme #économie #propriété #don #contredon #Graeber #étatisme #échange #monnaie #capitalisme

Ne laissons pas aux (pro-)#capitalistes libéraux·les, "libertarien·ne·s", "anar"caps le #monopole de la #liberté #économique.

Thread :
Je suis #anarchiste.

Pas "anar"cap. Véritablement anarchiste.

L'anarchisme est un mouvement qui prône l'abolition de l’#État, du #capitalisme, du cléricalisme, et des systèmes de domination basés sur l'identité (patriarcat, privilège blanc,… voire spécisme).

J'adhère à ça.
L'#anarchisme est donc pour un maximum de #liberté pour tou·te·s et chacun·e.

Certes, il prône souvent la #coopération entre les #individus, mais ça n'est jamais au mépris de leur #émancipation personnelle. Au contraire.
Read 27 tweets
Jul 18th 2020
#Oregon’s #HERC will be #reviewing its formally passed (2016) #back #spine #note60medicaid #prohibition-policy in #August. Where they intructed doctors/ providers to #force #taper back #pain patients. It will be virtual and allow public comment if you register.
If you need a rehash of what note 60 is, please lmk.…
This is a very important meeting for us all to stand behind. For a myriad of reasons.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
Latest CRS Report—“#China #Naval Modernization: Implications for @USNavy Capabilities”—Has PLAN ship #s projections from Office of Naval #Intelligence!

Check out Table 2 for RARE info—PRC battle force ship #s for 2020, 2025 & 2030!…
Table 2 tallies total #China #Navy battle force #ships!

2020: 360 (vs. @USNavy total of ~297)

2025: 400 (vs. ?)

2030: 425 (vs. ?)…

#PLAN has more small ships; #USN has most advanced, big ships. But #s matter & PLAN progressing!
Wow! See rare public *projections by Office of #Naval #Intelligence: #China #Navy Battle Force #Ships, 2020-25-30

SSBN: 4↗6↗8
SSN: 7↗10↗13
SSK: 55→55→55
CV, CG, DDG: 43↗55↗65
FFG, DDC: 102↗120↗135

TOTAL: 360↗400↗425…
Read 27 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
Great magazine as always. Yes @ECLIPS_Eng is not planning to Prime #Land8140 #Deployed #Force #Infrastructure (#DFI). Our focus is firmly on #Land8120 Engineer Support Platforms, our main effort.
Appreciate the calls of relief from our competitors who had us down as the #No1 to beat in their Black Hat reviews! Image
Who do I think are bidding L8140 DFI as Primes: #Babcock, #Broadspectrum, #KBR, #GDS, #SAAB, #Varley. @Melissa4Durack and @lindareynoldswa have shown clearly that they are serious about #AIC, regional and SME. @ECLIPS_Eng main effort remains #L8120. Good luck to Oz SME Primes! Image
Read 3 tweets
Jan 4th 2020

So if it comes to a invasion of #Iran there are several things to see and know. The #Geography is on the side of Iran. The #West is protected by a massiv #Chain of #mountains wich would be easy to #defend even with a weaker #army they could try to keep there a defend line
The north is not able to reach for the #US troops and the #caspiansee is #landlocked by many #nations. A inportant @NATO allie if the defens act works would be #Turkey wich would be forced to send troops against #Iran and a area mainly owned by #Kurds in #Iran.
the east has a little lower mountain chain and a bigger desert in the south west the #Dasht-e #Lut and is coverd by huge #rocks and the area of #Namak-#Zar inside Dasht-e Lut is the #hotest place on #earth actual. And the border area to #Pakistan is also coverd by a dry #desert
Read 11 tweets
Nov 11th 2019
1/3 Since the unrest began last month, more than 260 #protesters have been killed by #security forces who have used live ammunition, rubber bullets and #Teargas to quell the protests.…
#Iranfreedom #freeiran #MEK #Iran @USAdarFarsi
2/3 #AmnestyInternational called it a "bloodbath" and said Iraqi authorities should immediately rein in #security forces.…
#Iranfreedom #freeiran #MEK #Iran @USAdarFarsi
Read 4 tweets
Oct 13th 2019
46. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 613 tweets

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