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Jan 28th 2023
Heyy! #marineresearchers!!!!
Interesting discussion:
- Publishing in high impact factor journals?
- Publishing in journals maximizing the citations?
see tread below
#Impactfactor #metrics #scientometrics #science #citations
I have made a small research:
- Selected several journals with impact factors between 1.6 and 49.5
- Looking in Scopus for papers published in 2020
- Looking at the papers which didn't receive citations until now

and the results are....👇👇👇👇👇
You can see the results here:
- Papers published in Science didn't receive citations in 46.6% of cases
- In Nature this is 27.5%
You can be very happy publishing there, but maybe you will never receive a citation!!!!!
Read 10 tweets
Oct 9th 2021
Not just "shoddy papers", but the wholesale (no pun intended) #neoliberal destruction of scientific inquiry (as well as a couple of bizarre "cash for impact factor" schemes in #China)...
...@gentraso's essay is worth reading on its own, but it is also a review of @StuartJRitchie's Science Fictions, 'Required reading for everyone' @AdamRutherford.…
Excellent article on citations in #humanities journals by @PeterHerman4 from 2018…genuinely disturbing if read with @gentraso’s essay on #impactfactor. I wonder if and by how much the situation differs for #Criminology journals? @threadreaderapp #unroll…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 1st 2021
Venga que ya empieza #ConversacionesConANECA dedicado al cambio de modelo en evaluación de la investigación. De momento pinta bien.
@ANECAinfo se adhiere al #LeidenManifesto desde hoy. Primer notición. Ahora a aplicarlo.
Hablan de incorporar otras métricas además del #ImpactFactor y también evaluación cualitativa. Ahora veremos...
Read 31 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
why i am no longer publishing (my own) #research in #academic journals - a (long) thread 1/38

#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #academicpublishing #academicjournals #peerreview #ecrchat #OpenScience #publicationbias

(some references at the end of the thread)
(i still have a few collaborative papers to write and these will be published properly for the benefit of my co-authors)

i will soon publish a paper on a pre-print server, with no intention of submitting to an academic journal. my reasons for this are manifold 2/38
1. #academia is inherently corrupt & the publication model facilitates this:
- unpaid labour (editors, peer-reviewers,& authors [ok, they do get paid by the uni which oft = public funds yet journals privately profit & we see none of this unlike other forms of publishing]) 3/38
Read 45 tweets
Jan 14th 2019
Non,le #glyphosate n'est pas le bon cheval de bataille car il est très peu toxique & non cancérigène #fact🤔… … par contre ses remplaçants confectionnés par #Monsanto st bien +nocifs & +rentables 😱
Rappel: brevet #glyphosate est ds domaine public dps 2001
La revue @JNCI_Now (Journal of the National Cancer Institute) dans laquelle cela a été publié est très sérieuse : #ImpactFactor 12,583 pour l'année 2014, au 8e rang parmi 202 journaux de la catégorie #Oncologie
La chercheuse responsable de l'étude est @beane_laura qui est une spécialiste reconnue de l’épidémiologie de #cancer chez les travailleurs exposés et a déjà travaillé sur d'autres #pesticides en agro.
Read 15 tweets

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