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Witnesses, witnesses!
👉Facts here:

House called 17. GOP called Volker & Morrison. Trump blocked any who could exonerate him & R's made no attempt to call them.

@SenAlexander: House managers proved their case 'with what they call a ‘mountain of overwhelming evidence.’

@SenAlexander The witnesses denied House GOP -- the whistleblower & Hunter Biden -- could NOT have exonerated Trump. There's no evidence Hunter or the whistleblower were in private meetings w Trump about Ukraine aid holds.

The Senate is run by Republicans. They don't want to allow Bolton 2/
@SenAlexander to testify.

Schiff/House should have done it, they say.
But Bolton REFUSED during House proceedings. It was only in early JAN that Bolton finally agreed to appear if subpoenaed.

Bolton, according to a leaked manuscript, would say Trump did it, and it would be firsthand.
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"This is a sham trial," says @SenSherrodBrown

"This will be the first time" in U.S. history a Senate impeachment trial, including of judges etc., has not had witnesses testify.

Cites new restrictions on media inside Capitol to even question senators.

@SenSherrodBrown Again, there were House hearings with witnesses who offered the evidence @SenAlexander says proved their case against Trump.

Yet in the Constitution, the House brings charges and the Senate holds a trial. So Brown is correct it will be the first time in the Senate.
@SenSherrodBrown @SenAlexander Brown closes with:

"What's to stop him (Trump) from doing something worse? .. He will engage in even more reckless foreign policy" and "be even more likely to try and steal the 2020 election."

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Register to vote and bring your voter registration to the polls on Election Day. /1
Watch the NEWS, not opinion journalism. Look for facts, bylines, and sources in the news you consume. /2
Verify EVERY fact you post or repost. /3
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After 17 years in the Senate, a single vote may define retiring Sen. @SenaAlexander's legacy.

W 1 more R needed to hear witnesses at Trump's impeachment trial, his good friend, Keel Hunt (Alexander was best man at his 1981 wedding), spoke with @NBCNews

Here's what Hunt said:
@SenaAlexander @NBCNews “If I had to guess right now … I wouldn’t be surprised if he says, ‘yeah let’s hear them. I think there’s a point when you think, how long can you keep a straight face,” Hunt said on Jan. 28.

The senator’s entire career has been about “looking for a middle ground,” said Hunt.
@SenaAlexander @NBCNews Even so, Hunt said he hasn't spoken w Alexander in weeks and has no idea how the senator will actually vote; he may be projecting what he thinks his friend *should* do.

Alexander, revered as a principled lawmaker and institutionalist, is caught between strong political winds.
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Sen. Portman, last known person outside
White House to speak w Trump before Ukraine aid was released, said "corruption" never came up in their Sept. 11 call.

“He only raised one issue, and that issue only, and that was about Europeans not doing enough," Portman said.
“He (Trump) never linked the aid to corruption in general or certainly not an investigation in particular.”

Portman said in Sept., 2019 Fox Interview…
On Trump's "burden sharing" claims:

Holmes, the Ukraine embassy official, testified he gave the WH the following in Aug. Since 2014: the U.S. provided a combined $3 billion while the Europeans have provided $12 billion.
“That information showed a different story,” he testified.
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NEW: Sen. Portman, involved in disputed Ukraine narrative, unlike any juror in Trump impeachment trial

1. rejected “corruption” as legit reason to withhold aid
2. voted against admitting documents likely to dispute (Europe burden sharing) narrative…
3. credited by POTUS with convincing him to release Ukraine aid on Sept. 11

4. chair of Senate Ukraine Caucus, former WH budget chief

5. Among last known to speak w Trump the night the aid was unfrozen.

Referring to that night: “The president was very clear with me. He only raised one issue and that issue only and that was about Europeans not doing enough. I don’t disagree with him on that,” Sept. 26 Fox News.
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👇👇Since we are discussing timelines, dipping in w this:

"European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden."
FURTHER, in February 2016, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde threatened to withhold $40 billion unless Ukraine undertook “a substantial new effort” to fight corruption after the country’s economic minister and his team resigned to protest government corruption.
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Oooh, Jason Crow just PULLED RANK. Let me explain how.
The Senate is supposed to SIT DOWN AND LISTEN. Reporters have noted that Senators have been taking *liberal* breaks. (We can't see on TV).
Crow just asked Roberts to WAKE UP and notice that, asking if they needed a break.
Crow didn't need or want a break, and neither did the Senate. Crow was trying to wake John Roberts up, and ask him to demand... well "DECORUM."
Remember Roberts allegedly cares about decorum? Well, then it's on ROBERTS to make Senators follow their rules.
If you want a movie analogy, that was as CLOSE as Crow could come to pulling a Daniel Kaffee, telling Colonel Jessup "sit down, I'm not done yet."
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Today is the first day of arguments (without witnesses or documents, in an historic Fascist First) in the Mostly Moot Impeachment Senate Trial of Donald John Trump. So I will start a new thread here. #ImpeachmentTrial
Since the Repubs have set the rules so that no actual deliberations will take place, I'll tend to go a bit meta in this thread, writing of the background and intentions as well as noting whatever comes down with the gavel. #ImpeachmentDay
The trial started with an absurd display of piety, as a minister intoned a prayer to his god, claiming that he was omniscient ("You know our thoughts before we think them") but then reminding it of its duty. I suppose the god is getting old and forgetful then #ImpeachmentTrial
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How many Senators do you think are hearing the full story of @realDonaldTrump's corruption for literally the first time from @RepAdamSchiff?

@realDonaldTrump @RepAdamSchiff I mean, when he's done with this, I want @RepAdamSchiff to go teach at a journalism school.

What he's doing, that most media does not do, is LINKING UP the crazy, corrupt statements @realDonaldTrump makes every day with the LARGER story of corruption and illegality.
@realDonaldTrump @RepAdamSchiff He's not playing Trump's greatest hits for "shock value." He's playing them for "probative value."

He says THIS [plays clip] because he's doing THAT [being corrupt].
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🔥BREAKING 😮 MBS sent a WhatsApp text w a picture/ file of a woman resembling the woman Bezos was having an affair with. Here’s the technical report.…
🔥Make no mistake, the Trump family has put our national security at risk‼️Who else has MBS compromised⁉️Jared Kushner, Ivanka and @realDonaldTrump🔥
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With as mind-numbingly ridiculous as the #ImpeachmentHearings have been for us, imaging being poor Justice Roberts.

A guy who normally listens to lawyers at the top of their game arguing before the SC now has to listen to...
Schifty & Nadless pander, trip over their own words & invent childish games on the fly.

For every person wanting to fill their ears w/ lead listening to those jokers screech, imagine how sad this must make him for what our Congress has become.

Front row seats to the circus.
I wonder if he’s keeping a running tally somewhere.
“Nope, that’s wrong.”
“That’s so unconstitutional you’re should be arrested just for saying it.”
“That’s so ignorant it hurts my head.”
“A 5-year old would no better than that.”
“No, Chuckie, no more games. It’s late.”
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What @AdamSchiff said about Kupperman seeking court opinion, it's terrifying and FALSE:
"lawsuit was improper and legally deficient..cannot be decided by any court.. not a valid legal mechanism to challenge or defy a duly authorized congressional subpoena" #ImpeachmentTrial
@AdamSchiff @SenatorCollins @MittRomney @lisamurkowski @SenAlexander @SenToomey @Sen_JoeManchin @SenCoryGardner Furthermore he issued the subpoena at 4pm on Friday demanding Kupperman appear Monday morning, leaving him the weekend to find his own counsel. #AbuseOfPower…
@AdamSchiff @SenatorCollins @MittRomney @lisamurkowski @SenAlexander @SenToomey @Sen_JoeManchin @SenCoryGardner Also @AdamSchiff is LYING AGAIN the court did not SIDE with him the judge clearly stated it was a delicate balance and a small group of national security advisors have some form of immunity. #ImpeachmentTrial
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The Senate convenes now to try the President of the United States for impeachable offenses, namely, bribery to subvert the elections, and obstruction. #ImpeachAndRemoveTrump
The Republicans, under Mitch McConnell, will now try to set rules that will ram through a quick moot court without witnesses, in an historic first and a powerful gesture towards dictatorship #ImpeachedForLife
The rules would force the Democrats to present their case for twelve hours at a time and late into the midnight hours. Careful attention has been paid to make the procedure as visually boring as possible #ImpeachmentTrialRules #ImpeachedForLife
Read 98 tweets
The #ParnasDocs are disturbing. Understatement!

What we're seeing tonight about what can only be described as threats to Amb. Yovanovitch's safety as she served in Ukraine put her already shocking testimony at the #ImpeachmentHearings in a new and alarming light.🎥🔽
We shouldn't forget that Trump referenced Yovanovitch in intimidating terms on his so-called "perfect" call with Pres. Zelensky that was anything but perfect.

What did he mean when he said this career US diplomat was going to be going through some things? #thug #EndTheCoverUp
Again, Amb. Yovanovich's testimony hits me on a new level now that we have a glimpse into the dark moves + motives at the end of her tenure in Ukraine as an anti-corruption force in the way of Trump's corrupt plan to extort a political favor from Ukraine for him (and Putin.)
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I finally have a legit personal & professional news announcement, and it doubles as a #DecadeinReview #lookback: I am moving to Philadelphia in the new year to join @PhillyInquirer as a digital producer! 10.5 yrs ago, I had just finished an internship w their health desk. 1/?
@PhillyInquirer A lot has happened since then. My 1st FT #journalism job @bkreporter where I burned shoe rubber cultivating love/appreciation of #localnews in my home borough as a reporter/magazine EIC/digital editor for four years, then @bklyner, #freelancer life and, currently, @flipboard. 2/?
@PhillyInquirer @bkreporter @bklyner @Flipboard Leaving @flipboard as breaking news editor is bittersweet. 6 mos turned into 2 yrs thanks to valuable work & amazing colleagues who made a remote newsroom feel interactive & seamless. Shoutout @gabyaschwarz @SonaliKamboj @jeelsey @sfine88 @thekenyeung @miaq. 3/?
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Hi @neal_katyal ,
Just read your excellent book on impeachment. Brilliant writing to make it all so understandable for the layperson (and a UK citizen like me!). However, I think you have overlooked a major issue regarding idea of “Yardstick” related to individual conscience 1/6
I think you’ve failed to take into account the risk of a President having a high degree of control over his own party. This happens when the party is weak, but the President has a strong “base” related to his own popularity. The Yardstick disintegrates in this situation 2/6
In the Trump case, he has his own huge populist support base. If the GOP led senate vote to remove him, they’ll be destroyed as a party. Trump therefore has control over the entire “Jury”. He could have “Kompromat” on the GOP too. This shows deep flaws in US Constitution 3/6
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"Trump promotes businesses from White House"
GOP: If you don't like it, go to court.

"Trump asks foreign leaders to interfere in election"
GOP: If you don't like it, go to court.

"Trump bans Muslims from entering U.S., tries to cancel all asylum claims"
GOP: If you don't like it, go to court.

"Trump moves money from military and schools to fund wall"
GOP: If you don't like it, go to court.

"Trump bans specific news outlets from WH"
GOP: If you don't like it, go to court.

"Trump overrides pentagon to grant security clearance to family members"
GOP: If you don't like it, go to court.

"Trump ends WH Press Briefings"
GOP: If you don't like it, go to court.

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🔥The facts are unambiguous: ⁦@POTUS used his power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit his political opponent. It is a violation of the Constitution and more importantly, it is profoundly immoral🔥 ⁦…
💥BOOM💥Christianity Today: “The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals...”
#ImpeachmentHearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not, that President Trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath. The hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see💥
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No matter how hard you try to make 2 + 2 = 10, you cannot.


The @HouseGOP argues that @realDonaldTrump cared so deeply about corruption that he held up military aid in 2019.


Trump DID release military aid in 2017 & 2018 when there was real corruption under the previous Ukrainian President.
The @HouseGOP argues that @RealDonaldTrump cared so deeply about  Ukraine that he released military aid in 2017 & 2018.


Trump did NOT release aid in 2019 when Ukraine had a brand new anti-corruption President AND @DeptofDefense had already approved release of the aid.
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As democrats unveil two articles of impeachment this morning, all speakers from Pelosi to Nadler to Schiff continue to use words like solemn, reluctant to describe the process that led them to today #NexstarDC Image
“The argument why don’t you just wait amounts to this: why don’t you just let him cheat in one more election.” -Adam Schiff #NexstarDC Image
“Our oath means something to us.” -Schiff. Once again we heard the statement that the facts are uncontested. Seemed to be a prominent theme in the last two #ImpeachmentHearings & from interviews i had w/ Dems afterwards #impeachment #NexstarDC Image
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The Dem leadership has completely botched #impeachment.

I say this because we MUST be willing to speak the truth, even when it's not popular or comforting.
Trump should have been impeached for crimes against humanity at the border, not just a #Ukraine phone call.

And it should have happened in January.

But the Dem leadership knows that Democrats are also culpable in the caging of children, so they punted.
With all #Pelosi's "brilliant 7-D chess long game" she failed to move a single GOP vote and polls flatlined after the #ImpeachmentHearings.

In the end, #McConnell will use this opportunity to tie up Sanders & Warren at a critical moment in the campaign, while going after Biden.
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Being a Jew in America, 2019: enduring DT spew antisemitic tropes to a room filled w/Jewish-Americans last night, only to hear a US rep today refer to the "New York lawyer". We know what that means. I just never thought it would be like this in the USA. #ImpeachmentHearings
In all my years of life, I have never been as concerned about anti-Jewish hate as I am now; I have friends who have taken their Jewish symbol necklaces off; I know people walking around w/their passports in their purse just in case... THIS IS NOT OK. Jews need to feel safe here.
Can I use this as a "teaching moment"? When an African-American, gay person or Mexican-American says they don't feel safe in this country- the compassionate response is NOT: well, Jews don't feel safe either. It IS: I hear you. I will stand up for you.
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1/ THREAD: #SteveCastor displaying an R2E2 (Rationalization Rapport Empathy Expression) while he's being asked about #DonaldTrump asking Pres. #Zelensky into investigating Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #ImpeachmentHearing #Impeachment
2/ The Rationalization Rapport Empathy Expression is a common nonverbal signal which varies in duration (e.g., very briefly, such as a microexpression or near-microexpression) - but it may also manifest via longer-duration facial displays.

#ImpeachmentHearing #BodyLanguageExpert
3/ Most body language novices will mistake this the R2E2 with the thought-emotion signal of disgust - yet these have two completely different meanings.

#ImpeachmentHearings #BodyLanguageExpert
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