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Sep 27th 2022
@POTUS .@Potus is right
4 decades of Republican #TrickleDownScam
that only support the 1%
Have gutted the working/middle class

Time to support #Joementum and work
from the Bottom up Middle out
economy that made America Great
Read 3 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
#Joementum is how we counter 4 decades of Republican trickle down Economics for the 1%

@Potus is right we need to rebuild from the middle out and go back to the New Deal policies that made our economy the strongest in the world
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast
Read 11 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
Big news! The House Democrats just dropped a big new #CLEANfuture bill: 80% clean power by 2030, 100% clean by 2035. This is huge momentum towards @JoeBiden's commitment of cleaning up our electricity system by 2035.

What's in the bill? Quick thread! 🧵…
First some background. This is an update to an important bill that came out last year, and which @DataProgress received positively in this post I wrote with @jnoisecat + @narayansub.…
One important change is that the new #CLEANfuture bill requires prevailing wages for construction of new generating units. All qualifying generation must also remain neutral with respect to the right to organize and bargain.

These are very important labor protections.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
#Resisters With #100DaysToGo until #ElectionDay, this thread is a detailed plan for all members of the #Resistance to exert their rightful influence over #Election2020! We got #OneChance to make these 100 days useful so let’s build the #JOEMENTUM! #ResistersUnite #Biden2020 #FBR
Step 1: Assist @JoeBiden:

Like & Share All Posts
Allow the Biden Campaign & Joe himself to make the pro-Joe case
Prioritize “Biden For President” monetarily & organizationally
Text United to 30330
Learn all “Biden Plans”
Cite “Joe’s Story”

#JOEMENTUM #Biden2020 #RidinWithBiden
Read 15 tweets
Mar 10th 2020
With the GOP & @DrJillStein's ridiculous claims of #BidensCognitiveDecline, I went back through hundreds of videos of Biden from 9-30 yrs ago to prove that Biden's stuttering issues and gaffes are nothing new. Please follow and share this thread, as I will continue to add more.
(THREAD) Here is another example of Joe Biden stuttering 18 years ago. #BidensCognitiveDecline is this election cycle's "but her emails." I literally have dozens of these videos that I will continue to share in this thread. Please RETWEET and follow.
(THREAD) Here is an example of Joe Biden 12 years ago, calling the word "JOBS" a "three letter word." No, there is no #BidensCognitiveDecline. He's just a self-proclaimed gaffe-machine. That's just @JoeBiden. More of these videos coming.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
Joe Biden's night so far:

- Winning big in #SuperTuesdayResults
- He's winning states no one thought he would win
- #JoeMentum is real
- Mike Bloomberg is tanking
- Trump is whining
- Joe Biden is going to the White House
- Trump is going to prison
- It's still only 11pm
Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end about what’s happening to him right now…
Wow is Donald Trump ever stupid…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
Holy shit, Joe Biden just won Minnesota. Just three days ago he was down by twenty points there. This guy is surging like I've never seen a candidate surge. #JoeMentum
Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end about what’s happening to him right now…
Wow is Donald Trump ever stupid…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
Last week #BernieSanders led in most #California polls by close to 20 pts over everyone.

-Today 2 polls say just 5, 8 pts. respectively over #JoeBiden.

-@FiveThirtyEight polling average has #Biden within single digits of #Bernie #Supertuesday #NexstarDC…
@FiveThirtyEight According to the polling #Joementum is real. #Bernie's organization in #California has been incredible, his outreach to Latino/independent voter blocs bodes well. But a narrow CA victory for the Sanders camp will be interpreted as a victory for #JoeBiden #SuperTuesday #NexstarDC Image
A few Democrat incumbents the @CAGOP and some of the CA Republican delegation in congress have their eyes on as "Flippable":

CA 10 - Josh Harder
CA 21 -TJ Cox
CA 25 -Katie Hill**
CA 39 -Gil Cisneros
CA 48 -Harley Rouda

Read 10 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
The big #SuperTuesday question for me today: are polls underestimating Bernie support? Much like #BlueWave elections of past few years, Bernie is energizing youths and apolitical types
We saw this in in 2017 election for #VAGovernor - Northam cruised to a 9-point victory even though late polls showed tightened race - I wrote at the time that "no one has any idea who a ‘likely voter’ is in post-Trump America"…
If there's a similar #BernieWave out there that is not reflected in the polls, then Bernie could do better today than expected - maybe winning VA, maybe getting more national dels than expected
Read 4 tweets
Mar 2nd 2020
THREAD: Ok, so who has endorsed @JoeBiden today as the #Joementum explodes?! Take a look below >>

2/ Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth…
3/ Former Nevada Senator and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid…
Read 27 tweets
Mar 2nd 2020
Hey Virginia – it’s #supertuesday2020 Tuesday tomorrow! Here's a quick explainer #VAPolitics #VADems
#Thread 1/11
Tuesday March 3 is "Super" because 14 states, including big guns CA & TX, hold primary elections. (Plus American Samoa has a caucus.) President Trump is going for re-election, so only the Dems are having an election…
Reminder: this is a PRIMARY election, where party voters choose candidate for Nov. general election. More accurately, voters choose DELEGATES to national party convention; these dels are the people who actually vote to select the nominee (A messy process to be sure)
Read 11 tweets

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